217.She is really shameless

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Lalisa raised her brows when she heard Mingyu's words.

She felt that he doesn't know that she doesn't remember anything, that's why he was asking her.

But she was confused with the way he asked her. His tone was playful and more friendly than the way.

Lalisa wanted to tell him why she doesn't recognize him but before she could say anything, Eunbi jumped in the conversation and said, "Brother Park, you know that sister went into a coma after trying to take her life. But when she woke up from the coma a few days ago, she couldn't remember anything. The imperial doctor has said that she had amnesia and does not remember many things of the past."

"That's why she couldn't remember you. So I hope that you will forgive her for her rude behavior earlier," she said with an innocent smile on her face.

When Lalisa heard Eunbi's words, her brows furrowed in irritation. She felt annoyed when Eunbi asks him to forgive her.

'Why does she need anyone's forgiveness? She doesn't even have done anything?' but she controlled her anger and does not speak anything.

Mingyu furrowed his brows when he heard Eunbi's words.

'Ah. that's why she was behaving strangely.' he found out the reason for her strange behavior earlier.

He was wondering how could she not remember him but it was because she had no memories of her past life.

He nodded in understanding and said to Lalisa, "I apologize to his highness for making you uncomfortable earlier."

"Let me introduce myself. I am Park Mingyu, the nephew of Empress Dowager and Jeong Jeongguk's cousin." he politely said to her.

He didn't go into many details because she does need to know much and just about these things.

Lalisa said, "Oh" and nodded as she gave him her beautiful smile.

"Nice to meet you, Master Park. I am sorry for my rude behavior earlier. I just didn't recognize you and behaved that way. Hope you will forgive me as well." she said politely.

Lalisa used formal tone and spoke with her utmost manners. She has studied business so she was eloquent with her words when it comes to these things.

She could speak with respect and manners when others talk to her nicely otherwise she will behave the same way they did to her.

Eunbi was glaring at Lalisa and her face lost all its color because she was angered by the way Lalisa was having a conversation with Mingyu.

She turned to Lalisa and saw her hair folded in a bun and said, "Sister, why did you folded your hair in a bun? You know it's not appropriate for an Empress to do her hair this way." she said with a tone of disdain.

Lalisa turned to her and snapped at her, "Who said that? I am not in any public gathering where I had to worry about my royal image. I am just in the palace and were roaming casually so I don't think there is any problem with that."

"It's a hot day and I folded my hair in a bun. Any problem with that?" she said with a blank expression.

Eunbi's face turned red in embarrassment. She didn't have anything to say.

Lalisa's bun was not neat instead it was messy and loose but it made her more beautiful and attractive. That's why Eunbi hated that without doing anything she looked pretty.

She cannot say anything further as her words were right and they were not in any public gathering and she was not required to dress up accordingly.

Mingyu raised his eyebrows when he heard Lalisa's words that she spoke to Eunbi. he was pleasantly surprised with her comeback.

He didn't say anything about her making that bun while sitting in the garden because it could be considered inappropriate.

Mingyu tried to change the mood and turned to Lalisa and said, "You don't have to be so formal with me. You can just call me brother," He was impressed by the way she talked to him.

He wanted to know more about her so he asked her to not use the formalities and address each other casually.

Eunbi turned to look at Mingyu and glared at him. His behavior was different from the way he behaves with her.

Lalisa was surprised by Mingyu's friendly behavior and coughed lightly.

She wanted to deny this but when she saw Eunbi's pale face, her lips curled up in a smirk.

She turned to Mingyu and said in a soft tone, "Yes. Brother. You can also call me Lalisa only when we are not in public. You don't need to use these titles to call me." she said with a smile.

At first, she doesn't want to call him brother but when she saw Eunbi's face, she thought it would be a good idea to annoy her so she did as he asked him.

An ear to ear smile spread on Mingyu's face as he looked at Lalisa and said, "I won't use formalities then...Lalisa." he said in a low voice.

Lalisa nodded as she smiled.

Beside her, Eunbi was burning in anger seeing their interaction.

"Master Park, you should go inside. His highness must be waiting for you. He must have gotten the news of your arrival so you shouldn't make him wait." Eunbi turned to look at Mingyu and said while gritting her teeth.

She was angered by the way he ignored her that's why she called him Master Park, not brother.

Mingyu looked at Eunbi and didn't say anything to her.

"Lalisa, you should come inside with me. Jeongguk would not mind if you come with me inside. We can have tea and chat around." he invited her to inside.

Jeongguk knows that Mingyu was coming, so he was waiting for him inside the study which is in the palace hall.

Emperor's chamber and study were all in the building of Palace Hall. It is mainly used as the Palace hall where the emperor meets with people and held his meetings.

His chamber and study were also inside so that he can reach the palace hall on time.

Eunbi's mouth kept open when she saw him inviting Lalisa inside for a tea.

Lalisa was surprised when he asked her to come in and have a tea.

She wanted to say no to him but stopped thinking that she does not have anything to do. She contemplated for a minute and decided that she would go in and just roam around.

She looked at him and nodded, "Thank You for inviting me." she said with a smile.

Mingyu also smiled and said, "It's nothing. It would be better if you could join us."

Eunbi frowned when she saw that Mingyu has no intention to invite her over nor Lalisa.

She tightly clenched her hand into a fist and said with a friendly tone, "Yes. Let's go in together. It would be fun to chat and have tea together."

Mingyu: " -_- "

Lalisa: " -_- "

Both Lalisa and Mingyu was amused to see the shameless attitude of Eunbi.

Lalisa snickered in her heart, 'She is really shameless. She does not even feel embarrassed by saying these words herself.'

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