345.We Will Go Tomorrow If You Want To Go.

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Eunbi frowned when she heard Lalisa's words and turned to look at her and said, " Sister what are you saying? How can Brother Mingyu go tomorrow to show you around? He must be exhausted from his trip to P country and if you asked him to show you around, then it would be very selfish of you." she said as she commented.

Finally, she got something to say. This time it was Lalisa who got herself in trouble and not her. She was just telling her that she was in the wrong. Who asked her to be so selfish?

She knows that she is selfish and always pretends to be considerate of everyone, but today she finally let out her true thoughts.

She glanced at Jeongguk after she was done with her words. She was expecting him to react at least and wanted him to scold Lalisa for being self-centered.

Jeongguk looked at Lalisa and pursed his lips. At first, he was upset when she asked Mingyu but when he saw her pouted lips and the frown on her face, he felt his heart melting away.

She didn't get many chances to get out of the palace and hang out. Sandara sometimes took Eunbi with her to the market or temples but Lalisa always stayed at the palace.

In the last year, she didn't step out of the palace either. He was so ignorant that he didn't look after her and didn't realize that it could be suffocating to stay at the palace all the time.

He looked at her and said, " You don't need to think about it. If you want to go tomorrow, then we will go tomorrow. I also don't have much work tomorrow, so I can accompany you to go out." he patted her head as he said his words.

He has a few important meetings with the ministers but he can postpone them because he does not want to see Lalisa in such low spirits.

Lalisa who was feeling low spirited was surprised when she heard his words. Her eyes glistened with surprise and happiness.

When he patted her head lightly gave her flutters in her stomach. At this moment, his gaze was extremely soft and tender.

She felt touched when she heard him say, ' If you wanted to go tomorrow, then we will go tomorrow.'

She was already preparing herself to stay at the palace and was hoping that she wouldn't die of boredom.

But surprisingly Jeongguk agreed to her request and was ready to accompany her as well.

She smiled brightly and asked, " Really? We can go tomorrow? But shouldn't Brother Mingyu need rest since he came back from the long trip? Isn't it exhausting for him if he accompanies us to show his shop to us?"

She wanted to go but was worried that it might be too much for Mingyu. He just came back from his trip and it must be extremely exhausting to travel to another country when there are no planes or cars and nothing.

It takes weeks or months to go to a nearby country. It must be extremely exhausting.

Mingyu looked at Lalisa and smiled lightly. He was indeed tired. At least she is considerate enough to worry about him unlike his brother who didn't think twice and decided to go the very next day.

Eunbi frowned when she heard Jeongguk's words. She was not expecting this kind of reaction from him.

He didn't scold her nor said anything instead he agreed to her request?

' Isn't he going too far? How can he change completely since she woke up from the coma?'

It was very easy to manipulate him before but for some reason, he became very strange and does not get into her words like before.

Is there something that she doesn't know?


Jeongguk looked at Lalisa and said, " We don't need to worry about him as he is not accompanying us. He can rest in the palace and only we will go together tomorrow."

Mingyu: " - _-"

He wasn't expecting that Jeongguk would deny from taking him together with them. ' How could he leave his brother behind?' magic

Lalisa looked at him in confusion. Aren't they going to brother Wen's shop?

Shouldn't they take him with them as well? Will it be okay to leave him behind like this?

She glanced at Mingyu and saw his frowning expressions. She felt bad for him, so she asked Jeongguk, " His highness, why are we not taking brother Wen with us? We can simply go another day if he can't go tomorrow, but we don't need to leave him behind like this." she said meekly.

She felt bad because Jeongguk simply left Mingyu behind and decided to go with her only. She made this plan with Mingyu first, and if they left him behind like this, it won't be nice.

Also, only Mingyu can explain the rules of the market here since he is the one who owns that shop and he went to another country regarding his trade as well.

Jeongguk frowned when she offered to cancel tomorrow's plan so that Mingyu can accompany them.

He wanted to go alone with her and she wanted to include Mingyu in between. Can't she see that he was doing all this so that they can get some time alone?

He never went out with Lalisa alone and wanted to take this chance to show her around and this way they will get some time alone to get to know each other.

" There is no need for.." before Jeongguk could complete his words and say that there is no need for Mingyu to accompany them and he should rest, Mingyu interrupted him and said,

"Brother it's fine. I am not that tired. I can accompany you guys if you're going tomorrow. And if you're going to visit my shop then it's only right if I should you around." Mingyu smiled when he looked at Lalisa.

" Don't worry, we will go tomorrow if you want to go to tomorrow. " Mingyu said to Lalisa.

Jeongguk frowned when he heard Mingyu say the same words to Lalisa that he said earlier.

He pursed his lips as he glared at him.

Mingyu ignored his piercing gaze and smiled mildly at Lalisa.

Lalisa was happy that Mingyu agreed to accompany them tomorrow. But she still felt bad and asked, " Brother Wen, if you're tired, then you don't need to come with us. You can simply stay at the palace. It must be exhausting for you if you accompanied us tomorrow."

Jeongguk nodded in acknowledgment hearing Lalisa's words.

But his expressions turned stiff when he heard Mingyu's words.

" Lalisa, you don't need to feel bad. I am not tired. Moreover, it's not like we're going somewhere far. The place we're going is only a few hours away. Moreover, I needed to go there to check it's working progress." he said as he looked at Lalisa.

Lalisa was surprised when he suddenly called her by name.

In this place, not many people call her by her name. Only Jeongguk and Empress Dowager call her by this name.

Till now, he was calling her, ' her highness or Empress.' He was using the formal tone by now but suddenly he called her by her name.

It felt strange to hear her name from his mouth. Though it's normal for her however in this palace only a few people can call her by name.

Jeongguk looked at Mingyu and frowned when he heard him call Lalisa by her name. He clenched his fists tightly as he gave him a side glare.

He felt like an urge to smack Mingyu on his head for getting ahead of himself.

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