360.How Can You Snatch The Food From The Patient?

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Grandpa Jeon who was sitting on a bed found the atmosphere a bit strange. He has caught on to Lisa's words and asked her, " Lisa, you said that you don't want her to feel repulsive if you called her Grandma. Why did you say this? Did something happen between you two before?"

Jeon Taehyung, who was eating the apples on the plate which was placed on his bedside table looked up when he heard Grandpa's words.

He looked at Grandma Park and then Lisa. Their expressions and the tension between them was indeed strange.

Lisa smiled and looked at Park Bom with her raised brows and turned to Old Jeon, " Grandpa, I just said this because it has been so long since I met Grandma and we haven't met for a long time. So I just wanted to make sure that she wasn't angry at me. That's why I asked this question and nothing else." she smiled lightly at Grandpa Jeon as she said her words.

She met her Park Bom for the first time and she remembered her nasty behavior from Lisa's memories. Though she doesn't feel comfortable with her but she just can't pick a fight with her without any reason.

If she starts fighting with her over a past thing then she would seem unreasonable and the one who holds grudges.

She will deal with Park Bom if she tries to mess with her but she isn't interested in doing anything to her without any reason.

Moreover, Grandpa Jeon doesn't seem to know anything so she does not want to give him stress over this small matter.

Grandpa Jeon nodded at her and asked, " Where is Jungkook? How can he send you alone here? He is such a brat who does not know his responsibility ." he started scolding Jungkook, realizing that Lisa came alone.

Lisa smiled helplessly at Grandpa Jeon and tried to speak but her every time interrupted her and continued scolding him.

He didn't let her explain the reason why she was alone and that he would come later to visit him.

Park Bom saw the interaction between Old Jeon and Lisa. Lisa sat on the chair beside the bed where she was sitting previously because Old man wanted her to sit beside him.

And she had to sit on the sofa in the corner and sit beside the Jeon Taehyung show while enjoying fruits.

Park Bom side-eyed him and shook her head. ' Is this guy coming to eat or visit his grandfather?'

When Grandpa Jeon was busy scolding Jeon Jungkook, the door of the room slightly opened without a knock and Jungkook's head popped in slowly as she looked at the man who was badmouthing him.

" That brat. Let him come, I will not..."

Grandpa Jeon choked on his words when he saw Jungkook's head popping up from the door. He entered the room so slowly that no one knew when he came in.

His half body was out and half was in as he was eavesdropping on them.

Old Man's face turned crimson as he was caught badmouthing him. He swallowed his saliva and regained his senses and yelled, " What are you doing there? Come in already. Why are you standing there and eavesdropping on us? Is this how a CEO of Jeon Corporation should behave?" he tried to cover up his words and wanted to shift his attention from his previous words.

Lisa who was looking at Grandpa helplessly, beamed in happiness when she heard his words.

She turned around and saw Jungkook standing at the door while holding the fruit basket in his hands.

He smiled at her when he saw her smiling eyes. Her smile is beautiful but she looks more beautiful when she smiles from her eyes.

Jungkook walked in and passed the basket to Lisa to place on the side table. He looked at the Old man and asked, " What were you saying earlier? Grandpa, how can you scold me like this? I went to the office to handle some important work. It was you who passed the Jeon Corporation to me, didn't you? If I ignore the work and come to visit you when you're perfectly fine, you would scold me for being lazy and a slacker. "

" Now you're scolding me for being unfilial. What do you want exactly? " he said these words with wronged expressions on his face.

Lisa who was listening to his words giggled because she could see that Jungkook was playing with Grandpa Jeon.

Grandpa Jeon looked at her, chuckling and frowned, " Why are you laughing? Are you on his side as well? Do you think that I was the one who is wrong in this situation? " he shifted the attention to Lisa.

Lisa who was laughing froze when she heard his question. She was dumbfounded when Grandpa Jeon asked her this question.

She didn't even do anything and suddenly everyone started staring at her.

She looked at Grandpa Jeon with a wrong expression and asked, " Grandpa, why are you putting the blame on me? I didn't say that I am on his side. In fact, I am the victim here because he left me all alone and I had to come here on his behalf as well to greet you."

" If it wasn't for Brother Taehyung then I would have been lost in the hospital. Thankfully I found him downstairs so that's how I can come here easily. " Lisa said innocently.

Liwie looked at her speechlessly. He was asking for support from her but she accused him more.

' How can she betray me at this moment?'

He looked at Taehyung who was happily eating the strawberries that he brought and frowned.

Grandpa Jeon was about to scold him when Jungkook suddenly shouted at Jeon Taehyung, " What are you doing? Did you come here to visit grandpa or eating all his fruits? How can you snatch the food from the patient?"

Jeon Taehyung was startled when Jungkook suddenly shouted at him. He was simply eating peacefully and wondered why suddenly everyone started looking at him strangely?

Grandpa Jeon frowned how Jungkook was dodging his eye contact and shifting the attention to Jeon Taehyung.

But he didn't like the way Jeon Taehyung ate his fruits as well. He ate his favorite strawberries and berries that he wanted to eat badly.

Today he was allowed to eat something light and fruits because from the last 3 days he was on a liquid diet and was eating porridge and drinking juice only.

He wanted to eat some delicious fruits as well but this hungry wolf ate everything.

Jeon Taehyung blinked his eyes as he was accused of wrongly.

He chewed the last strawberry in his mouth and muttered, " I didn't do anything. It was Grandma Park who asked me to eat these fruits. I didn't want to touch them but had no choice because she insisted on me and forced me to eat them." he innocently shifted all the blame on Park Bom.

Park Bom: " - _-"

' What the hell? When did I say something like this?'

She has no idea why she was being dragged in this discussion. She didn't say anything and just smiled dryly as she was too shocked to say anything.

She never thought that one day she would be accused of something that she didn't even say. She looked at Lisa and glared becuase now everyone was behaving like a happy family when her own family was torn.

She lives in horror that her granddaughter's secret would be revealed and then her child will be called illegitimate as well. SHe doesn't want this to happen.

Since that incident, she felt uncomfortable seeing others happy because her life has become stressful and messy.

She hated the way they all interacted and especially how Lisa was being treated like a precious and has become the center of attention of all the men in the room.


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