338.Didn't I Measure Your Size Last Night Correctly?

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Lisa started to feel annoyed because she was tired and wanted to take a bath but there were no clothes for her to change into. She was wearing her same skirt and white blouse in which she traveled and was rather uncomfortable to sleep at night

Jungkook looked down at her and smiled. He lowered his head and spoke in her ears in a low voice, " We can buy clothes tomorrow morning. What's the rush?" he said in a husky voice.

Lisa furrowed her brows when she heard his words. ' What's the rush? Does he want me to sleep naked at night?'

" Then what will we wear at night? I need to take a bath. I can't sleep like this." she glared at him as she asked him a question.

Jungkook smiled slyly seeing her bursting in anger and said innocently, " I am not stopping you from taking a bath. In fact, we can take it together if you want. And about clothes...you can simply not wear them. I don't have any problem with it. I like the natural side of you more than anything." he grinned as he checked her out from head to toe.

Lisa's mouth opened in shock as her eyes widened in shock. She never expected to hear such words from his mouth.

Even though he said such words before as well, this version was more explicit and bold. She glared at him and gritted her teeth.

Now she was feeling extremely uncomfortable and nervous thinking about what will happen when they reach the resort.

Suddenly reality hit her when she realized that his voice was not low at all. He didn't lower his voice while saying such words. He again turned to look at the driver in front who seemed to be trying to hold his expressions.

This time the driver didn't do anything and switched off the lights inside the car and the darkness fell inside the car.

She glared at Jungkook who couldn't see it due to the darkness. Lisa didn't bother to say anything and turned towards the window to see the scenery outside.


When they finally reached the resort it was around 12:30 am because it was quite far from the airport. She was feeling exhausted from the long traveling.

Lisa got out of the car and stretched her hands. When she looked in front, her eyes widened in shock seeing the luxurious resort in front of her.

The resort was surrounded by greenery and the beach was also near to it. The pathway to the entry was resort was brightened with the beautiful colorful lights making the night more beautiful.

Though it's already pitch dark yet the lights were enhancing the beauty of this place. This place was truly the definition of heaven.

The place was enormous and beautifully decorated keeping its natural beauty intact. Lisa was busy admiring its beauty when Jungkook approached her from behind and wrapped his hand around her waist embracing her in his arms. magic

Lisa was surprised when he suddenly hugged her from behind but then she also placed her hand on his hand which was placed on her stomach.

She was now accustomed to his affection and physical skinship.

Jungkook placed his chin on her shoulder and asked, " Did you like it?"

Lisa tilted her head to look at him and nodded her head as she was charmed by its beauty.

" This place is really beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here" she said with a glad smile on her face.

Rather than bringing her here, she was glad that he is with her. She was glad that she can enjoy this happiness with him, otherwise, there wouldn't be any meaning of such happiness.

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