204.Running won't help you my dear wife

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When Jungkook came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist showing his perfectly muscled body.

His hair was dripping wet as a drop of water made it's way from his hair to his chest.

Lisa who was laying on the bed on her back turned to look at him.

Her throat went dry seeing his abs and muscular body.

His body was truly a piece of art. He doesn't do much workout but he still has this kind of body.

She silently sat up on the bed with her legs folded as she placed her hands on her lap while looking at his body.

Jungkook walked out of the bathroom and was drying his hair with a small towel when his eyes went on the woman in front of him who was drooling seeing his body.

His lips curled up in satisfaction.

He walked in front of her and said with a smirk on his face, "Do you want to touch it?"

As he finished his words, he held Lisa's hands which were placed on her lap and directed them towards his abdomen muscles.

Lisa's face burned in embarrassment.

She immediately pulled her hand away from his grasp before she could touch his body and get off the bed in a hurry.

Her ears turned red when she saw the smirk on his face.

Jungkook knows that he was handsome but he felt a different kind of happiness when he saw her drooling over his body.

Which man won't like his women complimenting and pleased by his looks?

The way women like to dress up and want to look pretty for their boyfriends, it's the same thing with the men as well.

Jungkook looked at her in amusement when she went towards the wardrobe ignoring him.

She hurriedly took her clothes from the wardrobe and ran towards the bathroom saying, "I am going to shower."

He chuckled when he saw her running off into the bathroom like a scared kitten.

He could see the nervousness on her face.

"Running won't help you, my dear wife. You can hide as much as you want until your period' ends. But after that...who will save you?" he mumbled when he saw her running into the bathroom as a smirk appeared on his face.

When Lisa came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, she realized that there was no one in the room.

She thought that Jungkook must have gone down, so she went to the dressing table and put some night cream on her face to moisturize them.

After coming to this world, she realized that these products are quite good and easy to use.

It also helps her maintain the softness and pureness of her skin otherwise there is so much pollution in this world, her skin would have blackened because of the pollution.

She moisturized her lips with the lip balm.

She turned her head when she saw Jungkook entering into the room.

He walked towards her and handed her a cup.

She looked at the cup and asked, "What is this?"

She was confused about what he brought her in the night to drink.

He replied as he casually sat on the edge of the bed with his tablet, "It's ginger and honey warm water. It will also help with your cramps. Drink it before it gets cold".

Lisa glanced at him with her gentle eyes.

'This man surely knows how to pamper me.'

It was the first time that someone has shown this kind of affection to her.

She quickly drank the ginger and honey water. It helped her to warm her body and also relieve her cramps.

She went to the other side of the bed and gets into the blanket.

She picked up her phone to check her email. With Lisa's memory, she was able to adapt to the technology of this world.

She was trying to learn English as it was the most common language that everyone uses.

She can't make a fool of herself in people if she failed to read English when she was with others.

When she saw Seulgi's mail in her inbox, she realized her conversation in the afternoon.

Tomorrow she had to go to the Global World to sign the contract with her.

She opened the mail and found the contract that she had sent her to read.

She opened it and was baffled to see the contract in English. Though she was learning and started to understand it.

Lisa's memories were a great help to her but she was still having a hard time with it.

She can read basic English to read messages or emails but she can't understand professional English in the contract.

And there were so many terms that were foreign to her.

She looked at her side and noticed that Jungkook was looking into his tablet with focus.

She can't disturb him at this moment.

She glanced at him and waited to finish his work first.

But Jungkook was getting disturbed by her as she kept staring at him with her big puppy eyes.

He sighed and put his tablet on the side and turned to her, "Do you have something to say?"

She looked at him with his bright eyes and said, "Ah. Did you finished your work?" she asked her before asking him for his help.

He looked at her helplessly and sighed, "How can I work when you keep looking at me with your passionate gaze?" he said while pinching her plump cheeks.

"AH." she winced in pain as she lightly rubbed her face.

He laughed at her and said, "What is it?"

"Ah. Kang Seulgi wanted me to sign the contract tomorrow and has send me the contract for me to read it."

"And I am not that good with this contract thing. So can you help me check it?" she asked while passing him her phone.

Her eyes were sparkling with bright light as she requested him.

His heart melted when he saw her adorable expression.

How can he say no to her request when she makes this face?

He picked up his tablet and opened her mail on it and read the contents of the contract.

He was reading with such focus and determination that Lisa can't take her eyes off from him.

Men looks the most handsome when they are working with determination. 

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now