238.Wanted criminal

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Jungkook came downstairs and sent Sorn to help Lisa to freshen up.

Initially, he wanted to help her himself but seeing her uncomfortable look and reluctance he didn't force her because he knows that it must be not easy for her to open up like this.

He knows that she needs time and he was ready to give her the time she needs. Moreover, she had experienced a distressing and traumatic experience which has made her more timid and hesitant.

He needs to take care of her and needs to give her more time for her to heal her physical and mental wounds as well.

He ordered the kitchen staff to make a nutritious breakfast for Lisa according to the doctor's instruction. The doctor has recommended adding more vegetables and less spices to her diet. She was asked to take more protein and nutrients so that she will recover fast.

For two days she will be given a liquid diet which included juices, soup, and porridge and for the rest of the days, she will take diet according to doctor's instruction.

As soon as he sat on the sofa in the living room, his phone rang and Jackson's number flashed on his screen.

His expression darkened seeing his number. He has asked Jackson to take care of that man and also asked him to find out all the details about him so that he will know why he kidnapped Lisa and who has asked her to do so.

"Hello," he answered the phone with his clenched jaw and brow was furrowed making him look cold and dangerous.

There was no one in the living room, so he picked up the call.

When Jackson on the other side heard Jungkook's cold voice, he glanced at the man beside him who was covered in blood and wounds.

"Have you taken care of that man?"

He held the phone tightly and said, "I have taken care of that man. He is alive but his whole body is covered in wounds and blood. I am sure he couldn't even dare to touch any woman from now on." he sneered.

Jackson hates those men the most who show off their power and strength on women and children.

He believed that those who target weak are the biggest coward and should be given a lesson so that they will not dare to do something like this again.

"Did you find his details? Why did he kidnap Lisa?" Jungkook's eyes darkened just about thinking how that man kidnapped her and hurt her.

He has seen how ruthlessly, that man has stabbed her with the injection and her forehead has also reddened and swelled up. Her face has a few scratches and he could not forget how that man had tried to force himself on Lisa.

It was only enough that he hasn't killed him. Because if it was him, he would have killed him to touch her but he does not want to take law in his hand and was planning to hand him to the police after interrogating him.

Jackson paused for a moment hearing his words and sighed.

"I have found the details about him. His name is Geng Dong. He is 35 years old and was a wanted criminal."

"He is a psych who has killed 7 women in 3 years. He kidnaps them and then kills them with the similar drug that he had injected Lisa with and throws them in the mountains after rap*ng them. "

"He has last killed a woman only 6 months before and Lisa was his next target but he failed because of us. "

"Generally, he used the same way to kidnap a woman and pretends to be a cab driver which he has stolen. He picks his target randomly and generally focuses on the woman who is pretty and wants to enter the entertainment industry."

Jungkook's blood boiled in anger when he heard Jackson's words. The man not only kidnapped Lisa but was planning to kill her. He tightened his grip around the phone as he heard Jackson's words.

He could not imagine if they have gotten a few minutes later than he would not be able to save his Lisa. The girl whose body is pearl white and soft like feather was now covered in scratches.

Jackson didn't speak for a while, because he was afraid that his next words might make Jungkook burst in anger.

He took a deep breath and continued, "I found about him and got to know that his wife was trying to enter into the entertainment industry but some director took the advantage of his wife which forced her to suicide."

"Angered with her wife's unfair death, he became crazy when police didn't show much response to his complaint and that director didn't punished. Instead, he was accused of torture his wife which led her to suicide."

"This made him upset and remorse from society and he suffered a huge mental blow. After one year, he started to feel the urge to kill a woman who was trying to enter the entertainment industry and was from a rich family."

"He kidnaps them and kills them after rap*ng them. He felt satisfied seeing their vulnerable condition. His first target was that director's daughter who was also trying to be an actress."

"From then on, he never stopped and killed many more women and it gives him a sense of accomplishment and pleasure. He has lost his mind and does could not think between right and wrong." he sighed as he finished his words.

When he has found about his wife, he felt bad for her but it didn't reduce his crime. Because the day the victim started to take the weapon in their hand and tried to kill them a similar way. They did not remain the victim instead becomes the culprit itself.

No reason could be enough to kill someone, not even revenge and especially one hurts the innocent person to exact their revenge.

Jungkook's eyes twitched a bit when he heard his story but it didn't soften. He could not sympathize with a man who had killed 7 women just to fulfill his revenge and anger towards society.

Moreover, those women were innocent and his 8th target was Lisa. His body stiffened when he thinks that his Lisa could have died if she hadn't found it and treated it on time.

He coldly said to Jackson, " WHy did he kidnap Lisa only? Was there any other reason for him to do this?"

"Hmm, as I said that his target was not fixed and saw Lisa at the auditions that day and his gaze fixated on her and was planning to attack her and that day he got the opportunity to do so."

"...But." he paused in his words to think about something.

"What is it?" Jungkook instructed him to continue.

"Something is bothering me. How did he know that she will go to Global World that day because he could not have possibly hacked her phone and she does not go there frequently either."

"So what do you want to say?" Jungkook narrowed his brows when he heard his words.

"I am assuming there is someone else also who told him Lisa's schedule and details. But he didn't tell me anything despite the beating. His face has been covered in wounds but doesn't speak." he sighed.

Jackson has doubted that he was not alone in this plan and someone has instructed him to do so for some other mystery is behind the story.

But it doesn't look as simple as it may look.

Jungkook's gaze darkened hearing his words.

He saw Sorn coming down from the stairs and said, "Find more about him. I am hanging up now." after this, he hung up his phone.

Jackson glanced at his phone and scoffed, "He has no manners. How can he just hung up at me like this?" He mumbled unhappily as he looked at his phone.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now