363.Then What Is Your Yearly Profit?

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Lalisa frowned seeing her sleeping like this rather than answering her questions.

She called him out, " Supervisor Daesung. KANG DAESUNG" she said loudly when he didn't respond to her for the first time.

Daesung was startled when she suddenly shouted at him.

" What the hell are you doing?" he yelled as her piercing voice startled him.

Lalisa frowned when she saw him behaving this way. She was shocked when he suddenly yelled at her.

Daesung remembered that she is the Empress after all and he can't behave casually with her.

He cleared her throat seeing her glare and said," I apologize to her highness. I fell asleep while showing you around. And I am sorry for my behavior as well. I was startled and that's why I behaved this way."

He apologized to her politely. But Lalisa could see that he was not sorry at all. His head was slightly down but he was looking here and there and was taking her as a nobody.

She frowned seeing her behavior because what kind of Supervisor behaves this way?

If he is good at his work, then he should have at least basic etiquettes that one should not sleep while working and especially he was following the Empress and was treating her like a nobody.

" Supervisor Daesung, is this how you work? Is this what you learn from your long time experience to sleep while working? Looks like Brother Park is so cruel with his workers that they don't get time to sleep and they need to sleep while working." she looked at him sarcastically.

She knows that unlike other places, Brother Park takes care of his workers better than others. He was sleeping while showing her around because he was not interested not because he was sleepy.

Daesung's expression turned dark hearing Lalisa's words. No one has talked to him like this before.

He was an expert in his profession and no one has questioned his work ethics before. He looked at her and gritted his teeth in anger.

' This bitch, just because she is an Empress she is thinking herself all high and mighty. She is nothing but a play toy of his highness. WIthout her she is nothing and here she comes to question me?'

" Your Highness, I was wrong. Please don't say anything to Prince Mingyu about this." however, he lowered himself and apologized to her once again as he can't let her bring this issue to Mingyu.

If that happens that his position could get in trouble.

Lalisa looked at Daesung and didn't say anything when he apologized. She asked him the same question that she asked before and he answered it.

After a while, she asked him, " What is the profit of the shop this year?" she asked as she keenly looked around the shop.

She was curious how much they can earn because they focus both customers that are common people and nobles as well.

If she were to sell her items here then she needs to consider everything. If she wanted to earn money on her own and wanted to get rich then she needs to check if this place can make her any profit or not.

Daesung was caught off guard when he heard her question. He has never seen a girl showing interest in the workings of the shop. They only ask about the products when they come.

He frowned and replied, " Apologies to her highness. This is confidential information and I can't tell you about it. You can ask me about something else" he said politely.

He wanted to show her the real place but kept his words polite while rejecting her. Because this girl was not as gentle and kind as he had heard.

It was his first time seeing the Empress in the public and he could see why she never appeared in public before. It is because of her rude personality.

She has no manners and does not know how to talk to other people.

Lalisa nodded and understood his reasoning.

She has studied business and it is indeed not good to reveal your profit to someone else because it will show how profitable this business is and it can create more competitors in the market.

At that time, Mingyu and Jeongguk came in and saw her frown on Lalisa's face.

Jeongguk walked to her and asked, " What happened? Any problem?"

Lalisa who was thinking how to get this information, Mingyu and Jeongguk suddenly came and she was caught off guard with his question.

" Ah, nothing. I was just thinking about whether it is right for me to ask or not? " Lalisa said hesitantly.

Mingyu looked at Daesung and frowned. He turned to Lalisa and asked, " What is it? You can say?" he didn't use any formalities as Lalisa has asked him to talk casually with her.

But sometimes he uses formalities and sometimes not.

Lalisa pursed her lips and asked, " Brother Park, if you don't mind can I ask you how much profit this shop earns yearly? I don't have any bad intentions, I am just curious." she said cautiously worried he might reject.

She can't tell him right now that she is asking this question because she wants to work with him or something.

She needs to know everything first if this is the right shop for her to work with or not?

Mingyu was stunned when he heard her question. Asking about yearly profit was a little too much?

He smiled awkwardly and was about to reject her request when Jeongguk asked, " What is the yearly profit this shop can earn? It must be not much seeing the items he sells." he commented as he looked at Lalisa seriously.

Mingyu: " -_- "

Lalisa was shocked when she heard Jeongguk's words. How can he be so blunt and say these words in front of Mingyu?

She looked at Mingyu and saw his hurt expression. It was the shop that he created himself and here Jeongguk was mocking him.

She smiled awkwardly as she didn't know what to say at this point.

Mingyu frowned and said, " Brother, don't say this. We're doing much better. How can you say that my shop is not doing well when you don't know anything." he retorted as he cannot bear him saying that his shop is not working well.

Jeongguk looked at him with plain expressions and asked," Then what is your yearly profit? "

Lalisa was stunned and was biting her lower lip to hold her laughter.

' Is this what he was planning to do?'

She was surprised when he asked Mingyu about the question that she asked earlier.

I thought that he would tell her to not ask such questions but instead, he supported her and went to such lengths to get the answer.

Mingyu frowned when he heard Jeongguk's question. ' what are they planning exactly?'

He was surprised and shocked to see the change in Jeongguk? He was behaving like a wife slave these days and does whatever she wants.

' Exactly what happened to him?' he still can't believe that his brother knows that it's a secretive thing and no businessman will tell his profit to others and yet they are forcing him into a corner.

Jeongguk's expressions didn't change for a bit after being faced by the complicated expressions of Mingyu.


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