341.Stop It, Jungkook. You Need To Control Yourself

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After a while, Jungkook looked at the girl who was laying in his embrace. She was laying in his embrace with her eyes closed as she does not have any energy to move around and was sleeping soundly.

Both were covered in sweat despite the air conditioner due to the rigorous exercise that they just had.

Jungkook felt bad seeing her so exhausted. To not torment her more as she does not have much energy, he stopped after one round only.

Though he wanted to go for more as one round was not enough for him but he needs to worry about her as well. She didn't complain much however, he couldn't bear to watch her cry like this.

It was her first time and knows that it will hurt her. That's why he stopped after one round to not increase her pain further.

He got off the bed and wiped her body clean with a warm towel. His throat felt parched while he was wiping her to clean.

It was hard for him to clean her when she was sleeping like a log with her body exposed to him. He looked down at his arousal and sighed.

' This girl is a true seductress. She doesn't need to do anything to seduce me. '

He wiped her body with much difficulty and it was extremely difficult for him to clean her intimate parts. After he was done he looked around for her gown and found it on the ground which was ripped badly.

In the moment of passion earlier, he tore off her gown and she doesn't have any other gown as well because he only asked the hotel staff to prepare only a few clothes as they could buy more themselves.

But he never thought that he would tear her gown like this. Now she does not have any clothes or pajamas to wear at night.

The hotel has prepared only a pair of clothes as instructed. He pursed his lips and saw her naked body for a moment.

' Should I leave her like this? Only I am here so it doesn't matter if she wears clothes or not.' for a moment he felt himself getting distracted with his lewd thoughts.

Then he thought about the consequences of her leaving her like this. She would shout at him in the morning if he left her like this, moreover, she could get cold as well because the air conditioner was on.

She can't sleep wearing her dress either as it will be uncomfortable this way.

So he changed her into his t-shirt that he was wearing earlier and changed her undergarments as well. His throat felt dry seeing her wearing his black t-shirt only with her undergarments on.

She was looking much more tempting this way. He swallowed his saliva and shook his head.

' Stop it, Jungkook. You need to control yourself. She is already sleeping, you can't disturb her.' he tried to calm down.

After changing her into his shirt he finally lay beside her and pulled her in his embrace.

He was surprised that she didn't even open her eyes when he cleaned her up and changed his clothes.

' She really sleeps like a log.' he smiled as he looked at her from close.


In the morning, when Lisa woke up because of her natural clock, she looked around and found herself embraced in the pair of strong arms that were holding her tightly.

She realized that this was not her room and they came to Bali when she looked around and saw the unfamiliar surroundings.

She looked at her side and found Jungkook sleeping beside her peacefully. He was holding her in his embrace and her head was placed on his head using it as the pillow.

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