325.Sent The Matching Jewelry.

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After Lalisa left to take a bath, Jeongguk read his documents for a while and after that went to his chamber to get ready as well.

Now he wants to take a bath with cold water as well. He tried to focus on his documents but he couldn't do so.

He keeps remembering how beautiful she looks with her face scarlet red with embarrassment. Also, his heart beating becomes fast when he remembered how smooth her skin was when his lips brush by her nape.

As he left her chamber, he saw Minnie who was coming back from the kitchen. Seeing him Minnie bowed in front of him in greeting.

Jeongguk looked at her and said, " I am going to my Chamber to get ready. Tell Lalisa later that I will come to pick her up for the feast. Also, I will send you the jewelry for Lalisa to wear at today's feast. Don't forget to give her." He instructed her as he left with his long strides.

Minnie stared at him with her mouth open. Now the Emperor is giving her direct tasks as well. With Lalisa's relationship getting better with Jeongguk, she was also getting tasks from the Emperor and this will make her feel superior in front of other servants as well.

Minnie bowed happily seeing Jeongguk walking away.


When Lalisa was done taking a bath, she changed into her clothes for the night which was a yellow-colored gown and an orange-colored robe over it.

The color combination was her liking and she has matched this pair by using different pieces.

Originally, there was a bright and glittery dark yellow color robe over this gown but she used orange-colored robe from the other dress because it looked more beautiful with it.

The orange-colored robe was simple and elegant while the inner gown has some handmade embroidery and also expensive beads on the dress making it look royal.

After coming out of the bathroom, she went to her chamber and found the door half-open.

She stopped before the chamber and was hesitating to go inside. Her face was getting red just at the thought that Jeongguk would be there.

She felt her whole body burning up when she remembered his shameless words. She took a deep breath and placed her cold hands over her burning face to calm down her nerves.

She can't forget what happened between them before she went to the bathroom. His shameless words were ringing in her ears making her feel weak in legs.

She finally gathered her courage and decided to go inside the chamber.

When she entered her chamber, she found no one in the room. Her expressions fell seeing no one in the room.

Just as she was wondering where Jeongguk went, she heard a cheery voice behind her.

She turned around and found Minnie standing there with a tray in her hand.

" Miss, his highness has gone to his Chamber to get ready." Minnie said with a bright smile on her face.

She was so happy that her Miss was getting along well with His highness.

She was so glad to see how Jeongguk was treating her Miss and he also gave her the powers that she deserves. Before when she didn't have any powers, everyone looked down on them.

Now no one will dare to look down on her Miss. Also, she can live in the palace with her head held high as well.

When Lalisa heard Minnie's words, her expressions fell. She pursed her lips and felt a little disappointed.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now