210.I don't have a boyfriend

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When Heechul heard Seulgi's words, he glanced at Lisa when an unknown smile spread on his face.

He had a crush on her from the moment he had seen her for the first time but with adding this clause into the contract, his admiration for her has increased a bit more.

It's not like he had any problems with it but he was a little uncomfortable about her entering into the showbiz.

He wanted to approach her romantically but it would be much easier for him to do so if she had just worked in their office as a normal employee.

In showbiz, she will get to meet many celebrities and many young new actresses get distracted with fame and tend to compromise to get the roles and even had to go through the casting couch.

He knows that she was not like that but when he heard the clause he could not help but smile. He started to like Lisa more and more.

But he was oblivious to the fact that she was not single.

Heechul took the contract back from Seulgi and left the office leaving the two in the office.

Seulgi glanced at Lisa and asked, "Do you want coffee?"

Lisa nodded as she looked at her.

Seulgi picked up the phone from the office desk and called the reception of the PR department, "Get us two cups of coffee."

After ordering coffee for the two she hangs up the phone and looked at Lisa without saying anything.

Her aura was dominant and confident. Generally, people will be uncomfortable under her strong gaze but Lisa sat upright with her shoulders straight and her hands folded elegantly on her lap.

Her aura was speaking elegance and noble from every angle. The years of training at the palace had made her posture elegant and straight unknowingly.

But Lisa's body was not as flexible as Lalisa's.

Lalisa knows kung fu and horse riding and even the archery. Her father has taught her many things.

Though after going to the palace, she couldn't practice everything however she knows them well.

But she sometimes practiced kung fu in the lotus pavilion whenever she got time.

Seulgi raised her brows seeing the upright posture of Lisa. She knows how to carry herself well.

After a while, a woman entered the office with two cups of coffee and placed them on the table and left the office.

After the woman left, Seulgi looked at Lisa, "You haven't answered my question yet. Can I take it as a yes?" she asked while raising her brows with stern expressions.

She was trying to read her thoughts behind her blank expressions.

She wanted to know if she was dating someone or not? If she was dating someone than she has to see how long their relationship is.

If she is signing a contract with her then she has to know more about her. Because before signing a contract, it's an important thing that she should know to prevent further scandals.

Lisa took a deep breath and said, "I don't have a boyfriend. "

When she said those words, her eyes were sharp and honest.

She doesn't have a boyfriend, so she didn't lie about anything.

Seulgi raised her brows because she thought that Lisa was lying.

Her brows frowned because she had thought that Lisa was an honest person and would not lie to her for gaining fame.

But maybe she was wrong.

Seulgi crossed her legs dominantly looking straight in her eyes, she was about to tell Lisa that she needs to think again about the contract when she heard her soft and gentle voice.

"But I have a husband." Lisa said casually as she took a sip of her coffee.

Seulgi choked when she was drinking her coffee as she heard Lisa's words.

"Cough. Cough."

Seulgi was surprised when she heard her words.

She had never thought that Lisa could be married.

She was young and beautiful but what is the reason for her to get married so early.

Moreover, his husband was comfortable with her working in the showbiz?

Seulgi's expression faltered a bit hearing the announcement of Lisa.

She looked at Lisa and asked seriously, "You're what? Married? Why?"

Lisa was confused at Seulgi's question.

What does she mean by 'Why'?

Is it that surprising for her to digest that she was married.

Lisa was not planning to hide this thing from her. She was going to tell her sooner or later but she didn't expect that she would tell her this soon.

She had realized that Seulgi was not someone who would favor her because of her status or something.

She is direct and strong. She believes in capability rather than connections.

She told her that she was married because there is no need to hide this from her. If in future she got any problem than Seulgi could help her.

"What do you mean by 'Why'? Can't I be married?" Lisa said to Seulgi with confused and displeased expression.

She expected her to be surprised but this was rather rude to ask her this question this way.

Seulgi looked at Lisa and realized that she had spoken in the wrong way.

She calmed her emotions and asked again, "I mean why are you telling me now that you're married? You should have told me this before?"

Lisa narrowed her eyes when she saw her expressions.

"Because you didn't ask me before," she said casually.

She would have told to Seulgi if she had asked her before. Because she found that Seulgi was not the kind to judge people but seeing her reaction, she was regretting her choice.

Seulgi wanted to say something but shut her mouth. It was the first time that she had no words.

It was indeed her who did not ask her anything.

Lisa only came to her for the interview for the PR department but she was the one who forced her to take an audition.

Though she was not planning to give her the script however she liked the way Lisa presented herself in front of her, so she thought she would be perfect for the role.

And it would be a waste of her looks to work in the office.

Seulgi was baffled with the sudden reveal of her status.

It's hard for actresses to get roles who are married.

Though it's not difficult for a married man to get roles but the rules for women in the entertainment industry are different.

After a marriage of their career doesn't destroy but they were not given many opportunities either.

Because people think that after their marriage, they will get pregnant or their husbands will interfere with their work.

She sighed as she put a hand on her forehead. She was confused about this signing now. 

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