334.I Missed You So Much.

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Lisa and everyone went to the restaurant for lunch. Everyone was there except Yeri. Tzuyu has also arrived after a while as well after sending Mr. Han off.

Lisa smiled seeing Tzuyu and asked, " Did Mr. Han left?"

Tzuyu turned to Lisa hearing her question and replied, " Yes. He was praising you until he got into his car. Today, you did well. He has high hopes from you now." Tzuyu patted Lisa's shoulders in appreciation.

Lisa smiled helplessly when she heard her words. She was now feeling pressured because of the hopes that everyone has from her.

She just did what she felt. She still needs time to understand how this acting world works.

Tzuyu saw Lisa's tense expressions and chuckled lightly, " Don't worry. Everything will be fine. You just need to do as you did today. Don't think what others say and do according to your heart. Okay?"

Tzuyu can understand Lisa's feelings. It's her first time acting in front of the camera and she has no experience at all.

But even though she has no experience, she acted exceptionally well.

Lisa smiled when she heard Tzuyu's words and nodded.

For lunch, the buffet was arranged for them in the restaurant. The restaurant has been booked by them and the buffet arranged for the members.

Lisa was feeling uncomfortable and tired from the acting, so she did not take much food. She placed salad and some fruit custard on her plate.

Jeongyeon who was also eating her Seared honey lobster and was licking her fingers to savor its delicious taste was surprised seeing Lisa eating so little.

" Lisa, why are you eating so less? Are not feeling well? " she was worried about her since she was looking weak and pale since the script reading.

Lisa turned to look at her and smiled, " It's nothing. I just don't have any appetite to eat anything, that's why I am eating this. Moreover, this fruit custard is delicious."

Jeongyeon didn't say anything and ate her lobster deliciously. She was on diet for a few months and only yesterday she ate noodles which was like heaven for her.

She won't leave this lobster to go like this. She will savor it to the end.

Sehun was sitting at the same table and he felt worried about her seeing her eating so less.

Lisa whereas was in her thoughts. She was waiting for Jungkook's text because he didn't tell her why he asked her to stay behind and not go to S city with others.

She looked at her phone and suddenly a notification of a message popped up. She opened it and read his message.

" Don't think much. Just focus on your salad. "

Lisa felt confused when she read his message. She turned to look around to see if he was here.

But she could not see him anywhere. She hurriedly typed a message and sent him.

" How did you know that I am having a salad? Are you here? Did you not go back to S city?"

She was curious about why she asked all the questions in one go. She waited and waited.

She gritted her teeth when she didn't get any response.

Sehun was sitting across her and saw her engulfed in her phone. He understood who was keeping her busy during lunch as well. magic


After lunch, Lisa accompanied everyone to the bus to see them off.

She has already informed Tzuyu that she wanted to stay back and relax a bit. It will be like a vacation to her since she will not get the time to relax after the shooting starts.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now