357.They Won't Get A Divorce

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Park Bom was stunned seeing the outburst of Lisa. She didn't expect her to react this way. She pursed her lips and stared at her with her brows furrowed.

Even Mother Jeon was shocked seeing Lisa behaving this way. Though Lisa's tone was blunt and sharp but she could feel the pain that she was trying to hide under her loud voice.

She never knew Lisa before she got married to Jungkook and was worried that she might not fit into the Jeon family but she trusted Old Jeon's words.

She knows that he won't make him marry any girl. Lisa might seem rude but she wouldn't have behaved this way if Park Bom hadn't provoked her.

Lisa might not have opened to her yet but she never disrespected her. She also felt hearing her words that Park Bom stepped out of her boundaries.

Just because she was an elder she can't keep speaking rubbish and insult the other person. If you want the other person to respect you then you need to respect them first.

That's the basic courtesy.

However, she still felt that Lisa could have dealt with it better. But she doesn't want to blame her for her behavior either.

After all, she is not in her shoes. She can't feel what Lisa is feeling right now. She can only think that her actions might look a little much but for her, it was a normal reaction.

That's why Mother Jeon does not want to judge Lisa for her behavior. Who told Park Bom to comment on her family?

She doesn't know much about Lisa's family situation, how did she find out? She couldn't have found out all this unless she did some investigation on Lisa.

Before Mother Jeon could react, Park Bom stood up and yelled at Lisa, " Is this how your family brought you up? How can you shout at your elders? I don't know why brother allowed you in this family? How can he marry Jungkook to such a crude girl?" she scoffed as she looked at Lisa.

Eunji who was silent by now, stood up and held Park Bom's arms and said," Mother, you shouldn't bother yourself with this brat. It's not her fault that she is like this. She lost her mother when she was young and had to live with her father who cheated on her wife, so there is no doubt she is like this, short-tempered and has a bratty attitude." she gave Lisa a pitiful look.

" I am worried for Jungkook about how he is going to live with this girl. What if she also cheats on him like her father? " she gave Lisa a disgusting look as she held onto Park Bom's arms as if she was protecting her.

Though her words look like she was pitying at Lisa but her last words showed her real intentions.

Lisa gritted her teeth and was ready to retort their claims when Mother Jeon stood up. She walked to Lisa and said calmly, " Lisa, you go home. You don't need to stay here anymore."

Mother Jeon knows that it's not good for Lisa to fight with them herself that's why she asked her to go. She doesn't want Park Bom to give another excuse to let her insult Lisa.

Their words are too harsh and she can't let her listen to their words. She wanted her to go away from this situation.

Lisa was baffled when she heard Mother Jeon's words. She didn't expect Mother Jeon to side with them and she didn't say anything to them instead she was sending her away?

She looked at Mother Jn with unbelievable expressions on her face. She didn't expect this from her.

Though she doesn't know much about Jungkook's family yet, however, she never thought that Mother Jeon could be such a person. How can she not support her in this situation?

She always respected Mother Jeon and thought that she is very understanding and very sweet. Because of her, she thought that getting married to Liwie was not a bad idea.

She respects her that's the reason she came to Jeon Mansion alone when she doesn't want to come. She came here only because Mother Jeon was here.

She frowned and pursed her lips. She looked at Mother Jeon with wrong expressions and tried to figure out if she failed to see the true face of Mother Jeon.

Park Bom smiled smugly seeing Mother Jeon sending Lisa away. She folded her hands around her chest in arrogance and looked at Lisa with a mocking look on her face.

" Hah. See, your Mother in law also wanted to go away because she knows that if you stay here any longer you will only humiliate yourself and smudge the name of Jeon family." she mocked Lisa as she looked at her with a scornful look.

Lisa gritted her teeth and didn't say anything. She picked up her purse and left the Jeon Mansion without saying anything. She strode towards the entrance of Jeon Mansion in long strides and left the mansion in anger.

' I will never come back to this house again.'

After that day, she didn't come to Jeon Mansion even once. She was hurt not because of Park Bom but because of Mother Jeon.

She always thought that if Mother Jeon has said something that day, their relations wouldn't be estranged.


After Lisa left in anger, Mother Jeon stood there and watched at Lisa's back and the way she left.

She frowned and felt that if she has done something wrong. But she tightened her fists and turned to Park Bom.

Park Bom looked at her and said, " Well done. You're truly the Mistress of Jeon family. You know how to stand up for the right thing. Eunji, you should learn something from her, she has the aura and elegance that the mistress of Jeon family should have." she praised Mother Jeon for doing the right thing.

" That brat is not suitable for the family. I just hope that they won't have any children before having a divorce otherwise it will become so messy. If she gets pregnant, that child would be the same as hers" Eunji shamelessly talked rubbish in front of Mother Jeon thinking that she doesn't mind.

They all thought that Mother Jeon sent Lisa away because she didn't like Lisa and also thinks that she is rude and bratty.

Mother Jeon who sent Lisa away stood rooted at the place and stared at the two women in front of her.

Her patience was losing by every minute. She has sent Lisa because she doesn't want her to face these people more.

She knows that this Park Bom is shameless and could not stand the happiness of other people.

She always judges people on their wealth. She uses the name of the Jeon family very well to get to where she is.

No doubt the other members of the Jeon family don't like her. But because Old Man treats her like his sister, she was bound to respect her. She was her elder that's why she never argued with her, but today she insulted her daughter in law and not only that she cursed them to get divorced.

Mother Jeon clenched his fist tightly and lowered her head, " They won't get a divorce." she said in a low voice with her deep and raspy voice.

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