319.Are You Sexually Deprived That You Can't Control Your Hormones?

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Jeong Dynasty

Lalisa was tired of the drama that happened in the kitchen. After Eunbi left, Jeongguk urged her to go back to her room and rest.

She was already planning to do so, but when he said she finally got the chance to rest. Although only a few hours left until the welcome feast for Mingyu, at least she can rest until then.

Minnie said that she would take care of everything, so she was relieved.

She left the kitchen and bowed slightly in front of Jeongguk saying that she is going back.

But Jeongguk just smiled and didn't say anything. She smiled awkwardly and turned to go to the Lotus pavilion.

But when she started walking towards her direction, she felt that someone was following her.

She was surprised when she turned around and saw Jeongguk following her. She was confused seeing him following her.

His chamber is in the opposite direction and there is no need for him to follow her.

She stopped in her steps and asked him in bewilderment, "Your Highness, do you have something with me?" She wanted to know if he had some work with me or something to talk about.

Because then why was he following her?

Jeongguk stopped in his tracks and looked at her confused expressions. His lips curved upwards in amusement when he heard her words.

"No." he casually said with a slight smirk on his face.

She was surprised to see his sudden casual behavior. Generally, didn't he keep following her here and there.

He always does whatever she says since she came back. But why is he behaving this way?

She was confused about what is the meaning of the word 'No'? Then why is he following her?

She smiled awkwardly and said lightly, "Oh".

She didn't bother him anymore and turned around to go back. He didn't give her proper reply, so she wasn't interested in talking to him either.

He saw her flipping her hair back in hair and walking hurriedly to create distance between them.

While walking hurriedly, her foot tangled with her dress and she almost fell, but thankfully Jeongguk was walking behind her and with his fast reflexes, she would have gotten hurt badly.

She would have fallen on the ground on her face. But Jeongguk held her hand tightly which prevented her from getting hurt.

Jeongguk was casually walking behind her and he has increased his pace as well seeing her running away. His legs were long, so he doesn't need to run like Lalisa.

But suddenly he saw her losing her balance and stretched his hand to hold on to her. At the moment, he only gets to hold her hand and saves her from falling.

So, when he held her hand tightly, he pulled her closer to make her stand otherwise in that position, she might have fallen again.

Lalisa was stunned when he suddenly pulled her closer and her shoulder hit his strong muscled chest.

Her hair fell on her face making her look more beautiful at this moment. The sun rays were falling on her face making her glow with brightness.

Jeongguk had the urge to kiss her at this moment, but he does not want to make her more embarrassed.

She was already avoiding him since that Adam apple kiss incident. He tried to act cool in front of her, but whenever he sees her soft moist lips which have kissed his neck, he couldn't help but imagine their taste.

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