264.Am I frightening?

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Jeong Dynasty.

Lalisa fl.u.s.teredly got off the bed abruptly which led to the awkward and uncomfortable silence. She was too embarrassed to face him after taking an initiative and kissing his adam apple. This move was impulsive which make her so fl.u.s.tered and embarrassed that she was regretting and cursing herself for her impulsive actions inwardly.

She was always a rash person and always takes action before thinking which always led her to these kinds of uncomfortable situations. It was because of her rash actions that she always fought with Jungkook in her last life.

After coming here she had thought that her temperament has gotten better and she has started to think rationally because she has faced many problems and annoying people and shut them off with her eloquent words.

However, at this moment, she got off the track and her rationality got blurred by his attractiveness.

She stood on the spot and could feel Jeongguk's scorching gaze on her back. But she didn't dare to turn back.

"I...I am not tired anymore. I am going to meet Master Gong to see if he has settled down or not. Your Highness can take a rest if you want. I am going." she hurriedly said her words without turning around and facing him and ran off from the room without waiting for his response.

Jeongguk who was sitting on the bed staring at the girl who just disappeared in the speed of light. She ran like someone was behind her life.

He could see that she was embarrassed and was afraid that he might pull her back.

Her tomato red earlobes were visible from the back that was enticing and attractive. He looked in the direction where her figure disappeared in a daze.

He remembered when her lips touched his neck and the sensation which he got was so amazing and pleasing. He wanted more but with their relationship, it seems that he needs to work more before letting her open up to him.

It was Lisa, not Lalisa that's why she took this kind of initiative. In front of Jeongguk, Lalisa used to become very quiet and well mannered.

She would have never behaved in this way and would never dare to be this daring. With the palace rules and restrictions, her life has become dull and she has lost her happiness and the zeal to live her life happily.

But after going into the 21st century and meeting with Jungkook, her life has changed and she has become more expressive and strong. Also, that man has helped her a lot to become comfortable and help her regain her lost confidence that she had lost in the palace.

Jeongguk found her actions bold and strange and kept thinking if Lalisa was like this before and she hadn't noticed it? He was struggling to understand the strange actions of Lalisa since she had woken up from the coma.

Master Gong's words rang in his ears that she hasn't lost her memories because she doesn't have any. But it doesn't make sense unless it is something superficial and magical aspect.

He shook his head as nonsense thoughts came into his mind. He yawned and laid on the bed to sleep. He was really tired but then things got out of hand and she ended up leaving the room.

At first, he wondered if he should go back to his room as well but in the end, he laid back because, in the end, she has to come back to her room.

Also, he will get a good sleep if he rested in her room. Her room is filled with her smell especially her bed where they had slept together last night and just got intimate a few moments ago.

It was the same place where she kissed his adam apple and gave him hope for their relationship. He closed his eyes and fell into the slumber while thinking about the intimate moments that they shared.

Lalisa got out of the room hurriedly when she couldn't think of anything. Now she wasn't even sleepy and her eyes were wide open.

She was shocked by her wild and bold actions. She wondered if she was always like this?

She couldn't figure out why she did something like this?

"Did remaining a v.i.r.g.i.n for all these years affected my mindset and my body is getting weak against male hormones? Is that a thing? Am I becoming a beast who will jump upon any man?" she mumbled in disbelief as she walks in the garden back and forth.

While Minnie was following her and was worried about seeing her panic state. She couldn't understand what she was saying. She was using some strange terms that she does not know.

That's why she kept my mouth shut and just followed her as it was her duty to protect and take care of her. She was worried that she would do something stupid in her state of panic because she could not believe in this new Lalisa who always create troubles.

Lalisa who was walking back and forth suddenly stopped in her tracks which resulted in Minnie to bump into her back.

Her nose gets smashed and hit by her back which hurts a lot. Tears welled into Minnie's eyes as she silently cried without tears while rubbing her poor nose.

Lalisa, who was not interested in Minnie's antics as she stood there and mumbled in a daze, "What am I doing here? Do I have time to waste my breath over these issues?"

"I should meet that old man so that I can go back. He is the only one who can help me go back to my word. I just hope that he will help me out and I could go back."

"This way I wouldn't need to worry about Jeongguk and what he thinks of me. Yes. That's right. I should focus on my mission to go back." she mumbled to herself in a low voice which was inaudible to Minnie.

Minnie who was behind her just wondered what was going on in her mind.

Lalisa who was determined to go back turned around to go to the guest room and meet with the old man to know about the meaning behind his words.

Just as she turned around, she almost bumped again with Minnie.

"What are you doing here?" she was annoyed that she keeps following her everywhere like a puppy but she was not as cute as one. There wasn't a single space where she could get her privacy.

All-time at least one bodyguard or Minnie kept following her. Can't she have a moment of herself?

"Miss, I was just following you because I was worried about you," she said in a low voice as she was slightly scared seeing the annoyance in Lalisa's eyes.

"Why are you worried about me?" she was surprised when Minnie said that she was worried about her.

She was confused about why she was worried about her and what is there to be afraid of.

Minnie pursed her lips as she wondered if it is right to tell her that she was worried that she would create another trouble.

Before she used to feel sorry for Lalisa because she always becomes the victim of other's bullying and without any reason gets into trouble but these days she was worried that she would create another trouble herself.

She was getting more and more energetic and bold. Her actions could bring them into trouble that's why she was following her and keeping an eye on her.

When Minnie didn't reply to her question, she frowned and said, "I am going to Master Lu's chamber, so you can go back. I want to meet him alone and want to talk to him, so you go." Lalisa shooed her away as she could not talk to him in Minnie's presence.

Minnie frowned and blinked innocently but meeting with Lalisa's fierce gaze, she went back quietly.

"These days, Miss has become quite frightening," she complained while going back to the lotus pavilion.

Lalisa: " -_- "

Lalisa heard her words and was speechless for a moment. Frightening? Am I frightening?'

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