286.We need to deal with that bi*ch

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Sana raised her brows when she heard Yeri's words.

After not getting the role of the second female lead, she was frustrated.

She does not want to let Lisa live happily and decided to show her who's the real winner among them.

Sana could not take that Lisa is living her happy life after humiliating her like this at the audition and even going to debut in Mr. Han's movie.

She finds out about the information on the cast of Eternal Love and got to know that the role of female lead will be played by Yeri.

She remembered that Yeri was the one who received the award of Best Newcomer last year.

Yeri surpassed Sana and got that award. Though Sana hates and dislikes her for winning that award.

But the hatred that she has towards Lisa is much more than the Yeri.

And she knew Yeri's personality. She only looks kind and gentle on the surface and it was all show for her fans.

But in reality, she was crude and has an arrogant personality. Though her acting is better than Sana however she has always looked down on other people and after getting the award her attitude has become worse.

Moreover, now she has someone to protect her from behind which has increased her arrogance.

That's why she contacted Yeri earlier to ask her if she wanted to help her deal with Lisa.

Sana has told her how arrogant bi*ch she is. Lisa always tried to seduce men with her looks and always look down on other people.

At that time, Yeri has rejected her because she does not like Sana nor she knows about Lisa.

She does not want to get into any mess. But when she saw Lisa for the first time, she started to believe Sana's words.

Lisa is very beautiful and despite being a newbie, everyone was very heartwarming to her even Tzuyu and Jaebeom.

Moreover, she is very beautiful. She was only wearing casual jeans and tops when she boarded the bus but her charm could not be hidden.

And the incident at the barbecue party confirmed that Lisa is not so simple.

She is going against her so she needs to show her who is the best.

"So, Ms. Kim realized that what I was saying was true? That Lisa is nothing but a bi*ch who seduces men and get into their bed to secure the role."

"I am sure she has done the same this time, that's why she has gotten this important role when she has no experience in acting whatsoever. Don't you think we should deal with her and kick her out of the movie? " she asked as she placed the nail paint on her table and held the phone properly.

Yeri looked at her reflection in the mirror and remembered the way Lisa took the bowl of noodles in front of her and how Tzuyu insulted her just to protect her.

She clenched her fists tightly and said, "Yes. We need to deal with her. She does not deserve to act beside me. What does she think of herself? These kind of slu*ty bi*ches does not deserve to act beside me. They are dirty." she sneered over the phone.

When Sana heard this, her face fell. She furrowed her brows and pursed her lips tightly.

What does she mean by they are dirty? She does not care if she insulted Lisa but it feels like she was insulting her also.

After all, she has got most of her roles in the movie because of her backing. Based on her acting, she would not get a single role.

However, Sana didn't say anything about it and said, "Yes. We need to deal with her and should not let her stay in the movie for long.. Right now, you just need to calm down and relax. That bi*ch is so smart. Don't let her outshine you. Just remain calm and don't say anything yet."

"We will do something about her when the filming starts. You're there for workshop right? Just bear for now. You won't be there for long, so just endure it. After that, we can do what we want after the shooting starts. "

"You will have many chances at that time to handle her that way. "

Yeri frowns hearing her words. She does not like the way she was telling her what to do.

She never does what other people tell her but she cannot say anything to her right now.

She needs to have someone who knows Lisa well to plan against her.

"Hmm. I know. I will deal with her. If she was kicked out of the movie, then you can get the chance to get this role."

Yeri does not like her but she is better than Lisa because her acting is poor and her looks are not that outstanding in front of her.

There is no chance for her to outshine her.

"Yeri, you're the only one who thinks of me. I am glad to get such a good friend. We can kick that bi*ch out and will work together. I am so excited."

Yeri's lips curled upwards in disgust but she didn't say anything.

After bidding goodbye she cut the call.

She looked at the phone in her hands and scoffed, "Who is her friend? She is so shameless. Hmph. "

After the dinner, everyone prepared for the bonfire as Jaebeom and Sehun started the fire.

Lisa observed everyone and it seems that they have forgotten everything that happened with Yeri.

While guys were busy starting the fire, the girls were cutting fruits and making some fruit custard to eat while enjoying the fire.

Lisa was exempted from this as she has cooked dinner for everyone.

Mina and Jeongyeon told her that they can do this much. They need to show her their skills also.

Lisa laughed at them and let them do what they want.

Lisa spotted Tzuyu was talking at the phone in the corner.

She walked up to her and by that time, Tzuyu finished her phone call.

"How did you know about what she did to Lia?" Lisa asked when she reached by Tzuyu.

Tzuyu was surprised but smiled when she turned around and saw Lisa standing there.

"What do you think? " she winked at her.

Lisa smiled helplessly seeing her behaving this way. Tzuyu laughed lightly and said,

"I heard her words when I came to your room. When Lia was in your room, I came to talk to Mina about something. But when I heard Lia's sobbing I stopped by the door and heard everything."

"That's how I got to know everything. And seeing the redness on her face and hands made it evident that what she said was true. "

"But you could have exposed Yeri at that time. Why did you tell that in front of everyone?"

"At first I wasn't planning to do all this. Because Lia also quit and she didn't say anything to me, so I was planning to let it go this time. "

"But Yeri's behavior during dinner annoyed me and I told this in front of everyone. If I kept silent than she would have done whatever she wants. I needed to show her that I am not an easy person to take her tantrums easily. " Tzuyu chuckled slightly.

Lisa nodded and said, "That's why Mr. Han trusts you so much. You know how to control artists. " she smiled warmly at Tzuyu.

Tzuyu looked at her and winked playfully. 

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