278.I never thought that Ms. Chou can be this fierce

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Yeri was angered hearing Tzuyu's sarcastic remarks. She was taunting her for having no acting skills and was telling her not to come.

Yeri felt that she deliberately tell this earlier that someone was going to come during the bonfire to give them some tips.

"Tzuyu, what did you mean by bad acting? Are you deliberately provoking me?" Yeri asked sternly while glaring at Tzuyu.

She could sense the sarcasm in Tzuyu's words and they were meant for her.

"Ms. Kim, what are you saying? I am just explaining to everyone that tonight there will be an important guest who can give them important tips to act in a historical movie. And if they miss this, it will affect their actions. I am just stating the fact."

"I am not targeting anyone. Why do you think I will target you? Do you think that you're acting is not good enough and that's why I am picking on you?" she asks her innocently.

Truthfully, everyone could understand the meaning behind Tzuyu's words and were laughing inwardly.

Lisa looks at Tzuyu interestingly. She has thought that Tzuyu is just Mr. Han's assistant and seeing Yeri's attitude, she will get bullied.

But seeing her comebacks, she realized that Tzuyu is not as simple as she looks. She might look cute and fragile from her petite looks but her fierce character could not be hidden.

No doubt she has been beside Mr. Han for so long. Only this kind of character can handle the craziness of Mr. Han.

Yeri's face turned red from embarrassment. Tzuyu has left no way for her to retaliate.

No one has spoken after hearing Tzuyu's words and it was only her. Tzuyu's words made it look like she was the only one who thinks that she could not perform well.

"Hmph." she turned her head away and decided to go back to her room.

Because it will be a waste of her breath to argue with a mere assistant. Her boyfriend has done so much to get her this role, so she needs to have this much control at least.

She is not a petty person who holds grudges for every single thing. She decided to be magnanimous and decided not to say anything to her.

Her assistant took the key for her room and she didn't say anything to anyone and went to her room.

Everyone looked at her back and the way she left in fury. The atmosphere became more awkward and uncomfortable.

However, Tzuyu was happy seeing Yeri walking away in frustration. She felt proud of making her annoyed.

Initially, she wanted to give everyone a surprise by the surprise visit of the guest that she had prepared.

But seeing the rude behavior of Yeri, she could not help but taunt her. She was quite annoyed and Mr. Han was also not there to keep these artists in check.

Technically, Tzuyu is Mr. Han's assistant, but in reality, their relationship was much more than this.

He was her mentor and treats her as his daughter. She is very fond of him and that's the reason why she was the only one who can handle his mood.

No one in the industry can work with him well enough like Tzuyu.

Lisa saw Yeri's silhouette disappearing and saw her entering into the hotel.

They were still standing in the garden.

After Yeri left, Tzuyu looked at everyone and said, " Everyone, don't waste your time in useless stuff and get going. Hurry and go freshen up. After that, meet me in the back garden of the hotel in 2 hours. " She said while clapping her hands together.


"Yes." Everyone replied in agreement.

After that Lisa get hold of her trolley bag and was ready to leave with Mina. She saw Tzuyu talking to the bus driver and was discussing something.

She went near to Tzuyu and after she was done, she called out to her, "You were impressive just now. I never thought that Ms Chou can be this fierce." she said with a warm smile on her face.

Tzuyu turned around and smiled seeing Lisa. She has a great talk with Mina also she liked Lisa because she has seen her audition and the way she carries herself.

Lisa is very cooperative and always talks warmly with everyone. Whereas Tzuyu hates people who only cause a problem for her and pretends to be high and mighty.

She also knows the ways Tzuyu used to get this role. But she did not say anything because if Mr. Han is not doing anything, then who is she to say anything?

"It's nothing. I have to deal with these kinds of people daily. Yeri is nothing. I have seen many people who think that they own the world. But I am not someone who could take such an attitude without saying anything." she said with a sly smile.

Lisa nodded at her words. She understands that she has to face this kind of person on her daily basis. So it was nothing to her.

Afterward, both Lisa and Mina went to their room. They were assigned a single room in which she and Mina will sleep together.

The Ning city is a small town in the countryside and the hotel was also not big enough. They could only get a few rooms and artists has to sleep with their assistants as well.

After all, this was only a workshop and it wasn't a big problem for them to adjust for a night.

Everyone was satisfied with the arrangement because the rooms were big enough for two people to stay and were clean and has all the necessary amenities.

Lisa looked around the room and was surprised how good this hotel is. Despite it is not much luxurious and big but it was good enough for them to stay for a night.

Mina was arranging their bags and asked Lisa, "Lisa you can go take a bath first. You must be tired. After this we need to go downstairs for the barbeque." she said while taking out her clothes from her bags.

Lisa looked at Mina and nodded. She has already placed her clothes in the closet as she does not like to keep her clothes in the bag all the time.

Moreover, she does not want to bother Mina for this small work. Afterward, she picked up her clothes and went to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Lisa came out wearing a white-colored comfy dress. This dress was simple and comfy to wear at night.

Though she does not want to wear a dress at this time, but they have to go downstairs for the barbeque and the bonfire. They will meet people and she could not be dressed improperly.

Mina who was reading a file sitting on a sofa in the room was surprised to see Lisa's beauty.

She was not wearing any makeup and as she has just taken a bath, her face was fresh and was slightly red.

Her hair was tied with a towel to make it dry. This was showing her long neckline which was fair and was enticing.

Mina nodded her head in acknowledgment. She hasn't seen her acting yet but she could see why Seulgi has signed Lisa as her art.

She was naturally beautiful and she doesn't need to do anything to prove her charm to anyone. She is naturally beautiful and charming.

Lisa who has just walked out of the bathroom sensed Mina's gaze and felt embarrassed about it.

She laughed lightly and asked, "What are you doing? Why are you staring at me like this?"

"Ah? Nothing. It's just that you're really pretty. I am just thinking that I would have pursued you if I was a man." Mina chuckled as she completed her words.

Lisa was surprised when she heard these words from Mina and felt embarrassed about it. She never thought that Mina could be this easy-going and cheesy.

"What are you saying? Don't exaggerate things" she laughed as she walked towards the vanity table.

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