332.Can I Visit Your Shop Sometime?

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Jeongguk's hands froze when he heard Lalisa's words.

She said that she does not want to die again in this palace. He remembers how he picked her from that pool with her body going cold and face pale.

She was soaked in water and her face was as white as a sheet. After that, she was in a coma for a while and in that time, he had cursed himself many times for not taking actions at the right time.

His grip tightened around the cup. He does not want to act lousily this time as well and let her suffer from similar pain again.

Eunbi sensed the coldness on Jeongguk's expressions. His eyes were shooting daggers at her.

She hurriedly held Lalisa's hand and said, " Sister, I will punish her if she has made you upset. This is the welcome feast for Master Wen. We should not waste our time by doing this conversation here. Don't worry, I will punish her properly." Eunbi tried to shift Lalisa's attention to the feast.

" You won't do anything." Eunbi froze when she heard Jeongguk's words.

Jeongguk didn't say anything for a while, but when he did, everyone became silent in the room.

A glimmer of hope emerged in her heart. ' Is he saying that she doesn't need to punish her? Does he believe that her servant won't do anything? Or Lalisa is being delusional?'

Eunbi was making assumptions about Jeongguk's words.

Whereas Lalisa was confused about his words as well. She turned to look at Jeongguk with a disappointed expression.

But before she could say anything, Jeongguk continued, " No one will do anything. I will personally look into this matter and investigate this matter correctly."

Jeongguk announced as he looked at Lalisa with his warm expressions. ' I won't let you disappoint for the second time.'

Eunbi's expressions fell when she heard his words. If he were to look into this matter then it would not be good for her.

If the official investigation took place about this matter then she doesn't know how many secrets will be revealed.

Eunbi bit her lower lip and wanted to say something when Lalisa beat her to it and said, " Okay. It will be better if you look into this matter. Because she might be some spy as well and if that happens it will be no good for the security of the palace." Lalisa said with seriousness.

Jeongguk nodded his head pleasingly when he heard her words. He was glad that she believed in him and allowed him to do look into this matter.

' Security of the palace?' Eunbi looked at Lalisa in shock. She cannot figure out in what way Umji is dangerous for the security of the palace?

' This bitch sure knows how to exaggerate things further.' she cursed Lalisa inwardly. Eunbi's head was hurting when she heard Lalisa's words.

She is making it looks like she has done some extreme crime. Umji was only her informant who gave her information about Lalisa.

'What does it have to do with the palace security?'

Lalisa was making a big deal out of it.

Lalisa saw Jeongguk in deep thought and when she glanced at Eunbi, whose expressions have turned gloomy.

A smirk tugged at Lalisa's lips seeing Eunbi so nervous.

' Hah. Do you think that I will not know that you're keeping an eye on me? Babes, I am sorry, but you have underestimated your enemy.'

' I am not someone that you can fool easily. I am your Mama, and I will show you how to be a true Bitch!'

Lalisa was enjoying seeing the fearful expressions on Eunbi's face.

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