316.Script Reading ( 3 )

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Jaebeom shook his head and tried to get out of the stupor. He took a deep breath as he looked at Lisa with his angry and stern expressions and pretended to slap her hard as he shouted at her, "How dare you talk about sleeping with another man? If you dared to think about other men, I will bury you alive under this palace ground. Meng Huan, don't test my patience."

"Just because I don't say anything to you, don't get out of hand. You're just an Empress. You're nothing without me. Don't forget that." he looked at Lisa with ruthlessness in his eyes.

Jaebeom was an experienced actor and though he was distracted at first he eventually got into the character and played along with Lisa's improvisations.

It was getting hard for her to resist her charm and how pitiful she was looking at the moment. Even if it is just an act, he could feel her body tremble a little when he spoke his words.

Lisa, on the other hand, shivered when she heard his words.

'You're just an Empress. You're nothing without me.' These words hit her hard.

Tears trickled down her red cheeks making her look more vulnerable. But she maintained the same stern and stubborn expressions on her face as she placed her hand on her cheek pretending to be slapped.

She turned to Jaebeom and glared at him.

"How dare you hit me? Huh? Ding Hua, you're such a Bastard. You want many women around you and married so many consorts in the name of strengthening your power, while I have to be loyal to you for my whole life?"

"You're allowed to bring other women into the palace and call them your true love and sleep them in that same chamber where we spend our first night together. And you dare to say this to me?" Lisa's eyes were red as she couldn't control her emotions and her vulnerable expressions made Jaebeom feel weak in front of her.

"Ding Hua. You know that I loved you so much. But what did you give me in return? A betrayal? A slap? You called me your close friends after you brought that bitch? Was your heart so fickle that you can love anyone? Hmm? " she looked at him with her teary mocking eyes.

Her voice was heavy as she was speaking. Her throat was dry and it was getting hard for her to continue speaking.

Her words were not even in the script but it felt like they weren't acting. Jaebeom palms felt itchy seeing her red nose and how her body was trembling in fear.

She was looking like a scared rabbit that needs protection. He turned clenched his fists tightly.

Mr. Han was already on the edge of his chair because of her acting. She was truly magic.

She even added a few words and it was amazing. He never saw someone improvising so smoothly and beautifully.

"You used me to strengthen your Empire and when you got what you want, you brought that bitch to satisfy your lust? Do you say you love her?"

"It's not love. It's just your lust and you liked how vulnerable she is and it ignited your male ego. You wanted to protect her just to soothe your ego. After you're done with her, she will become just like me. Your close friend." she laughed bitterly.

"But let me tell you, you will not live happily together with her. I curse you that you will feel the same pain I am feeling right now. " she shouted with all the energy left in her body.

She finished her words with a death glare. Her face went pale and her face was covered in tears.

Even Jaebeom was in a daze as well. He was just looking at her in awe. Her expressions were on point.

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