318.Lisa, Are You Sick?

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When Yeri angrily left the room, Han Ling fell on her seat with relief. She couldn't even breathe because the atmosphere had become so uncomfortable after Mr. Han left saying those words.

"Finally. Now I can breathe." she dramatically started breathing heavily.

Beomgyu who was sitting beside her patted her back and said, " Stop overreacting." he said with a smile on his face.

It was his first time working in a movie with enough screen time. Before that, he has worked in some dramas where he usually becomes someone's colleague or classmate. Here he got the role of Emperor's stepbrother.

So he was quite satisfied with his character. Slowly and steadily people are recognizing his talent.

Jeongyeon looked towards Beomgyu as she was surprised when he suddenly started patting her back. She met him for the first time when they both came together with the cameraman in the workshop.

At first, he didn't talk much to her but now he has become so comfortable with her that he started talking to her like they know each other so ages.

She felt her face blush when he patted her back. He looked handsome and it was her first time when a man was treating her very nicely.

Last night, he gave her a blanket as well at the bonfire. He also helped her during the script reading as well because she was feeling nervous.

She looked into his eyes shyly and didn't say anything. Lisa saw their interaction and a smile appeared on her face.

She could see the blush on Jeongyeon's face. She liked Jeongyeon because she is honest and has a nice personality.

Beomgyu raised his brows seeing her acting shyly out of sudden. He felt awkward when he realized that his hand was placed on her back.

He hurriedly retracted his hand and rubbed behind his back awkwardly.

Lisa's lips curled up seeing their cute interaction. After Yeri left, Jaebeom turned to Lisa again and saw her looking at those two.

He smiled seeing the smile on her face. She was so beautiful that he doesn't even have words to define her beauty.

"Lisa, you'll be fine right while traveling on a bus in your condition?" he asked her again, seeing her distracted.

Lisa turned to look at his surprise and remembered that he asked her a question. Her expressions turned uncomfortable as she said, " Ahm, about that. I am not going back to S city with you guys. So I will directly see you at the set now." she said with a guilty expression on her face.

She was feeling bad for saying that she wasn't accompanying them back because she came with them and now she was letting them go alone.

Jaebeom was shocked when he heard her words, "What? You're not coming back with us? Why? Are you sick? Do you want me to accompany you because you can't possibly stay here alone? It's not safe for a girl to stay at a hotel alone." he got worried about her.

But also felt that it would be an opportunity for him if he could stay back and spend his time with her.

Jeongyeon was also surprised by her words and looked at Lisa worriedly, "Lisa, are you sick? Are you too sick to travel?" she was worried about her condition.

"If you're sick, then you should not ignore it and should visit the doctor. You need to take care of yourself." She worriedly asked her to go to the doctor.

Sehun on the other hand coldly looked at Jaebeom. His words that he will stay back to accompany ringed in his ears.

He pursed his lips as he stared at Jaebeom then his eyes stopped at Lisa. His expressions became cold as she stared at her.

He knows why she was staying back. He knew very well. He saw her last night with Jungkook when he went to her floor because he couldn't fall asleep. He wanted to look at her room from far away because he knew that she was sleeping there.

He does not want to disturb but just wanted to see her from afar. But when he went downstairs, he found Jungkook outside her room and when she opened the door and how he started to kiss her.

His body became stiff when he witnessed her being kissed by Jugkook. His body felt numb. He stood there for a while and went to the garden to stroll around with a lot of things in his mind.

When he saw her in the morning with a scarf wrapped around her neck and how happy she looked, he realized that she has a very good relationship with her 'husband'. The last hope in his heart broke as well.


Now when she said that she is staying back, he understood why she is staying back.


Lisa smiled awkwardly at Jeongyeon and Jaebeom and said, "It's nothing. I am fine. It just, I wanted to spend some time alone and wanted to roam around myself. That's why I am staying back. I will leave in a few days." she said while trying to make an excuse.

She has no idea why she was staying back but since Jungkook has asked her to do so, she has to do this. He has even messaged her before the script reading as well.

So she had already informed Tzuyu about this and also Tzuyu and Seulgi as well. It took her some time convincing them that she will be fine herself and wanted to spend some time alone.

Seulgi knows that she is married, so she didn't say much and just asked her to be careful.

"Oh. But can you stay alone? It's not safe you know. If you want, I can stay back and accompany you. This way you won't be bored and it's not safe for a girl to stay alone." Jaebeom tried to reason with her.

Lisa looked at him and smiled uncomfortably. Before she could say anything, Sehun spoke, "She will be fine. You should worry about yourself. Don't you have an event tomorrow that you have to attend? How can you accompany her? " Sehun looked at Jaebeom lazily.

Jaebeom was surprised when Sehun reminded him of the event. He completely forgot about this event.

'But how did he know about the event?' Jaebeom looked at Sehun with a frown.

Lisa looked at Jaebeom and said, "I will be fine. Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. You should not miss your event because of me."

After that, she gave Sehun a thankful smile. He knows about her relationship with Jungkook so she thought that he was helping her for that reason.

Sehun's eyes fluttered seeing her smiling at him. He pursed his lips and turned around to left without saying anything to them. He does not want to help her to stay back but he hated the way Jaebeom was trying to stay back with her.

Jaebeom felt awkward when Sehun reminded her but before he could say more Jeongyeon stood up and urged everyone to go for lunch.

She interlinked her arms with her to go for lunch while Jaebeom awkwardly follows behind them. He felt embarrassed when Sehun remembered him about the event.

It made him look desperate that he wanted to stay back even if he had to cancel his event. He sighed when he realized that because of an event he lost his chance to spend time with Lisa.

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