283.What relationship do you have with her?

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While everyone was praising Lisa for her cooking skills, someone was not happy that she was getting everyone's attention.

Yeri who was sitting on the corner saw everyone's faces and the way they were praising Lisa. Even the cameraman and the head makeup artist was complimenting her.

Though they were not someone that can help her in her career or she may gain benefits from but this feeling was annoying that no one was paying attention to her.

She was the female lead of the movie and was also an A grade actress. She was much more experienced and beautiful than Lisa but still, everyone was praising her and giving their attention to her.

She picked up her chopsticks and slurped the noodles. Her brows furrowed when she tasted the noodles.

She thought that they were overpraising her and she wanted to find some flaw in it, but surprisingly they were delicious. She didn't have noodles in so long because of her diet but when she tasted these noodles, she couldn't help but admire its taste.

They were delicious and mouth-watering. However, she can't just sit still and enjoy these noodles while everyone gathering around Lisa.

She has to show her that she is the boss otherwise she will become boastful and arrogant.

"What is this? Lisa, these noodles are so salty and it's not good for one's health either. You should have used less salt. And these noodles are soggy and does not taste that good." she looked at Lisa with disapproval.

"You should have cooked for less time. It tastes weird. You need to learn more otherwise everyone will criticize you for your cooking. "

"I am your senior that's why I am telling you the flaws in your cooking otherwise you won't know there is a problem with your cooking," she said concernedly. She tried to look like she was correcting Lisa and wanted her to improve.

The happy atmosphere at the table suddenly turned awkward. Everyone understood Yeri's personality and could see that she was deliberately picking on Lisa.

Lisa looked at Yeri as if she was looking at fool. She doesn't know what rubbish she was saying. She was the one who has created the recipe of these noodles in her past life and she was telling her to learn cooking?

She could see that she was deliberately trying to humiliate her in front of everyone and was thinking that she would not retaliate in front of everyone.

And even if she did say something, people will think that she is too much and was arguing with a senior.

But these were only childish tricks in front of her. Her mother in law and Eunbi has already done all this with her so she knows what kind of trick she was trying to pull.

Sehun was sitting between Lisa and Yeri. His expressions turned dark when he heard Yeri's words.

He wanted to say something because in popularity he is much more above Yeri. He is popular and his fanbase was much bigger than Yeri.

He was only low key and does not show off his popularity much and choose to remain silent. But seeing Lisa being picked upon, he could not hold up.

Before saying anything, he turned to look at Lisa but surprisingly she was not angry but her expressions were calm and gentle.

This was not so like Lisa. She was short-tempered and she would have started arguing with Yeri. Lisa hates these kinds of people and she always had a hard time controlling her tongue.

She was always rash with her actions and only think after doing something.

"Really? I am sorry that you didn't like the noodles. It just..I made these noodles according to my taste preferences. Moreover, I already asked everybody who was helping with the preparations earlier about the seasoning they like in the noodles. You were not there so I don't know about your taste." she said while pursing her lips lightly.

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