267.You don't know anything?

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Lalisa was fl.u.s.tered when she heard Master Gong's words. She stared at him with a dazed expression and was confused about the words that the old man has just said.

'What does he mean by my choice? How can I want to come to this place? And I didn't even know before that such place or dynasty ever existed in history.'

Many questions were going on in her head and she felt slightly dizzy with all the chaos that was going in her head.

She held her head slightly and took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She reached out to grab a water jug and drank a full glass of water.

When she felt relieved, she turned her attention to the old man again who was staring at her indifferently.

"Master Gong, I didn't understand what you meant by My Choice? I didn't choose to come here. I don't even know how I come in this world?"

"As long as I can remember, I gave my memories to Lalisa. In that sense I should have been dead but how come I came in this world? "

"And why I remember everything when I gave my memories to her? It's all too complicated. I don't understand why all this happening to me? " she cried out in frustration.

She was upset at the fact that nobody asks her to come into this world and she doesn't even know how she arrived in this world and here this man was claiming that she came into this world on her own accord.

Master Gong didn't say anything and just listen to Lalisa's complaint. He saw her getting angry and due to frustration, her eyes were slightly red and she was on the verge of breaking down.

She was upset at the fact that everything that happened to her was not on her will, whereas this man was saying different.

She wanted to go back. To her home, her world. This place is very different from her place.

"It's true that you came here on your will but.."

"But what?" Lalisa asked in a low hoarse voice. She was trying to control her temper, otherwise, this man will not open up to her.

She was feeling nervous yet annoyed. However, she calmed down her nerves and wanted to hear his explanation rationally.

"But.. You cannot go out of this world on your own. Many things in this world cannot be explained or reasoned with. And I can't help you in sending you back to your world." The old man glanced at Lalisa's complicated expressions which fell when she heard his words.

"What do you mean I can't go back on my own? Why? Why I can't go back? And why can't you help me go back? " she desperately urged him.

She could not understand why she has to be in this world. Unlike, Lalisa, her life was not as pitiful as her. She was living her life rather peacefully and was having fun.

Only Nancy and problems between her and Jungkook have disturbed her happiness but she was not willing to give up her life for that reason.

"Because I am not the one who brings you in this world."

Lalisa was stunned when she heard these words of Master Gong. She could not decipher the meaning behind his words.

She pursed her lips and asked, "Then who bring me into this world and can send me back? " her voice was low but she was annoyed and frustrated.

Her patience was giving away and she was desperate to go back to her world. Who wants to live in a place where she cannot do anything on her own accord?

She truly pitied Lalisa's life because as an individual her life was nothing. She spent her whole life in fulfilling her duty as Empress, daughter in law and wife.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now