227.I am sorry Lisa

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Jackson grabbed the man's jaw and punched him hard on the face which resulted in bleeding from the corner of his lips.

He kicked him in his stomach which resulted in the driver falling behind and hit his head on the ground and fell unconscious.

Jackson snorted, "Hah. He went unconscious with only a punch and kick. This man is too weak but wants to show his power on a woman. These kinds of people do not deserve to call as people but trash." he kicked his fainted body with a dark expression on his face.

Jackson is a guy with his slim body and pointed face that looks very charming and approachable.

With his friendly and cool personality he does not look like that he can hit someone but behind his innocent face, he has hidden his identity which rules the cyber world and the underworld.

When Jackson's men came with Suho, Jackson handed them the man and said, "take him to the base and deal with him accordingly. Torture him to the point that he couldn't even think about doing anything like this again."

"And Daniel, check all his details and why did he kidnap Lisa. I want all the data about him in an hour," he said to his men and waved his hand to signal them to leave.

Suho stood dumbfounded there when he saw Jackson dealing in such manner.

He knows that Jackson is a man with a disordered background but he never thought that it could be to this point.

Even his men look like bodyguards and sophisticated on the surface but he knows that they're so obedient only in front of Jackson.

They won't be so easy to deal with without him. But he has to agree that Jackson at this time was more handsome and charming.

He was different from his childish and playful demeanor. If he was a girl he would have fallen for him

When Jungkook entered the storage room, he has kicked the man away from Lisa and after that did not even glance at him.

Because he knew that Jackson is there to deal with him. His main priority right now is Lisa.

When Jackson was dealing with the man, Jungkook looked at Lisa whose blouse was ripped and her skirt was also slightly rolled up revealing her skin.

His gaze darkened seeing that her legs and shoulders were bare and revealing her pearl white skin, he immediately wrapped her in his coat and covered her revealing skin and held her in his hands.

She was unconscious when he found her so he didn't wait for anything and picked her up in his embrace in a princess style to take her home.

When Jackson handed the driver to his men, he turned to look at Jungkook who has picked Lisa in his arms and was taking her away.

He didn't wait for anything and went to his side, "Is she fine?" he asked worriedly.

Though he doesn't have much impression of Lisa because they barely met for one or two times when he was with Jungkook and it was enough to dislike this arrogant brat.

But this time when he came back from his trip abroad, he found that the relationship between Jungkook and Lisa has improved a lot.

Moreover, the things that she has suffered, she does not deserve it even if she is rude and arrogant.

Jackson may have a shady background but he never did anything that would harm innocent people.

Jungkook didn't look at him and said while walking towards the door, "I am taking her home. You deal with that man and give me a report later."

When Jackson heard Jungkook's cold words in his dark and dangerous voice, he nodded and said, "Don't worry. I'll take care of that man. You take care of her."

Jungkook glanced at him and nodded.

When Suho saw Jungkook coming out of the storage with Lisa in his arms he hurriedly went to get the car and opened the door for Jungkook.

Jungkook carefully placed Lisa on the back seat and turned around to sit on the other side.

When he sat inside the car, he carefully took Lisa's head and placed it in his lap.

Her clothes were disheveled and hair was messy.

There was a large bump on her forehead which was now all red because when she fell for the second time when the man injected the drug in her body, she fell on her face which worsened the injury on her forehead.

Jungkook slightly touched her red forehead to caress the bump and his gaze darkened seeing the miserable condition of Lisa.

If they have been late for a minute more, then he couldn't even imagine what would have happened to her.

He remembered when they had opened the door, the man was on Lisa and his disgusting lips were about to touch her skin when they arrived.

He was relieved that nothing bad happened to her and was worried and upset at the same time because she had to suffer just because of his slight mistake.

He looked at Suho who was driving the car and said in a low voice, "Call doctor Jung and tell him to reach Jeon Villa as soon as possible. And take us to Jeon Villa as well."

Suho was baffled and said, "Sir, aren't you staying at Jeon Mansion for this week? You're going to Jeon Villa now?"

Jungkook shook his head and said, "Just take us to Jeon Villa. We will not go back there because it would be inappropriate to take there in this condition. Mom and Dad will worry and they will not let Lisa rest."

Suho nodded his head. It would be uncomfortable for him to take her there because Mother Jeon is very sensitive and would cry hysterically if she sees Lisa in this condition.

Then Jungkook has to calm her down too.

Jungkook tightly held Lisa in his arms worried that he might lose her again. He was scared when he heard her trembling voice on the phone.

"I am sorry Lisa..for being late." he bent his head down lightly pecked on her forehead.

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