271.Second Male Lead?

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The driver placed the luggage in the luggage compartment on the back side of the bus while Lisa and Mina boarded the bus with Tzuyu.

When Lisa boarded the bus, she was surprised to see the people inside sitting on the bus.

There was Lim Jaebeom who was the male lead of the movie. She knows him as he has present at her interview.

Beside him there was a man sitting beside him, probably his manager or something.

She walked to him and greeted him with a slight bow.

Jaebeom was pleased with Lisa's polite gesture.

Hewaved his hand at her and said, "You don't need to be this polite. Just relax. This workshop is for us to have fun and also to make ourselves known with each other."

"And I have seen you in your interview. Although you're new but you're very talented. So you just need to focus on polishing your skills and need to learn more."

Lisa listened to his words calmly and nodded at times.

After that Lisa turned her head and looked at the girl sitting opposite to his seat.

Oppositeto his seat, there was a pretty girl sitting who was wearing a crop top with a jacket and mini skirt.

Her hair were of mid length and was brown in colour.

Lisa squinted her eyes as she was surprised to see how the girl was dressed up.

They need to travel in a bus for around 3-4 hours and the girl was wearing a short skirt with long pencil heels.

Also, she was wearing loads of makeup, which was giving her mature and old look.

Lisa gave her a light smile and greeted her, "It's nice to meet you."

The girl squinted her eyes at her and ignored her greeting.

Lisa was speechless on her rude behavior.

She was just being polite because she was a newbie but this girl was behaving arrogantly.

The girl looked at Lisa and narrowed her eyes. Lisa was confused when she saw the displeased expression on the girl's face.

She doesn't even know her then why she was looking at her like this?

Lisa stood rooted at the place when Mina who was behind her whispered in her ears.

"She is Yeri, the female lead of the movie. She is an A grade actress but her character is a little off. You need to be careful around her."

Lisa turned to look at her in surprise and then nodded. Now she understood why she was being so snobbish.

Lisa pursed her lips and was contemplating to where to sit when Tzuyu's voice came from behind.

"Lisa, you sit on the seat in front of Jaebeom. The seats has been arranged according to your characters and you have to sit with your partners. "

"So that you guys can form a bond with each other and can show the natural chemistry between each other."

Tzuyu has squeezed herself from behind and came beside Lisa.

"Lisa, you sit at the window seat. The second male lead will arrive in a while, till then you can relax. It was your first time meeting him, so don't be nervous. "

Tzuyu told her as she show her the seat. Lisa followed Tzuyu's lead and walked towards the seat and asked in surprise," Second male lead? Is there another male lead as well? "

She has no idea about the second male lead. She didn't read about that part. She hasn't got the whole script of the movie. It was just a part of the script.

She has no idea if there is any second male lead as well.

Tzuyu replied casually, "Yes. He is your partner. You must have not read the whole script. Right?" she chuckled as she asked her.

Lisa nodded slightly. "It's nothing. Your partner is a famous actor in this field and it was the first time that he was performing as a second male lead. You should feel lucky that you will be the partner of such an amazing actor."

"Though he can be a little hard to handle but he is really good at his work. Moreover, he is very handsome. " she whispered in her ear.

"But who is he? I mean what is his name?" You will know when he will come in a while. You just relax." Lisa smiled awkwardly.

She was feeling uncomfortable when she heard about the second male lead.

She sat on her seat and was waiting for Mina to come beside her but Tzuyu stopped her in middle. "Hey. Where are you going? You will sit with me and besides Lisa our second lead will sit."

Tzuyu said as she slightly pulled Mina to her seat.

Mina was surprised when Tzuyu suddenly pulled her. She helplessly looked at Lisa.

Lisa nodded at her to not worry about her.

Truthfully speaking, she was quite worried because she has no idea who this second male lead is?

She has to work with him and she doesn't know anything about him. She can just hope that he won't be arrogant and will easy to approach.

She took a deep breath and looked out of the window.

She was sitting alone while looking out of the window. But she could feel a pair of eyes glaring at her from behind.

She turned to look behind and saw Yeri glaring at her fiercely.

Yeri sneered when Lisa suddenly turned around and she shifted his gaze away.

Lisa: " -_- "

Lisa was speechless.

She has no idea what was this girl's problem.

She never met her before but this girl seems to be carrying a grudge from her.

She sighed and was about to turn around when her eyes accidentally met with Jaebeom's eyes.

She smiled at him lightly and nodded. He was surprised when their eyes locked.

He looked into Lisa's dark orbit eyes and felt enchanted by her natural beauty.He has never seen such a natural beauty like her.

He didn't say anything and just smiled at her

Afterthat Lisa also turned around and straighten her back. She shifted his gaze outside the window and was enjoying the weather.

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