301.Special Guest

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After the dinner, everyone prepared for the bonfire while Lisa and Tzuyu were exempted from the work.

Lisa has rewarded them with an amazing dinner while Tzuyu has arranged all of this and has arranged a special guest to give them some tips on how to act in period films. They did not let them work to show their gratitude to them.

Of course, Tzuyu was happy about it and let them work. She was tired anyway.

Everyone worked diligently and wanted to leave great impressions in front of that, 'special guest' who is still a mystery.

Lisa wanted to help Mina and Jeongyeon in cooking some late-night snacks and fruit custard but they didn't let her do anything. They asked her to rest and they could do at least this much.

Helplessly she sat on the cushion near the bonfire. She looked at the fire which was burning under this dark sky. Though it was summer, however, the temperature in this area tends to decrease at night and becomes slightly cold at night.

She was wearing a dress and was feeling cold but with the help of the burning fire, she felt better from its heat.

She stared at the burning wood and went into her thoughts. When she looked at the wood which was burning to give warmth to everyone in this chilly weather.

She doesn't know, but for some reason that maybe she is more fit to be Lisa rather than Lalisa. That palace life never suited her.

She was not from an extravagant family and had her same mindset but she was called lowly and cheap for her cautious behavior towards money. Maybe it was her fault to not say anything but she does not believe that it was entirely her fault.

Every person has his opinions and personality. No one can blame someone for trusting people easily. It is those people's fault for breaking their trust.

But in the end, people only blame the victim for not being cautious and careful. They all tend to forget that they are the victims. It's not like they had wanted something to happen like that to happen.

No one should feel guilty about trusting anyone. It's not their fault when someone breaks their trust and backstabs them. It's okay to get broken and cry sometimes. It's okay to feel that your life has crumbled and there is nothing to do anymore.

But it's not okay to not stand up again after crying for a while. Because crying is okay, but not moving on is not. You need to flush those dark memories through tears so that you won't be bothered by them again.

You should wipe all the bad things that happened with all the tears. Sometimes, those tears prove to be the new beginning of the new life.

'Not everyone in this world is vicious and cruel. The world is full of different kinds of people. You will also meet kind and nice people who will bring you out of the darkness. You just need to find that person with your eyes and heart open.' she sighed as she felt emotional and deep in thought while looking at the fire.

Sehun and Jaebeom lit the fire already and were now arranging the music system that girls have demanded.

Sehun, who was checking the music system, saw Lisa sitting near the fire. She was looking in deep thought with her eyes fixated on the fire.

His heart ached to see her sitting beside the fire alone like this. She was looking as beautiful as a fairy in that white dress and the yellow light emanating from the fire was making her glow in this dark night.

She was glowing like moonlight under the dark sky. She looked near but was far away. He can only see her from afar but cannot touch it.

He felt helpless seeing her like this.

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