336.Feeling Nervous.

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After he packed her luggage in a hurry, they went downstairs and checked out from the hotel.

When Lisa came outside and saw Suho sitting in the car waiting for them. Her heart hurt for him seeing him looking exhausted as he gave her a tired smile.

She could see how tired he is looking for. She turned to look at Jungkook who avoided her eye gaze and looked away.


Jungkook planned this trip last night when she stopped him in the middle to do the deed. He grunted but in the end, agreed to her wish.

He does not want to spend their first time at such a lousy place. In the early morning, he left her room and went to his room that he has booked in the same hotel.

He called Suho who was in his dreamland and woke up from his dreamland to ask him to book their tickets to Bali and also bring Lisa's passport from Jeon Villa.

Suho who hasn't woken up properly had to book their ticket to Bali and went to Jeon Villa in the morning to get Lisa's passport and then had to drive to Ning city which took almost 6 hours for him to reach due to severe traffic.


Suho smiled seeing the worry on Lisa's face.

' At least, Madam has some sympathy for me.' Because he knows that his boss is so into his ' trip' that he doesn't feel any exhaustion.

Jungkook didn't get any rest either as he attended the meeting yesterday and then came to Ning city in the night. He got up early as well and now had to travel to Bali again.

But rather than feeling exhausted he was looking more energetic than ever before.

Suho got out of the car and placed Lisa's luggage in the car trunk as he had to take it with him back to S city.

Jungkook opened the car gate for Lisa and helped her get into the car. He also turned to the other side and got into the car.

When Suho sat in the car, Jungkook looked at his watch and said, " Let's go. We don't have much time." Jungkook urged him to hurry up and start the car.

Suho pursed his lips seeing Jungkook so impatient.' Then why did you plan this trip so suddenly?'

" Yes." he obviously couldn't speak his mind and started the car without waiting for anything.

Lisa was feeling exhausted since the audition and didn't get the time to rest. Her eyes started to feel heavy since the moment she sat in the car.

She fell asleep in the car without realizing it. Jungkook looked at her and felt bad for making her go on a trip with him when she was tired.

He pursed his lips and stretched his hand to pull her towards him as he placed her head on his shoulder so that she won't get hurt and could sleep peacefully.


After reaching the airport, he helped her get out of the car. He wanted to carry her on his back but she rejected him.

She doesn't want to make a scene of herself at the airport and does not want to become a delicate doll who would need to be carried wherever she went.

When Lisa reached the airport, she was surprised to see this enormous place. It was her first time seeing an airport in this life.

It is so big and full of people. She looked at her surroundings in awe. She has seen in the dramas that there is a thing called an airplane which helps people to fly from one place to another.

It is such a magical invention that they can travel from one place to another by flying like a bird. She could not believe that things could change so much that even a human can fly back and forth to places.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now