206.Since when did I promise him anything?

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In the morning the next day, when Lisa woke up, she was feeling fresh and better.

She looked at her side and found that Jungkook was not there.

She lazily sat up and get off the bed.

She walked towards the bathroom but stopped in her steps when her gaze landed on the note on the bedside table.

She picked the yellow-colored sticking note which said, "Come down my sleeping beauty. Your prince is waiting for you at breakfast."

She chuckled when she read the silly note and went to the bathroom to get ready.

After getting ready, she checked herself for the last time in the mirror as she fixed her hair and went downstairs after picking up her phone from the side table.

When she walked downstairs, she saw everyone was waiting for her on the dining table.

She felt bad as everyone has been waiting for her. She was tired and woke up late in the morning.

Even Jungkook didn't wake her up.

He doesn't want to wake her up as she was sleeping peacefully and felt that she needs more rest.

She hurriedly went downstairs towards the dining table and went to Mother Jeon, "Mother. I am sorry for letting you all wait for me. I woke up late in the morning." she said apologetically.

Mother Jeon who was placing the dishes on the table turned to look at Lisa and said coolly, "Oh common. You don't need to do all this formality. What's the big deal of waking up late."

"Young people should sleep some more." she winked at her as she said her words.

Lisa looked at her in confusion. Then she looked at everyone. They were giving her strange looks and giggling.

'What happened to everyone? What are they thinking that they are laughing like this?' she looked at Jungkook to ask what happened.

Everyone's expression seemed strange.

Jungkook who was looking at her shook his head as if saying to not mind them.

She tilted her head in confusion.

'What is this situation?'

After helping Mother Jeon, she sat on the chair beside Jungkook. She hit her elbow on his arm and said in low voice, "What's happening? Why everyone is looking at me like this?"

Taehyung who was sitting opposite of her couldn't control himself and spoke, "Why are you acting so oblivious. Lisa, I never thought that you could betray me so easily." he said as he felt wronged.

She furrowed her brows while trying to decipher the meaning behind his words.

"What do you mean?"

Mother Jeon slapped Taehyung's hand to shut him up.

But Taehyung looked at Lisa and continued, "Lisa, I thought that at least you're loyal to me. But you betrayed me and went to brother's side."

She blinked her eyes at him in confusion.

'What nonsense is he talking about?'

Taehyung got annoyed seeing her innocent expression and said, "Why are you pretending to be innocent. I saw everything last night." he said confidently which made grandfather spit the water out that he was drinking.

Even Mother Jeon was shocked by hearing his son's words.

Lisa's eyes widened in horror as she asked him, "What did you see?"

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now