362.What Questions This Girl Could Ask?

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Jeong Dynasty.

While eating the snacks, Mingyu answered Lalisa's questions that she keeps asking about the production and sales.

Jeongguk and Mingyu were surprised by her questions that as a girl who lived in the palace only and she doesn't have her memories also, she could have so much knowledge about business.

However, Mingyu didn't say anything and just answered her questions. Jeongguk looked at her from the side as she looked charming while talking about business.

It's his first time seeing a girl talking about business and she truly looked charming this way.

After Lalisa gobbled up all the snacks placed in front of her and the aromatic tea, she looked at Mingyu and said, " Brother Park, thank you for the snacks. They were delicious." she smiled as she showed her gratitude.

She can't believe he came early in the morning just to prepare these snacks!

She was unaware of the fact that he didn't do anything since he came and just rested because there is nothing for him to do. He ordered the servants to prepare some delicious snacks for her and that's it.

He was sent forcefully and it's not like he wanted to come earlier himself.

Lalisa was still thinking that he has done so much for them. She was feeling bad that their sudden visit had made him exhausted.

Mingyu smiled lightly and looked at the empty plates. He was speechless seeing that she finished all the dishes alone because Jeongguk barely touched any dish.

He has arranged different kinds of dishes and tea for his highness and the Empress.

Though he has seen her eating this way at the feast but he thought that she was very hungry that day.

But it seems like it is her normal appetite these days...!!

Jeongguk saw the look in Mingyu's eyes and glared at him. Though he was shocked as well at the start when she woke up from the coma and her appetite suddenly increased.

But now he has gotten used to it. In fact, he feels more pleased seeing her eating well.

" Now since we are done with this, shall I give you a tour of this place?" Mingyu sensed Jeongguk's gaze and tried to divert the attention.

Lalisa nodded and said, " Yes. Let's go."

Mingyu takes them to give them the tour of this place. Walking through the corridor, Mingyu stopped in front of the room and said to Lalisa,

" In this room, the items were stored for the shop." Lalisa nodded as she carefully heard his explanation. She looked at the room which was cleaner than her room in her last life and was impressed with the cleanliness of this place.

After that, he led her to the room where they made items like comb and hair clips from the wood for the common people and used expensive gems for the nobles.

Lalisa carefully looked at the process and showed how quick they were and very skillful.

While Mingyu was leading her to the main shop in front, she wondered about what items she can sell here and for selling, she needs to teach them how to make items in bulk as well.

She can't make all the items for selling herself.

Jeongguk didn't interrupt her thoughts and followed her closely. He never noticed that she has an interest in these kinds of things other than medicine.

He knows that she has taken skills from her father about medicine but he never knew that she has this kind of interest and talent as well.

' After she woke up from the coma, he could see a very different side of her.'

When they reached the shop where all the items were sold to the people, Lalisa was very excited.

Because she has visited and seen many malls and showrooms in her time but it's her first time entering into an old-style shop from the past.

Mingyu, led them inside the shop through the door on the side while Lalisa and Jeongguk followed him.

" Oh, Prince Mingyu, you're here." the one who was in charge of the shop was sitting inside the shop was surprised to see them coming into the shop.

Though he knew that they would be coming to see the shop later but he was still surprised and slightly intimidated seeing his highness following behind.

Mingyu gestured to him to relax and said, " Supervisor Kang Daesung, I want you to follow her highness and answer her questions if she has any." he asked him to follow Lalisa and see if she has any queries.

Because he could see that Lalisa was so curious about the workings of the shop and it would be better if Daesung, who is in charge of the shop, answered them.

Daesung was perplexed when he heard Mingyu's words. He looked at Lalisa and frowned.

' What questions this girl could ask? Hah. Brother Park is insulting me by asking me to follow her.'

' It would be much better if I had followed his highness. This way I could show my capabilities to him'.

Daesung was a middle-aged man who worked with Mingyu since last year. He was specially sent by Mingyu's father because he is much better in these stuffs and very trustable.

As Mingyu deals with other works and could not look after the shop all the time, so he needed someone reliable so Father Park sent his reliable person who is good at this work.

He is the kind of person who does not have a good opinion about the woman. He thinks that they suited more for household chores and should follow her husband's lead only.

That's why he was taken aback when Mingyu asked him to follow Lalisa.

He frowned and pursed his lips because he cannot deny his order either. After all, he is a prince and the owner of the Royal Brush.

Lalisa smiled at Daesung but seeing his expressions, her brows furrowed. The displeasure was obvious in his gaze.

Jeongguk sat on the chair there as he had no interest in women's items while he let Lalisa do what she wants. He has nothing to do so he just quietly looked at her and did nothing.

Lalisa's lips twitched as she ignored Daesung's judging gaze. She roamed around the shop and looked at the items displayed there.

In between, she turns around and asks him about their prices and after that, she nods and turns her attention back to the item.

Daesung scoffed inwardly, ' Hah. So these are her questions? And I thought it must be something important.'

' If this is all she has to ask then other servants could have shown her around.' he felt annoyed thinking that he is wasting his precious time following this stupid girl.

He looked around and found Jeongguk and Mingyu went out to talk about something important.

He sighed in relief seeing they are not around, he turned around and sat on the chair placed there with his legs folded together arrogantly.

Lalisa was closely checking out the products and was thinking to work on it more and how they could sell more and they can increase sales.

Suddenly, a question popped up in her head.

" What is the demand rate of this product? I mean how many pieces were sold of this? DO you have any estimate?" she asked while looking at the product in her hand.

When she didn't get any response, she turned around and saw Daesung sitting on the chair with his eyes half-closed.

A frown appeared on her face as she looked at the man who slept while showing her around. She pursed her lips and asked herself to calm down thinking that he must be tired.

Though it was clear that he wasn't interested but she was trying to think positively and not be rude to a mere worker.


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