255.I like handsome guys

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After parting from the embrace, Lisa sat on the sofa while Jungkook settled on the opposite of her.

She was serving some tea for him as well when she heard his voice, "What were you reading before that you were in a daze? You didn't even realize my arrival and got startled like this." he chuckled as he remembered her funny face.

Lisa pursed her lips and glared up at him warning him to shut up. She felt irritated just thinking the way he startled her and laughed at her reaction.

Jungkook received her warning and shut his mouth well. He pursed his lips trying to hold his laughter. But her reaction was too cute to forget.

He saw the magazine which has fallen on the floor earlier when he startled her. He squinted his eyes as he slowly picked up the magazine that has been fallen earlier.

He held the magazine in his hand as his expression darkened seeing the cover picture on it.

Then he glanced at Lisa who was mixing sipping her tea. She looked up at him and saw his questioning gaze.

Lisa: " -_-"

She was startled seeing his cold and domineering cold expression. Just now, he was laughing and rolling and suddenly his aura became domineering and cold.

She fluttered her deep black eyelashes at him and asked innocently, "What's wrong? Don't you want tea?" she pointed towards the tea in front of him from her gaze.

She thought that he doesn't want the tea that's why he was behaving mysteriously. She has no idea why his mood has changed so drastically.

Jungkook looked at her with his rigid expressions and took a deep breath before speaking, "Lisa. Answer my question honestly." his voice was low but it was enough to show his sour mood.

Lisa was surprised when she heard his question. His sudden serious expressions were making her anxious.

She has no idea what he wanted to ask. She blinked her eyes at him in confusion and nodded her head lightly.

Jungkook's eyes faltered seeing her reaction. He found her adorable when she blinked her eyes and nodded her head with her cheeks puffed up.

Her rosy lips were looking tempting and adorable that he wanted to eat them up.

He controlled his temptation to kiss her right away and cleared his throat and asked sternly, "Why were you looking at the magazine in a daze earlier? Do you like handsome man that much?" his voice raised a little when he asked the question.

It was the man's fashion magazine. All the men in the magazine were showing off their body or their charms.

On the main cover, Sehun's photo was plastered in which he was half-n.a.k.e.d as he was not wearing on top and was only wearing a black colored trousers.

His charm and s.e.xiness was obvious in that picture. What bothered him was that most of the pictures in the magazine were filled with him and Lisa was so much into it while reading that she was unaware of her surroundings.

This made him feel slightly angry and jealous. He believed that he was not a jealous kind of man who would be petty to get jealous so easily.

He does not doubt her, it's just he does not want her to look at another man's body.

He was himself very handsome and the youngest CEO in the city. Girls are dying to be with him while his own wife was checking out other men.

He felt his pride hurt. He wanted her to look at him while she was busy checking out other men.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now