265.Do you want to let your secret known by everyone?

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After sending Minnie away, Lalisa went to meet Master Gong.

On her way to his chamber, she was worried that if that old man really knows something about her or just bluffing like that.

When she reached in front of Master Gong's chamber, she looked at the big room embellished with beautiful statues at the entrance.

Though it's been a while she was living in this palace, she was still fascinated with this place. This place is free of pollution and has fresh air unlike the atmosphere of cities which is full of noises of horns and dust or pollution.

The ancient architecture was well built that too without any machines that they used in modern times. Though these people do not have many advanced techniques however they were talented.

In her last life, she never had a chance to visit any historical place but she had seen many ancient ornaments in the exhibitions and even had brought some for the collection. Those ornaments were expensive and were in great demand.

But all these items were not matched from the items she has seen here. The items here are authentic and beautiful. Many items that were sold in the exhibitions were told to be authentic and ancient but many times they were not as old that they claimed it to be.

The ornaments here were very beautiful and carved with the utmost care.

The only problem she had here was with clothes. The clothes are beautiful but they are too heavy for her to wear. She can't wear such heavy and glittery clothes.

She loves to collect all these items but does not want to wear these things. She is just obsessed to collect all these ornaments and clothes but always wears light material clothes and gowns.

Though according to her status as Empress, her clothes are light and not appropriate for her status however her styling and beauty overlooks everything. She will look beautiful in whatever she wears.

Whatever, she wears, she can make it look neat and beautiful.

After gathering her courage she walked up the steps and stood at the door of the Chamber. The door of the chamber was half closed and she could see a view of inside.

She tried to peek inside but couldn't see anything. As she was peeking inside the room while holding the door and tilting her head to see the ongoing inside the room, a voice could be heard from behind, " There is no one in the room."

"It looks likes so...," she replied in a low voice while struggling to look inside but didn't see anyone.

" -_- " Her body froze in the same sneaky position when she realized that the voice sounded familiar. The heavy voice which was full of confidence and aura was too familiar.

It was Master Gong.

She bit her lower in regret as she hesitantly turned around to see the old man looking at her with his brows raised in a domineering manner.

Master Gong has gone out to see around the palace but when he returned, he saw Lalisa sneaking around his place and was trying to peek inside the room through the half-open door.

He raised his brows in interest. He knows Lalisa since childhood because Lee Marco and he was were very good friends and have grown together.

Lee Marco and he have married two sisters from the same family as Lee Marco's wife is Master Gong's wife sister. They are not only friends but relatives also.

In this sense, Master Gong was Lalisa's uncle also. So he knows her since she was a young girl and was always cheerful and intelligent.

He looked at Lalisa indifferently and saw her struggling to try peeking inside but when she was about to enter the room, he finally spoke and said, "There is no one in the room."

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now