229.She is fine now

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Jungkook sat beside Lisa's side and kept looking at her pale and sickly face. His gaze was gentle and warm. He was holding her hand in his and kept rubbing it lightly.

At that time, the Butler lightly knocked on the door. Hearing the sound Jungkook looked towards the door and glared at him for making noise.

Lisa was resting and he does not want to disturb her.

Butler was scared of seeing the cold gaze from Jungkook and hesitated to speak.

Jungkook looked at the wall clock and realized that it's 7 pm already and went out of the room to talk to him.

"What's wrong?"

"Old Mr. and Mrs. Jeon came to see Young Mistress with Grandfather Jeon and Master Liang."

(The butler was referring to Jeon Jungkook's father and mother as Old Mr. and Mrs. Jeon.)

Jungkook raised his brows and sighed and carefully shut the door and went downstairs followed by the butler.

In the living room, Mother Jeon was sitting on the sofa and was sobbing while Father Jeon was trying to soothe her.

Whereas Grandfather Jeon was also sitting at the couch with the glum expression on his face and was silently listening to the conversation between Taehyung.

When Jungkook brought Lisa to the Jeon Villa he has asked Suho to inform the Jeon Mansion and ask them to not worry.

But he was prepared to witness this scene because the incident was no small and it could not be kept hidden either.

He has to tell his family about this sooner or later so he chooses to tell the truth so that it won't hurt them more because they did not get to know from some outsider.

When Mother Jeon saw Jungkook coming down from the stairs she suddenly got up from the sofa and walked to him with her unstable steps, "How is she now? Did she get hurt anywhere?"

Mother Jeon was so worried when Taehyung told her that Lisa got kidnapped and Jungkook rescued her.

She left the house only for some hours and got into such big trouble. She started to treat Lisa as her real daughter.

She couldn't imagine the trauma that she has suffered and Jungkook didn't bring her to the Jeon Mansion either so she was worried if she was fine or not.

Suho called Taehyung when they arrived at the villa and told him what happened. He didn't go into many details because the doctor has come at that time and he has so much work to do.

Taehyung was stunned to hear this news. At that time, he felt guilty because he didn't go to pick Lisa just because he went to join the producer for lunch and asked her to go alone.

If he had not gone there and picked her up himself than this wouldn't have happened. He was blaming himself for all this and he was afraid that Jungkook will also blame him.

But he couldn't hide away from him and shrugs his responsibilities off. So he told his family members and came to visit Lisa and Jungkook.

When he saw Mother Jeon crying like this, his mood worsened making him feel more guilty.

Jungkook who just came downstairs stared at his mother whose eyes were swollen and face was pale and worried. He sighed heavily and said in a low voice, " She is fine now. Don't worry too much. I am here to take care of her."

Father Jeon walked up to him and asked, "Why did you bring her here? You should have taken her to the Jeon Maison directly. There are so many people there and we could also take care of her." he said in domineering voice.

It's very rare for Father Jeon to get mad. He knows that Jungkook must be fl.u.s.tered with all this happening but he could've brought her to the Jeon Mansion and there are so many people. They would have to take care of her.

Liwie didn't say anything and kept quiet. He has his reasons why he didn't take her to Jeon Mansion.

At that time, Lisa's clothes were torn and were wrapped only in his coat. It would not be a good choice for him to take Lisa to the Jeon Mansion in that condition because everyone was there including Father and grandfather and she will feel uncomfortable and embarrassed later.

Though it does not matter to him because it was an emergency but it might be different from the woman's perspective, so he decided to take her to Jeon Villa.

Moreover, her mother would have been extremely worried about her seeing in that condition.

Jungkook looked at his father with a blank expression and did not say anything. Father Jeon was getting agitated at his behavior.

You. Why are..." before Father Jeon could complete his words and scold him, Grandfather Jeon came to him and hit him on the shoulder with his stick lightly.

"Ouch. Father, what are you doing?" Father Jeon looked at Grandfather Jeon with wronged expression.

Even Mother Jeon at the side was also frightened to see her father in law getting angry.

"How dare you yell at Jungkook? Is this the time to make a ruckus about why he didn't bring Lisa to Jeon Mansion? We are here to see the child and you're shouting like a mad man. Is that how I raised you?" Grandfather Jeon didn't leave any room for Father Jeon to refute.

Jungkook and Liang were stunned to see the strong demeanor of their grandfather. Only Old man can shut father Jeon's mouth.

Father Jeon looked at Jungkook and glared at him. Jungkook didn't say anything and glanced at Taehyung who was standing in the corner.

When Taehyung met with Jungkook's eyes, he immediately hung his head down. He was too ashamed to meet with his brother's gaze now.

Grandfather Jeon looked at Jungkook and asked, "Is it fine for us to meet her now? We all came to see her and was worried about her."

Jungkook looked at him and said, "Grandfather, it's not convenient to see her now. She is sleeping and the doctor has given her medicine and she needs rest. You can meet her some other day."

"But I can assure you that she is fine," Jungkook said in a calm voice. Because he knows that his family was equally worried about Lisa.

Mother Jeon was hesitant to leave without meeting Lisa but Grandfather Jeon spoke, "It's alright. Then we won't disturb you further. We will go back and you also take good care of her and yours as well."

Mother Jeon hesitantly agreed and said, "Yes. You need to take care of yourself for Lisa to get well. Otherwise, if you don't take care of yourself than how could you take care of her?"

Jungkook didn't say anything and maintained his indifferent expressions.

Father Jeon looked at Jungkook and said in a low voice, "Take care of yourself too. I know you were also shocked as well. But that little girl must be more scared and shocked by this incident. So take care of her well.

Jungkook raised his brows in surprise when he heard his father's words. He nodded at his father's words.

They all turned to leave but Taehyung still stood in the corner.

Mother Jeon looked at him and said, "Aren't you coming with us?"

Taehyung who was standing there in a daze looked over and saw Jungkook's face which was looking at him with intent.

"Brother, I am sorry. It's my fault that Lisa got into trouble. If you want you can punish me. I won't run from my responsibility." he said with his trembling voice with his head hung down.

Mother Jeon and Father Jeon looked at each other. They all forget about him because he was hiding in the corner.

They know that Jungkook asked him to take care of Lisa and told him to drop and pick her off. They were both worried about him because Taehyung was very scared and feeling guilty that he didn't take care of us.

They all looked at Jungkook who was indifferently looking at him.

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