216.Does her highness dislikes me that much?

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Lalisa doesn't know anything about the mysterious so-called Master Mingyu in front of her so she just smiled awkwardly when her eyes met his gaze.

Mingyu has heard about Lalisa going into the coma before but he didn't get the news of her waking up.

Today he came from his trip to the country P where he went to see some items which he wanted to trade with them and directly came to see Sandara because he missed her birthday banquet.

He was traveling for two weeks as it takes quite a long time for traveling from one country to another on a horse.

Minnie looked at Lalisa and she understood from her blank expressions that she could not recognize Mingyu.

But she could not tell her about him in front of him as she was just a maid and it is not suitable for her to speak up like this.

She just stood quietly on the side with her head down and hands clasped tightly in front of her.

Mingyu looked at Lalisa with amusement because she was staring at him with a blank and confused expression on her face.

The way she was standing was not straight and feminine. Her shoulders should be upright and her standing stance should be straight but instead, her hands were on her side with loose and relaxed shoulders.

Lalisa was having trouble in perfecting her body to stand up and sit properly because the palace has too many rules to eat, sleep and walk.

"Didn't her highness recognize me?" he finally spoke when he saw the confused look on her face.

Lalisa smiled awkwardly. She felt weird when he directly ask her this question.

She wanted to reply to him but when she opened her mouth to speak something, she heard a sweet and innocent voice of a girl, "Master Mingyu. You came back from your trip to the country P?"

It was Eunbi.

With Eunbi, there were her two maids who were accompanying her. One was holding an umbrella for her and the other one was carrying a hand fan in her hand to fan Eunbi in the hot blazing sun.

Lalisa turned around to see Eunbi who was walking elegantly in short steps to them and was smiling innocently and beautifully.

Any men could not help but smile seeing the beautiful smile of hers but Lalisa felt creepy when she saw her smiling like this without any reason.

'How can she give a fake smile looking so natural.' Lalisa was wondering inwardly.

When Eunbi finally walked up to them, she stood beside Lalisa and looked at Mingyu with her bright and clear eyes.

Eunbi was coming to the palace hall but walked into the garden because she saw Lalisa standing there. But when she came near she realized that Lalisa was not alone but was with someone else.

Seeing Mingyu standing in front of her, Eunbi's lips curled upwards. She wanted to teach her a lesson for the insult in the morning.

Mingyu frowned when he saw Eunbi coming to them.

Eunbi politely greeted him and the polite greeting he just nodded slightly at her as he was not interested in talking to her.

Eunbi has noticed that Mingyu was not interested in her but she pretended to be more close to him in front of Lalisa and said, "Brother Mingyu, How was your trip to P country?" she asked him with a smile.

Mingyu frowned when he heard 'Brother' from her mouth. They were not close enough to call each other brother and sister but she was insisting on showing their close relationship to Lalisa.

Eunbi wanted to show her that unlike her everyone likes her and she was more popular and likable among everyone.

Mingyu furrowed his brows and replied coldly, "It was fine."

His cold and distant reply made Lalisa lost her senses as she giggled lightly.

She wanted to laugh out loud but couldn't do so because everyone was staring at her, but when she heard Mingyu's cold reply she lost it.

Mingyu turned his attention to her and saw her smiling face, unknown to him a smile spread across his face as well.

She was looking extremely beautiful while smiling.

Eunbi frowned when she saw Mingyu smiling at Lalisa. Moreover, she was angry at the fact that Lalisa dared to mock her in front of Mingyu.

Her face has turned crimson red with embarrassment.

Eunbi looked at Lalisa annoyedly and asked, "Sister, why are you laughing?"

Lalisa finally stopped herself from laughing and bite her tongue to keep calm and turned to Eunbi and said, "Because it's funny." she said plainly.

She was not afraid of Eunbi nor Sandara because she knows what she is capable of. She was just staying here temporarily. She will find the reason for her being her and will go back to her world.

Eunbi's eyes grew wide in anger when she heard Lalisa's bold words.

'How can she insult her like that in front of Master Mingyu?' her fists turned into fists in anger.

She wanted to say something when she heard a pleasing voice of laughing which was mellow to their ears.

Lalisa and Eunbi both turned to see Mingyu who was laughing.

Eunbi was surprised when she saw him laughing like this. Though he was playful but she had not seen him laugh like this.

He was only friendly in front of Jeongguk and Sandara. He has never been friendly to Eunbi even once.

Eunbi frowned seeing him laughing like this.

Lalisa was also surprised to see him laughing like this because he was looking more attractive while smiling.

Eunbi sternly asked him, "Master Mingyu, what is so funny?" she asked with her teeth gritting in anger.

Mingyu stops and looks at her with his usual cold self and said, "Nothing."

He simply said a single word to her and then turned his attention to Lalisa and said, "Her Highness hasn't replied to my question yet? Does her highness, dislike me that much?" he asked charmingly with his deep and mellow voice.

Lalisa was surprised when he suddenly asked her about the question that he asked before.

She also finds Mingyu interesting because he was the first man who was ignoring Eunbi and trying to strike a conversation with her.

Of course, she liked this. Because she also doesn't like Eunbi. How can she hate the person who hates Eunbi as well?

But she had to be careful because he seems to have a close relationship with Sandara.

In this palace, she can't believe everyone. She had to be careful.

Otherwise like in drama, she will be killed as well.

'That's scary.' suddenly her hair stood up in fear when she remembered how Empress was killed in the drama she had seen before.

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