320.I Will Wake You Up At The Time Of The Feast

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Jeongguk who was holding her in his embrace and her face was down so he couldn't see her expressions hugged her tighter because he sensed that she wanted to get out of his embrace.

He does not want to part away with her so he hugged her tighter and placed his head on his shoulder.

He could feel her body froze in his embrace. She stopped moving and stiffly stood there.

Then suddenly she also placed her hands on his back and hugged him as well. A smile plastered on his face because he was relieved that she didn't push him away.

But after a while, he felt her trembling in his embrace. He got scared when her body started to tremble.

He wanted to look at her and wanted to know what's wrong with her but she didn't let him look at him and hugged him tighter and said in a low hoarse voice, "Don't. Don't look at me right now. Please."

He was startled hearing her breaking voice. Her voice sounded like she was crying. This made him panicked because he doesn't know why she was crying out of the blue.

He wanted to look at her but she told him not to do so. So he didn't say anything and just hugged her tighter and patted her back lightly to comfort him.

He doesn't know how to comfort crying people. He can just keep still at this moment and let her cry. He wants her to know that he is there even if she is feeling weak or tired. He is there for her.

Lalisa felt more vulnerable seeing him comply with her demands and didn't turn to look at her and her crying face which was in mess at this moment.

'Why the hell is this man so sweet? Why does he always do whatever I say?'

Her tears didn't stop flowing from her eyes and she soaked his robe with her crying for a while. She wasn't crying loudly but was sobbing silently.

She doesn't want people to see her like this. Thankfully, there is no one around at this moment.

Minho was following them a while ago but he is nowhere in sight at this moment.


After crying for a while, when she felt better and didn't feel uncomfortable, she parted away from him after wiping her tears.

She didn't look at him instead turned around to not let him see her face. Her face must be in a mess, how can she let him see her like this?

Jeongguk was surprised when she suddenly separated from the hug and turned around and didn't let him see her.

He was confused about why she turned around. He placed his hand on her shoulder and tried to turn her around, "Are you okay? Let me see your face okay? Why are you not looking at me? Are you angry with me?" he was perplexed seeing her being stubborn and not turning around.

Lalisa's turned scarlet red when she realized what she had done. She cried in front of him and this is not like her.

'How can I be so weak and cry in front of him? Ahh, it's so embarrassing. Will he think that I am trying to gain his sympathy? Or am I a crybaby?' she started thinking weird things realizing that she cried in his arms without knowing the reason why she cried.

She was in her thoughts when she heard his voice again. She got startled and said, "Don't look at me. My face is in the mess. Don't look. " she hides her face with her palms and runs away.

Jeongguk was surprised to see her like this and chuckled. He has no idea why she was behaving like this.

She is so unpredictable. She cries at a moment and then another moment she ran away in embarrassment and looked like nothing happened.

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