329.Sister, You Have Something To Talk To Me?

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Eunbi was stupified when Lalisa made Jeongguk sit away from her. She was so happy earlier that Jeongguk came to sit with her leaving Lalisa behind.

But instead of feeling sad, that bitch sat with Mingyu. She did this on purpose to provoke Jeongguk. Otherwise, he wouldn't have cared about her.

But the surprising thing was that Jeongguk didn't say anything to her when she ignored Jeongguk just now when she sat with Mingyu. She shamelessly sat with another man ignoring her husband.

She thought that Lalisa was stupid to do this, but now she understood her trick. She was trying to provoke Jeongguk so that he would get jealous that she sat with another man.

' This bitch is too sly. She pretends to be innocent but plays such dirty tricks from behind.'

She was shocked at the way Jeongguk behaved today. He didn't say anything to her instead he followed her command and shifted to the side when she asked him to do so.

' Why suddenly he became so docile to her? What had happened between them that Jeongguk is behaving so strangely?'

Eunbi glanced at Lalisa and saw how her face was glowing and she was looking much more beautiful than before.

She remembered the day when she and Sandara barged into their room and how she was clinging to him. That scene still haunts her.

She felt uncomfortable thinking about what would have happened between them that Jeongguk treated her so preciously.

Eunbi was confused with his behavior. Was he always like that? How can she not see that Jeongguk could be so calm and submissive?

But she hates that he was being this way only with Lalisa. He always talked to her coldly and she has never seen him smiling at her the way he does to Lalisa.

Since Lalisa woke up from the coma, he was treating her like a treasure and his attitude towards her has changed a lot.

He suddenly became so clear and open about his feelings than before. In the past, he wasn't like that.

He was not very open about his feelings and was very reserved.

And their relationship hasn't progressed much because he immediately went to war after his marriage and remains busy with his palace affairs.

Moreover, she and Sandara were there to not let them have a conversation or let them solve their issues. Eunbi was worried that if they talked properly, then her tricks will be revealed.

She knows how Jeongguk feels towards her because he has clearly told her before marriage that he likes someone else and could not love anyone else. If he were to marry her, it would be only for the alliance and nothing else.

Eunbi was upset at that time but decided to think otherwise. She thought that she would make him love her because no man could resist her charm.

But he didn't fall for her. She was successful in getting the favor of Sandara and also saw his unexplainable feelings towards Lalisa.

Due to his personality, he was not the type to express himself which led Lalisa to misunderstand many things.

Eunbi did everything in her power to separate them and never let them talk clearly.

Because of their lack of communication and confusion and problems created by Eunbi between them, it was easier for her to brainwash Lalisa.

She always pretended in front of her to be an innocent and naive girl who likes her and treats her like a sister.

In front of Lalisa, Eunbi pretends to be helpless because of Sandara's biased behavior.

Lalisa also used to believe her words and thinks that it was not Eunbi's fault that Sandara likes her more than her.

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