344.Brother Mingyu, Are You Busy Tomorrow?

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Jungkook looked at Lisa when he heard her question. He asked her" Didn't I tell you that it's my friend's restaurant? "

Lisa nodded when she heard his question. She remembered that he told her that it was his friend's restaurant and he wanted to bring her here because it's a very beautiful restaurant.

He continued, "So I have the platinum membership card of this restaurant which empowers me to dine here anytime and I can not only use this private room but whatever I order will be free. So technically it's my friend who is paying not me. " he chuckled as he looked at her.

He has only earned money by now but when his relationship with her is working smoothly, he wants to pamper her like a queen.

Lisa looked at her face and nodded in understanding. She looked around and found that his friend must be very artistic because the restaurant was not decorated beautifully but it was designed artistically as well.

The wooden chairs and table give the natural vibes and there was the wall fountain in the room as well which gives a very peaceful feeling.

" So we're mooching off at your friend." she murmured under her breath as she looked at him with seriousness.

Jungkook who was drinking coffee served by served choked up and started coughing when he heard her words.

He never heard someone say that he is mooching off at others. Generally, people mooch off at him and here his wife is saying that they're mooching off at his friend.

He stared at her unbelievably and responded with an aggrieved expression, " It's not like I am mooching off at him. I not only have the platinum membership but I am the biggest investor of this restaurant as well. Before it was just a small restaurant when he opened it, but because of my investment and guidance, it flourished magically. " he explained how he helped her and tried to explain that without his help this restaurant won't be popular like it was at this time.

" I was the one who helped him establish this restaurant even when his family was not helping him and doubting his ability," he said as I tried to explain that he was not the one being petty and eating for free. Instead, he has already paid large sums to eat this meal.

Lisa chuckled seeing him behaving like this.

" Ah, is it the same friend who helped you save me that day?" she asked him as she remembered that Jungkook has told him that his friend helped him to track her location that day.

She was so scared and into her thoughts that she didn't get a chance to meet his friend at all. She didn't thank him yet for helping them and saving them. If not for him then she can't even imagine what would have happened to her.

Jungkook looked at her and furrowed his brows. He still felt heavy when he had to talk about that day. He remembered how scared he was that day and was feeling like a loser when that bastard kidnapped Lisa.

He felt scared just thinking about that dangerous kidnapping incident.

He exhaled lightly and replied, " No it was Jackson who helped you that day. His family has networking business and this restaurant belongs to Jaehyun, who is also my friend just like Jackson"

" We all three have been together since childhood. Our families are also close and we all three went to the same school as well. After high school, our ways parted away as we all went to pursue different ways in the career."

" Jaehyun went to study abroad as he wanted to study hotel management as he was always interested in cooking and wanted to open his restaurant. He wanted something different from his family business and that's why I also invested in his restaurant because I found that his idea is interesting and the location of this restaurant was very profitable," he tells her about Jaehyun.

" OH. "

" We should treat them to a meal one day. I don't think that I ever met your friends. I want to meet them because they're your close friends and have shared your childhood with you." Lisa spoke as she looked into his eyes.

Jungkook was touched when he heard her words. Before she never met his friends but now she wanted to meet them.

He also wanted to introduce his wife to them but was afraid that she wouldn't like it, that's why he didn't say anything yet. But if she wanted to meet them then there is no need for him to deny her request.

He nodded and said, " By next week Jaehyun will be back from Australia. Then we can arrange a time and plan a get-together. This way I can also introduce to everyone"

Jaehyun went abroad after high school and he keeps shifting to other countries later to learn about new cuisines and recipes. He didn't even know about Jungkook's marriage because they didn't have much communication after he got married and he doesn't want to announce his marriage to everyone as it was a shock for himself as well.

He never thought that he would marry a girl whom she never met before and they didn't even hold a wedding and just get a marriage certificate from the civil office.

With this gathering, he can introduce her to the two most important people in his life. They were his best friends with whom he has spent his childhood.

Lisa nodded when she heard Jungkook's words and said, " It's a good idea. Then I will prepare the food for the gathering." she smiled as she looked at him.

Jungkook chuckled and said, " Sure." They both started eating when the waiter brought their order.


Jeong Dynasty.

After the feast ended and they were about to get up, Lalisa looked at Mingyu and questioned, " Brother Mingyu, do you have something to do tomorrow?" she asked him as she blinked her eyes while looking at him expectantly.

Jeongguk looked at her in surprise when she suddenly asked Mingyu if he is busy tomorrow.

He squinted his eyes at her and wondered, ' Why did she want to know if Mingyu is busy or not?'

Mingyu was surprised as well when Lalisa suddenly asked him this question. He looked at Jeongguk first and pursed his lips seeing the glare in his eyes.

He coughed lightly and looked at Lalisa as he said, " I don't have anything important to do tomorrow. I am just gonna rest and talk to His highness about my trip from which I returned" he replied.

Lalisa's expression became slightly disappointed as she murmured, " Oh. Right. You need to rest since you came from a long trip. "

Jeongguk looked at Lalisa and asked in a cold tone," Why? Do you have some work with him? " Jeongguk asked her while trying to hide the displeasure behind his words.

But Mingyu could understand his brother's mood. Even though Lalisa didn't notice his sour mood, the other two people in the room could sense his bitter mood.

While Mingyu was worried that he might get angry at Lalisa, Eunbi on the other hand was smiling thinking that Lalisa was digging her own grave by being so straightforward in front of his highness. magic

Lalisa, who didn't notice his mood, looked at him and said in a low tone, " Ah nothing. I just wanted to visit his shop tomorrow. But since he came from a trip today only, then we couldn't go tomorrow right?"

She frowned as she finished her words. She was so bored staying at the palace. She wanted to go out and want to see the new things in this place and especially what items women preferred to buy in this world.

She can do some survey this way as well. It will be beneficial for her to look at the shops in the area around and this way she can decide what items to sell and whatnot.

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