287.You immoral girl

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Jeong Dynasty

Lalisa, hesitantly climbed the steps and stood in front of the door of the Chamber.

She took a deep breath outside the chamber and wondered if she should go in.

Guards who were standing there looked at Lalisa in confusion and wondered why she was standing there like this.

Just as she was about to push the door, the door opened from inside.

She was startled when the door opened suddenly and she lost her balance, resulting in her to fell forward.

She was shocked when she lost her balance and closed her eyes as she was afraid of pain.

But the pain that she was didn't come and she felt a pair of strong and warm hands holding onto her tightly.

She opened her eyes slowly to see why she doesn't feel any pain. But what came into her sight was strong chest which was covered by a traditional male robe.

She gulped slightly as she realized that it was Jeongguk's robe.

She raised her head slightly to see a pair of dark eyes that were looking at her in amus.e.m.e.nt.

Jeongguk has woken up long ago and was looking at the items in her chamber.

He was waiting for her to come back but seeing that she is taking a long time, he decided to come out and look for her.

When he opened the door of the chamber, suddenly a body which was light as a feather and soft as cotton fell onto him

He held her on time and held her in his embrace. He was startled and surprised at the same time.

He smelled her unique fragrance which was hazing his mind.

He looked at her petite face and the way she was flinching her brows and has closed her eyes tightly due to fear of pain.

His eyes went to her plump peachy lips which she was biting in fear. He controls the urge to place his lips on her moist lips.

When Lalisa saw that it was Jeongguk who has opened the door, she straightened herself and stood up with his help.

Her face has turned red and she tried to avoid eye contact with him as her earlobes have turned crimson red.

He looked at her embarrassed face and a smile plastered on his face.

She did not look at him and asked while trying to avoid his gaze, "What were you doing here? His Highness, you must be very busy. You must have many ministers to meet you but if you spend your whole day here, then Empress Dowager will say that I am disrupting your work."

She tried to chide him away. She doesn't understand why he stayed here for so long and why he didn't go back?

'Does he have no work to do?'

Jeongguk looked at her in amus.e.m.e.nt and chuckled, "I was waiting for you. You left so abruptly that we didn't have any time to talk."

Lalisa froze on the spot as her ears turned red. Remembering the scene where she kissed him on his neck played in her mind.

"What.. What do you want to talk about? I.. I am busy, I can't talk to you right now. " she waved her hand at him as she proceeded to go inside the room.

Jeongguk looked at her back in confusion as he asked her, "What work? What are you busy with?"

Hearing this, Lalisa froze on the spot.

'Yes. She has nothing to do. How can she be busy? There is nothing for her to do.' she stopped in her tracks and closed her eyes.

'Is there nothing which can make me busy? ' she wondered inwardly.

She turned around slowly and laughed awkwardly.

"I.. I have to make preparations for tonight's feast. Master Park is here so we should have dinner with everyone. And for that, I need to instruct them to make different delicacies. So I need to go to the kitchen to check everything." she said with a low voice and stuttering in between.

She has just said randomly because Minnie has told her that whenever Mingyu comes at the palace, they always have dinner together and Lalisa used to prepare everything herself.

She just said that thing to run away from the awkwardness.

Jeongguk raised his brows and asked, "You will check everything? Won't you feel tired if you work this much? You need to take rest rather than working." he said worriedly.

Lalisa shook her head and said, "No.. No. I am not tired at all. I can do this much work at least. Your highness, If you want, you can go back and I will go to the kitchen to check the arrangements of the feast tonight. " she said trying to be calm and dignified.

The most difficult thing for her is to be calm and elegant, especially in these strange clothes.

Though traditional clothes are not that troublesome however she has lived abroad for long and never wore traditional clothes in her life.

Now she suddenly has to wear these long and heavy traditional wear all the time which gives her a great headache.

Jeongguk looked at her and contemplated for a minute.

"Okay. If you want to go, then you can go. I will go to study also to read some doc.u.ments. But don't take much pressure."

Lalisa nodded politely and said, "Don't worry. I will take care of myself. You can go and do your work in peace."

Jeongguk nodded and turned to go back to his room.

When Lalisa saw Jeongguk going back, she sighed heavily.

"I almost lost my life because of holding my breath," she mumbled as she walked towards the bed and sat on it.

Her eyes moved to the pillow where he might have slept and the blanket which he had used.

The images of that kiss came flooding in her mind. She shook her head frivolously and mumbled, "Lisa. What are you thinking? Can't you stay focused? How can you melt like this just because he is handsome? You immoral girl."

She cursed herself for losing her attention so soon.

"Miss, what are you doing?" just as Lalisa was about to lay on the bed, Minnie's voice could be heard from the entrance of the room.

Lalisa looked at her in confusion and asked, "What do you mean? I am just taking a nap." she said lazily.

Minnie rolled. Her eyes at her and said, "But miss, you told his highness that you would visit the kitchen to check the arrangements. Aren't you going to go?"

Lalisa turned to look at Minnie with an irritated gaze and sighed.

She thought that she could skip going there and just said it to send him away.

But it seems that people still remember her words.

Lalisa looked at her seriously and said, "Minnie, there are many things that we say to other people. But we don't need to follow those things. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Minnie rolled her eyes at him, "I can't understand what you're saying. Miss, we need to check the arrangements in the kitchen otherwise if anything went wrong, everyone will blame you. "

Lalisa closed her eyes tiredly and said, "I am not going. You can go and check the preparations." she waved her hand at Minnie to go away.

She doesn't know anything about cooking so what she will check there? There is nothing she can help them with.

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