237.I have seen your body so what's there to feel shy?

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Right now, Lisa was embarrassed because she couldn't digest the fact that he had helped her to change her clothes and even changed her sanitary napkin for her.

She did not even look at him and before he could say anything, she reached to get off the bed and strained her leg which caused her to wince in pain as she has wound on her calf.

Jungkook was worried about her and was rubbing the area around her wound to soothe the pain.

The doctor has told him that though the antidote will treat the drug which has been injected in her body, but her body has become way too weak due to the drug's effect and the physical and mental stress.

So she needs at least one week rest properly before she resumes her daily activities. And she needs to have a check-up, to see if she is fit to continue her daily activities or not.

Lisa looked at his worried face who was looking at her bandage on the leg and was carefully rubbing around her wound.

She felt touched with this action of him and reached out to touch his face which was radiating under the white lights which were lit in the room.

When she touched his face, making him surprised. He looked up and saw her dazed expression and her subtle smile made him smile too.

He affectionately looked at her and said, "You don't need to think about much. It's nothing to be embarrassed about." he knows that she was still feeling upset about the fact that he saw her n.a.k.e.d body.

"And we were going to do it anyway," he winked as he completed her words making her face red in embarrassment.

She was left speechless at his shameless words. Suddenly, she felt that he is not as nice as he looks. His shamelessness has no limits.

She shook her hand and said, "It's okay. I am fine now." she said while patting his hand to stop rubbing her leg.

"Really?" he asked her in confirmation while rubbing her leg.

She nodded her hand and urged him to get up from the ground. He stood up and bent down to pick her up.

She got startled by his sudden action and squealed in surprise, "What are you doing?"

Jungkook stopped in his action and looked at her with his innocent eyes and said, "Didn't you want to go to the washroom? I am taking you there. And you can't take a bath for 2 days, so I will help you to clean up."

He said while looking at her with his clear eyes and a smile on his face.

Lisa felt her whole body turning hot when she heard his words. 'How can he speak like this without feeling embarrassed?'

She unconsciously covered her chest area with her hands seeing his passionate gaze.

He raised his brows at her actions and lightly chuckled.

'She is too cute to be true.'

He slightly bent down and blow his scorching breath in her ears making her tremble due to the tingling sensation.

His lips curled upwards seeing her shy expressions. He spoke in a low voice in her ears, "Why are you being so shy? I have seen your body so what's there to feel shy? You're my wife and we had to do it sooner or later. So don't be embarrassed."

"Later when we have to do it for real than what will you do?" he brushed his moist lips across her earlobes which caused her to turned red and she felt that her breath became heavy.

His eyes were brimming with happiness as he straightened up and fixed his shirt and looked at her.

Hearing his words, she had forgotten about everything and the only thing she remembered how Jungkook has changed her clothes for her.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now