269.His highness asked for me?

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"So I have to wait for Lalisa's aunt to come to get the answers to my questions?" Lalisa muttered with her head lowered.


"I thought that you could answer my questions and I could go back to my world. But it seems like I have to stay here for long," she mumbled with a heavy sigh.

The Old Man looked at Lalisa and her furrowed brows.

"There are many things that you can't change. So if you can't change them, then just try to change yourself according to those things. "

Lalisa looked up and stared at the old man in confusion. She was confused about his words.

"What do you want to say? I didn't understand. " she blinked her eyes innocently.

"What I mean is, if you're supposed to live in this world, then you need to adapt to this world. You just can't be the same ignorant girl."

"I don't know about your previous life, but in this world, you're the Empress of the Jeong Dynasty. "

"You need to think carefully before doing anything. You're the Empress, you can't be that irresponsible. "

"You need to behave like an Empress for people to not be suspicious of you. Because this is not your normal situation, it's a palace. Palace rules are not as simple as it looks. " the man told her with his hand placed on top of the table.

Lalisa looked at the man and nodded as she slightly pouted her lips. She does not want to live in this place but there is no choice as she cannot go back on her own.

"Yes. I will try to live quietly. But what about Lalisa's memories? Without her memories, it's very hard for me to live here."

"I don't know anything and don't know about many people. Everything is blank which is very hard for me. They all think that I am rude but the thing is I don't know anything or anyone. "

Master Gong thought for a while and said,"I can't do anything in this case. Only Goeun can help you with this problem. And she was not here as well."

"I think you need to just wait for a while. Till then, you need to behave like an Empress and also, try to speak less. If you don't speak at all, it would be much better. ".

"Because it was your mouth which creates problems for everyone. With your mouth shut, your life will become easier and peaceful in this Palace. " a mocking smile plastered on his face as he joked about her.

Lalisa:" -_- "

Even though it's a joke, but Lalisa does not like it. She did not say anything because he was an old man.

She just sighed lightly and said,"Now when we are clear, so I am going back to my chamber. And don't forget to inform me when your wife comes back."

Master Gong nodded and said, "Don't worry. She will come to meet you whenever she comes back. Till then try to live like Lalisa. Do not create trouble all the time. "

Lalisa got up and walked towards the door. When she heard his words, she stopped in her tracks and turned to look back.

She smirked slightly and said,"I am not creating any trouble. It's the people here, who won't stop picking on me. I am just...retaliating." her lips curled upwards and she turned around to leave.

The old man looked at the petite figure in front of him who left the chamber clumsily and she was not feminine at all.

A smile plastered on his lips as he reminisces the past. Though Lalisa and Lisa's personality are different at this moment.

But when Lalisa was young, she was exactly like Lisa.

She was free and always speak her mind. She always fights against the wrong and support the victim.

However, after entering the Palace, her happiness and freedom was snatched away. Her life has become dull and painful.

After coming out of the chamber, Lalisa stopped and turned to look at the room she just left.

She was having a heavy feeling in her heart. She came today to know anything but she has to wait again for her questions to be answered.

She sighed and prepared to go back.

When she reached the Lotus Pavilion, she almost bumped into Minnie who was walking back and forth while waiting for her.

She raised her eyes in amus.e.m.e.nt and asked, "What are you doing? I almost fell because of you." Lalisa grumbled while fixing her gown.

Minnie's lips curled downwards as she continued, "Miss, I was waiting for you. I was worried about you. Where were you? "

"Didn't I told you that I am going to meet Master Gong. Why are you overreacting?" Lalisa rebuked Minnie and walked past her.

Minnie frowned seeing Lalisa walking ahead but ended up following her.

"When you didn't come for a long time, his Highness asked me about your whereabouts. I told them that you went to meet Master Gong. However, you didn't take your medicine yet, so his highness was worried about you." she said while pouting her lips.

When Lalisa didn't come for long, Jeongguk asked her where is she? And if she has taken her medicine or not?

Minnie told him that she didn't get time to take her after meal medicine. This worried Jeongguk and he scolded Minnie for not taking care of her.

She felt wrong as it was not her fault. Lalisa didn't listen to her and just went out like this.

But there is no way she could say anything. She silently took all the blame and waited for Lalisa to come.

She wanted to go to the Master Gong's chamber but stopped herself because this might have angered Lalisa.

Lalisa stopped in her tracks when she heard Minnie's words.

"His highness asked for me?" she asked her as she turned around to face Minnie. 

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