356.Who Are You To Comment On My Family?

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Mother Jeon was caught off guard when she heard Park Bom's words. Though her words were quite harsh but she was their elder so she pursed her lips and looked at Lisa with her begging eyes and told her not to say anything.

" Aunt, it's not Lisa's fault. She didn't tell me to do anything, it was just that I wanted to do so. She just married into the Jeon family, it will take time for her to get used to it. She will get adjusted to the house with time." Mother Jeon tried to be polite while defending Lisa.

Park Bom comes to their house once in a while and she was Old Jeon's cousin, so she always respected her. Though she knows her words were rash, she tried to manage the situation.

She initially wanted to have Lunch with Lisa only but Park Bom and her daughter in law came and gave her a surprise. It was more like a shock to her.

She knows that Lisa is a rash and short-tempered person and it will take some time for her to get adjusted to the family. But when Park Bom came abruptly she felt that it would be a good opportunity for Lisa to meet other members of the family too.

Lisa pursed her lips when she saw the worried expression on Mother Jeon's face. She didn't look at the old woman and kept eating.

Mother Jeon saw that Lisa didn't bother with Park Bom, she pursed her lips and looked at the gloomy expressions on Park Bom's face.

" Lisa, I didn't introduce you to Aunt, right? This is Father's cousin, Park Bom, Jungkook's Grandma. And this is her daughter in law, Eunji. They are like a family to us, so you will also see them further in the future as well." she said while pointing toward Park Bom and Eunji as she introduced them to Lisa.

Mother Jeon tried to break the awkward silence and introduce the other two to her. She was waiting for her to greet them so that Park Bom's anger could subside and this afternoon could be spent peacefully.

Lisa looked at the two ladies sitting opposite of her dressed up in beautiful dresses but those dresses do not suit their color tones and figure.

' What a bad dressing sense.' she thought in her mind seeing them dressed like this.

Lisa greeted the two ladies as she bowed lightly with the plate in her hand. She didn't let go of the snacks plate and kept eating after greeting them. She has no intention to talk with them because she doesn't bother with people who give her gloomy vibes all the time.

She didn't say a word from her mouth as she could not bear to look at the hateful expressions on Park Bom's face.

Park Bom gritted her teeth as she felt insulted seeing Lisa immersing in her food. Mother Jeon noticed the gloomy atmosphere on the other side and pursed her lips in nervousness.

" This girl.. She doesn't have manners. She is eating shamelessly in front of her elders. She doesn't know how to respect her elders. Hah. What can we expect from a child without a mother? I also heard that she has a sister the same as her age. Hah, I can see why her father doesn't care about her. She is so rude.." Park Bom was enraged with Lisa's behavior as she didn't greet her politely when she came in first.

Moreover, she has heard such stories about Lisa that her father has cheated on her mother and even has a daughter of the same age as Lisa.

She felt that her family background was too messy for her to enter into the Jeon family. Before Jungkook's marriage, she tried to convince Grandpa Jeon to make them marry and that their family is too messy.

She wanted Jungkook to marry Eunji's niece who was reading abroad as well but she was into arts and creative work. Not like Lisa who was into the Fashion industry.

She doesn't like people who are connected with the Tv and entertainment industry, especially women. She was from the old school who thought that women should not enter into business and entertainment.

Only feminine and artistic works suit them just like Eunji's niece. She liked that child and wanted her to marry Liwie but when she talked to Grandpa Jeon about that, he told her that he already fixed Jungkook's marriage.

Lisa paused when she heard Park Bom's hateful words and frowned but when she talked about her father and said that why her father did this to her, she lost her patience.

Before Park Bom continued her words, she put the plate in her hands on the table with a BANG. This startled Park Bom and Eunji.

Even Mother Jeon was shocked seeing this loud reaction from Lisa. though she knows that Park Bom was wrong and before she could say anything Lisa did this.

Lisa looked at Park Bom and said, " I did not say anything since I entered this house but I don't know why you keep provoking me and insulting me. I didn't say anything but Mrs Park, let me tell you, you are nobody to comment on my family's situation and about me because you don't know me very well."

" Even Jungkook didn't say something like this and then who are you to comment on my family? And will you bother to tell me what am I like that my father favors his other daughter whom he had after cheating on my mother? You tell me that was it my fault that my father cheated on my mother or is it mine?" Lisa didn't hold her tongue and let out all her frustration.

She was so angered by her words that she didn't regard the seniority and said whatever came to her mind. She can bear everything but she hates when someone justifies her father's actions.

Because it's unfair to her late mother. She died in pain and had to suffer the betrayal and people comments that? it's woman's fault for not bounding her husband or she failed to satisfy her husband

She has heard many disgusting things and saw people gossiping like this. This pains her seeing that people in this century still have this kind of sick mentality.

Why should women be blamed for everything? Why were they blamed when their husbands cheat on them? Why is their character judged when they go out of their houses to work?

Why does this society not let them live in peace?

And the most ironic thing is, women are the biggest enemy of women itself. In this society, women are equally responsible for making life miserable for other women. They are so engrossed in the norms and rules of society that they forget that they are also a woman.


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