304.It was my luck

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Lisa looked at Irene with displeased expressions and said, "Ms. Bae, I do have some skills that's why I got this role. Otherwise how can I got selected in my very first audition."

"Not everyone need to struggle to get casted in Mr. Han's movie. I am just lucky to get selected after my first audition. Maybe he find something in me that he didn't get in others. " she said calmly.

She didn't said anything wrong. She was really lucky that Mr Han casted her as the second female lead.

She didn't have any intention to work in the entertainment industry and if Seulgi hasn't encouraged her to take this audition, then she wouldn't be sitting here.

Irene was taken back when she heard Lisa's words. She thought that she will panic and deny that she came here because of her efforts and she has also done struggle to reach here.

But she outrightly said that she was lucky and Mr Han might have seen something in her that she got this role which other actresses didn't get.

And she was also onw of those actresses.

'Is she saying that she got this role because she is more talented than me and Mr Han chose her not me?' Irene misinterpreted her words and started thinking unreasonably.

Whereas, Tzuyu was impressed with Lisa's witiness. If she hasn't give appropriate answer to Irene' s question than other actors may think that she came from the back door and really has some relationship with Mr Han.

Though it's not the first time that directors were named with actresses and the newspapers are filled with these news these days.

But Mr. Han has never got into any scandal with any actresses because people know about his personality and talent and no one with dare to mess with him

Tzuyu didn't like the way Irene asked her this question. She is her senior and she has no sense and asking her this question in front of everyone.

What of someone misunderstands and becuase of this Lisa has to face problems.

Jaebeom also looked at Irene with displeased expressions. He didn't liked the way Irene asked Lisa this question.

"Lisa is wrong ." Jaebeom turned to Lisa with firm expressions and his brows were frowning.

"Lisa, you're wrong to say that you got this role because you were lucky. You didn't get this role just because of your luck or any other thing but because you are talented." he said with affirmation.

Irene looked at him with displeased expressions. Her lips twitched when she heard his words.

"Jaebeom is right. How can you be just lucky and get this role? You must be talented enough that your acting moved Mr. Han's heart."

"Because many too actresses auditioned for this role and got rejected. Maybe they were not good enough and was surpassed by a newbie. "

"They should learn from the new generation as they can do anything to get the role and reach heights in their career." she said with a polite smile.

Though her words does not seem like she was saying anything wrong but Lisa and Jaebeom understood the meaning behind her words clearly.

Even Tzuyu also frowned hearing her words. She doesn't understand why Irene was doing all this.

She is a senior to Lisa and Lisa has never saw her before than why she keep picking on her.

"I know why Mr. Han casted Lisa for the role of Empress. I was also present at her audition." Jaebeom couldn't take it anymore and spoke in support of Lisa.

"I had seen many actresses even the experienced actresses couldn't grasp the character well." he looked into Irene's eyes with a glint of mocking in them.

"They didn't has the elegance and aura that our Empress should have. And moreover, the role of Empress is very complicated because she is the antagonist in the movie but if her character and emotions portrayed right, then people would feel pity and have sympathy for her. "

"Only Lisa understood this part and portrayed the emotions very well. I was equally shocked when I figured out that Lisa is a newbie."

"How can she understand the character well? Everyone portrayed anger and crazy behavior while auditioning. But it was only Lisa who showed the helplessness and sorrow of the Empress. "

"The Empress was not a bad person but circ.u.mstances make her into a bad one. Lisa is perfect to show the growth of the character. That's why Mr Han casted her. " he said with confidence and su

"seeing her audition, I couldn't believe she never studied or have done acting before. It seems that she is naturally talented. " he smiled at Lisa after saying his words.

He was indeed surprised and shocked to know that Lisa has never acted before and it was her first audition.

He has never seen acted before that too without any experience and learning. She has even surpassed all the actresses who have passed the acting universities and was acting from years.

She literally managed to pass Mr. Han's audition in a single chance.

Irene's expressions turned sour seeing Jaebeom praising her so much.

She has never seen him praising anyone like this before . She bit her lower lip and tried to hide her displeasure.

"You're right. Lisa I am sorry, I didn't meant to say it like this. I was just saying that you must be talented that's why Mr Han casted you. Please don't take my words otherwise." she pursed her lips and forced a smile.

Lisa pursed her lips and looked at Irene. She can felt that she was not sincere and just apologizing on the surface.

She forced a smile as well and said politely, "It's okay. I didn't mind your words. And it was true indeed. I didn't struggle neither it was my dream to become an actress. It was just my luck and maybe my talent as well." she smiled polite at her. 

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