353.Did I Do Something Wrong?

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When Lalisa got off the carriage, she looked around in wonder. This place was very clean and the air was very fresh. She has lived in the palace since she came into this world, so now when she came out, everything seems to be fascinating to her.

There were a few shops around this area that did not seem like the main market or something as it was not very crowded and there were only a few shops in the area. She remembered that Mingyu told her that his shop is in the main area and the market is also there.

Jeongguk got off the carriage and saw her staring at everything in amazement. Her expressions while she looked at everything in amazement is like she was seeing them for the first time. But he knows that she doesn't have memories so it's obvious for her to not know everything.

Mingyu who was inside the shop got the news of their arrival, so he came out and saw Lalisa and Jeongguk standing there.

" Brother you came." Mingyu looked at Jeongguk and then Lalisa. He nodded at her and greeted her with a smile.

Lalisa also nodded courteously. She is tired of this courtesy thing that she had to do for every meeting.

It's kinda annoying to do it all the time, but she has no choice other than to follow the rules.

Lalisa looked at Mingyu and asked, " Brother Park, is this your shop? I thought you said that it's nothing special but this shop is so big." The shop was expanded to a large area with many rooms.

Though she was only standing outside, she could see that it was such a large building that was expanded to a large area.

Mingyu smiled as he looked at Lalisa, " It's nothing. "

Mingyu chuckled seeing the ' I don't believe you' kinda expression and said. " It's nothing. The shop is on the only in the front part of the pavilion while there are other rooms inside for other work," he explained to her as he could see the surprise in her eyes.

Lalisa looked at the banner which was hanging at the entrance, which said " The Royal Brush."

Lalisa looked at Mingyu and asked, " Brother Park is this your' shop's name? It's really pretty." she said as she pointed at the board

Mingyu looked at the board and smiled, " Yes. It's my shop's name."

" Now let's not stand here and let me take you inside. You must be tired after traveling so please take some rest and drink tea first then I will give you a tour of this place. " Mingyu politely said to Lalisa.

Though Lalisa was excited about this tour, she was thirsty as well. She slept during the whole journey, so her throat is dry.

She nodded and looked at Jeongguk," Your highness, Is that fine with you? "

Jeongguk looked at her and saw her lips which were only a few inches away just now. If not for Minnie, then they might have kissed. Even though he was asleep, the kiss was still a kiss.

Lalisa who looked at him felt his gaze and pursed her lips. Her face turned slightly pink as she stared at his face.

Before she could turn away, he replied, " Yes. It's fine."

After that Mingyu brought them in and led them towards the inner pavilion of Royal Brush where there was a mini garden inside and was surrounded with rooms.

Lalisa was amazed with the arrangement here. The shop where all the items sold were in the front only and the inner arena has many rooms and a mini garden in the center.

' How could I believe Brother Park's words that he had a small shop only? He started this business separately from his father yet it was this luxurious. ' Lalisa looked at the rooms they passed by and looked at in amazement.

Mingyu, led them to his room which was like a bedroom. There was even a bed there and the chairs and table on the side.

He made them comfortably sit in the chairs and asked the servant to serve the tea and snacks.

Lalisa looked at everything and asked, " Brother Park, is this your room?"

She asked in surprise. She knows that many bosses in her time whose company was extremely big and lavish use to have rooms in their offices.

She has heard from Suho that Jungkook also has a room like this in his office as well but she never gets a chance to see that room.

Mingyu glanced at her when he heard her question and said, " Yes. It's my room. What do you think? Is this good?" he chuckled as he asked this question.

Lalisa nodded frivolously and said, " Yes. It's really beautiful."

While sipping the tea Lalisa asked, " Brother Park, what items do you sell here? Do many female customers come here to shop? Is this place expensive for commoners? Or you target only royals as customers only?" she asked all the questions which popped up in her head.

Mingyu was speechless when he heard her questions. It was the first time a woman asked him about the shop and surprisingly all the questions were very materialistic and generally, women had no idea about the business things.

Jeongguk, who was sitting beside her looked at her in surprise and asked, " Lalisa, do you have an interest in business? How do you know about these things very well?"

Lalisa was caught off guard when Jeongguk asked her this question. She blinked her eyes innocently and wondered, ' Weren't these normal questions? Why are they looking at me like this?

' Aren't these the basic questions?'

' Did I do something wrong?'

" Ahm, I just asked whatever came to my mind. You don't have to answer my question if they're too burdensome." she waved her hand in front of Mingyu.

She was worried that they might start questioning her if this conversation continues. She felt nervous under their gaze as they were staring at her with the blank expressions on their faces.

' At least react to something, dammit. It's so hard to read their minds.'

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