285.We need to do something about her

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After Yeri left, the atmosphere became heavy and uncomfortable. The dinner that should be happy and fun has become silent and awkward.

Tzuyu took a deep breath and looked at everyone with her normal expressions and she was not looking scary like before.

She glanced at everyone and said, "what are you waiting for? Continue eating. We won't ruin our mood just because of certain people. Hurry up and eat your food, then we will have to attend the bonfire as well." she said with a cheerful voice while encouraging them to not mind Yeri.

They all smiled awkwardly and tried to shake off everything from their mind about what just happened.

When they looked at their noodles, they realized that they have cooled down.

Everyone frowned as their delicious noodles has become cooled just because of Yeri's rowdy behavior.

Now everyone was cursing her in their minds.

Lisa saw everyone's dull expressions and spoke, "Don't worry. These noodles taste much better if eating cold. They won't taste bad, try it yourself." she urges them to taste the noodles.

This was her special recipe. Generally, after getting cold, noodles become soggy and weird. They don't taste like they taste served as hot.

Normally people don't like to noodles that got cold because its flavor disappears and it becomes less appetizing.

However, this is why she has made this special recipe to maintain the flavor and taste of noodles after they get cold.

These noodles taste more flavorsome after getting cold.

Everyone looked at Lisa and her confidence. Then they took a mouthful of noodles which has gone cold due to Yeri's continuous argument.

As soon as they tried, everyone again abrupted in praises for Lisa. She has become the Goddess Chef Empress among the crew.

Empress because of her role in the movie and goddess chef because of her holy cooking skills.

Seeing everyone praising Lisa, Tzuyu looked at her and nodded her head in acknowledgment.

At first, she was afraid that Lisa wouldn't be the best choice for the role of the second female lead but now seeing all this, she realized that it was the best decision.

She was much more calm and talented than Yeri. Despite being a senior and experienced actresses, she is nothing but an embarrassment.

Now she is worried that she has gone overboard tonight in scolding her because she indeed has the backing.

Though her role is not that important according to acting terms however it is different from the audience's point of view.

She is indeed a female lead and is the face of the movie.

She sighed as she felt anxious about the consequences of her actions. It was the first time, she has warned any artist this way.

Because before this, no artist has behaved this way. Even though they are cunning and selfish but they're not stupid like this to say such things in front of everyone.

Yeri may have won the award for the best newcomer but her skills to handle the crisis are way lower than Lisa.

Lisa was just a rookie and hasn't debuted yet however she didn't speak anything appropriate and kept her cool all the time.

Whereas Yeri didn't control her tongue and speak in such a way to Jaebeom. She is the female lead of the movie and yet trying to spread rumors about Jaebeom and Lisa.

If this thing got out, it will be too much trouble and also not good for the movie.

'It will not be easy to work with her.' Tzuyu sighed inwardly as she slurped the noodles.

Though it's cold but still tasty.

Everyone didn't care about Yeri and continued eating their sumptuous dinner.

Whereas Yeri was enraged and felt utterly humiliated in front of everyone.

She went to her room and slammed the door shut with a Bang.

"Ahh" in the anger she shouted like crazy and throw all the things on the table in the room. She started throwing everything on the floor.

Yeri hates when people do not look at her. She did so much to get to this place while Lisa did nothing just cooking.

Not only that, Lisa did not put effort while dressing up and came down without makeup and a simple white dress while she has wore a s.e.xy dress and put makeup on.

Yet no one praised her and keep complimenting Lisa for her natural skin and beauty.

They all ignored her and also the way Tzuyu talked to her made her enraged.

Tzuyu even revealed her argument with Lia in front of everyone.

"That bi*ch Tzuyu. What does she think of herself? She is just a mere assistant while she tried to berate me in front of everyone." she broke the glass placed on the side table.

She took a deep breath and sat on the bed while picking up her phone.

She called someone with unhappy and dull expressions on her face.

"Hello. " from another side a feminine lady voice could be heard vaguely.

"Ms. Kim, why did you called me at this time? Did you think about what I have said to you before?" Sana asked from the other side while putting a nail paint on her fingernails.

She is at home and was pampering her with a face mask and applying nail paint.

She was the same girl who was the so-called best friend of Lisa in school and who later helped Nancy to ruin her life.

She is now popular among the new actresses. Her acting is sloppy but she has reached higher in status by seducing directors and charming them with her looks and body.

She does not have talent, not a family background. The only thing that can help her in this industry is finding a good sponsor who will support her and lead her to become a top actress.

Last year in the nomination of the Best Newcomer actress, her name was also on the list. Though her acting does not deserve it, but her sugar daddy helped her to get her name in the nominations.

In the end, Yeri got the award because of her talent and beauty. Sana's backer was not that powerful to influence the judge's decision and get her the award.

After all, she has no talent in acting.

"Kim, you were right. This Lisa is such a bi*ch and seductress. She has won over everyone already and everyone in the cast is taking her sides."

"Even Mr. Han's assistant is on her side. It seems she has some underhanded relationship with Mr. Han. She must have gotten this role due to her relationship with them."

"Not only that, even Jaebeom is also speaking up for her. "

"She is not as innocent as I think she is. She is so cunning that she has made everyone against me. We need to do something about her. "Yeri looked at the mirror in front of her as she pursed her lips.

Her blood was boiling because of Lisa.

*Kim is Sana's name from which she is known in the entertainment industry. It's her work name.*

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now