253.The biggest enemy in any relationship was lack of trust

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Jeon Villa.

Lisa spent the whole week while resting and sleeping. Jungkook didn't let her do anything for the whole week.

For the first few days, he accompanied her at home and took care of her. He never left her side even for a minute.

Lisa started to feel weird because he stuck to her all day. Sometimes she felt frustrated because he didn't let her do anything and she felt bored by just lying on the bed the whole day.

With much difficulty, she finally persuaded him to go to the office and made him believed that she was fine and will take a rest and do nothing.

It was so hard to make him believe that she was fine. She had to ask the doctor for his opinion and when he said that she can walk on her own but needs to take caution and should not walk much for a week, then Jungkook agreed to go for work.

Otherwise, he would have stayed at home for the whole week and helped her take wherever she wants.

The days he stayed at home, he always carried her to the washroom and wherever she wanted. He didn't let her place her foot on the ground as he was afraid that her infection will get serious.

He does not want her to get hurt more and wanted to pamper her and took care of her like a princess. She felt like she was some kind of porcelain doll that needs to be protected at any cost.

These days, they both slept together on the bed but he didn't touch her and controlled himself because he knows that she was sick and he could not go overboard.

He does not want to hurt her again. These past days, their relationship has improved a lot.

Now Lisa does not feel uncomfortable while sleeping with him. She felt that these past days their relationship has improved a lot and they have become closer.

She was sitting on the sofa in her room while flipping through the English book. These days after Liwie joined the office, she went to his study and searched for a few books of English to read.

The real Lisa has studied abroad and English was a language in which she was very fluent and stable.

However, Lalisa was unfamiliar with this strange language. But she needs to learn it from the core to not let people be suspicious of her.

Moreover, she has Lisa's memories and it was not much difficult when she started to read the books to learn the language.

When she picked up the book, she realized that many things looked familiar and for some reason, she can adapt to it well.

These days she has used it to learn English so that people won't doubt her anymore. Because English is a language which has become very common and if she can't speak English, then people will doubt her.

It was Saturday and she has to go to the hospital on Monday as the doctor has asked her to get a checkup before resuming her work.

After the incident, she had informed Seulgi about what happened. Jungkook had asked her to explain everything to her because if there is any problem in the future than it would be Seulgi who has to manage everything.

When Seulgi heard it, she was shocked to know that someone kidnapped her in front of the Global World. She became panicked but Lisa assured her that she was fine and just needed to rest. Lisa has omitted the part of how she was rescued because if she were to tell her the details then it would be difficult for her to hide Jungkook's identity.

Seulgi understood everything and asked her to rest and not think about anything else. She knows about the workshop that was supposed to be held next week and told her that she will see what she can do.

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