232.Don't forget that

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After looking at everything in the room with her sharp eyes, Lalisa finally returns to the table and coolly sat beside Jeongguk and looked at him, " What were you guys talking about?"

Jeongguk looked at her and asked her interestingly, " Did you like the study room?"

"Yes. It's so beautiful. Especially the portraits and porcelain. It's very unique and beautifully carved. The vase here is more beautiful than in the lotus pavilion. " she excitedly said while looking at him with her glittery eyes.

A subtle yet pleasing smile appeared on Jeongguk's mouth and said, "Then you can take a few vases with you if you like them that much."

Lalisa widened her eyes in surprise and excitedly clasped her hands and said, "Really? I can take a few items from here?"

Jeongguk nodded.

"Ah. Thank you so much. I will take a few with me then." she coolly waves her hand at him.

Eunbi tried to control her expressions as she gripped her dress with her hand while making it into a fist.

'This bi*ch. How dare she ask for items in the study. These are high-quality items and very precious treasure. Even Emperor never gave it to the Empress Dowager before, how dare she ask for them?'

Eunbi gritted her teeth seeing Lalisa behaving coy in front of Jeongguk and Mingyu.

Mingyu was surprised to see Lalisa smile so brightly just because Jeongguk allowed her to take some items from the study.

Jeongguk and Mingyu was talking about the trip of Mingyu to country P and was discussing the trade that he went there for.

At that time, a maid came in to serve the tea and some snacks to them.

She placed the tea and snacks on the table and went outside after giving them a bow.

Lalisa picked up the tea casually and started drinking without waiting for anyone.

Jeongguk didn't bothered by it because he was accustomed to her eating and drinking without waiting for anyone.

Mingyu raised his brows in surprise but didn't say anything.

Eunbi was annoyed that no one is saying anything to her.

She couldn't hold it in and said, "Sister, what are you doing? How can you start drinking tea before his highness does? Don't you know the manners?"

Lalisa paused in her actions and looked at Eunbi whose face was already sour and couldn't hide her unhappy expression anymore.

She was confused about why she can't drink tea before Jeongguk? What's there to talk about the etiquettes?

She could consider that she was rude because she was drinking tea alone and didn't wait for anyone. This she can consider it as rude.

But why especially Jeongguk? Is he some kind of God that they can't eat before him?

Lalisa casually looked at Eunbi and said, "Because I was thirsty. That's why I drank it. Is there any problem with that?" She couldn't understand why Eunbi has to pick every small thing she does.

Mingyu was also surprised when he heard Lalisa's words.

He glanced at Jeongguk to see if he was angry but surprisingly he was just smiling lightly and looking at Lalisa with interesting expressions.

Eunbi was also taken aback on Lalisa's words. Her blood was boiling because she was expecting some reaction from Jeongguk but he was not saying anything instead he was smiling.

She tried to calm herself and put a forced smile on her face and said, "Sister, you might not remember it but there is a rule in the palace that you cannot start eating before his highness. I don't want you to embarrass in front of others. That's why I am explaining to you."

When Lalisa heard Eunbi's words, she frowned and said, "Oh. "

She didn't like this concept that no one can start eating before the Emperor. If she was hungry she can't start eating if he has not started yet.

But she can't say anything because that's how this place works. They give an extreme level of attention and importance to the king.

She doesn't know much about the palace rules and most of them seem ridiculous to her but she was trying to adapt to it and was trying hard not to say something that may offend them.

First of all, she hated the concept of having an official wife or Empress and a man can have a relationship with other women even get married to them and they were regarded as a concubine.

It creates troubles between women and then these men say that women are troublesome.

She really can't understand why man can have other women but the woman will be beheaded for doing the same.

It was utter nonsense and against human rights. But she can't even talk to these people because they don't even know about human rights.

She came from the time when there was no king or Emperor and man can have only one wife. If a man or wife is in a relationship with another person out of their wedlock, then it can be the reason for divorce and can immediately divorce each other.

But here, women are not allowed to ask for divorce to men but men can leave a woman if he doesn't like her or she couldn't fulfill her duties of a wife or if she can't bore his child.

That's how this society is cruel to women. She wanted to adapt to this place as well because she is here but many things disturb her and hurt her pride as a woman.

She doesn't know why she has to get into a struggle with other women or Eunbi just for a man, that she doesn't even know properly.

She knows that all these fights and problems started because Jeongguk married another woman after his marriage with Lalisa and Sandara was just trying to find benefits out of marriage.

Sometimes, she felt pity for Eunbi as a woman because though Sandara favors Eunbi more but Lalisa is the legitimate consort of Jeongguk and Eunbi was his concubine and will be always second to Lalisa.

But Eunbi's meddlesome and annoying behavior makes it inevitable for her to hate her.

She sighed as she glanced at Jeongguk from the side.

'If I met this man in modern time or he was not the great Emperor than it wouldn't be that bad to date him. He is quite handsome too. But too bad that he is an emperor. I may have to go back someday.'

'So I can't make plans to stay here forever' She believed that she could go back the same way she came in this world but she needs to understand the reason for her to come in this world.

Everyone treats Jeongguk as the great Emperor and worsh.i.p.s him like a god but for her, he was only Jeongguk. But technically he was the Emperor, that's why he is not an easy man to deal with.

Jeongguk saw Lalisa's dull expression and picked up his teacup and took a sip of it.

"Why aren't you guys drinking? Drink it before it gets cold." he urged Mingyu to drink the tea.

It seems that he ignored Eunbi's words and doesn't seem to be bothered by Lalisa's attitude of drinking the tea before him.

Lalisa smiled seeing his considerate attitude.

'Sometimes, this man is extremely sweet. I wonder why things didn't work between him and Lalisa.' she sighed when she thought about the misfortune that Lalisa has to. Suffer.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now