331.Is She Trying To Get Rid Of All My People In The Palace?

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Lalisa then turned to Jeongguk and said," Your highness at first, I was not planning to say this. But seeing Consort Eunbi feeling bad I think I should say this out clearly. "

Jeongguk looked at Lalisa seriously as he shifted all his attention to her. He wanted to know what it is so important that she has to talk at this moment.

Seeing her expressions the issue won't be that small.

" Today when I went to see Master Gong, I saw Umji following me around. Minnie has also seen her roaming around the lotus pavilion many times before as well. I ignored it at first but when I saw her a few times following me around, I thought I need to tell you about this matter. " Lalisa looked at her seriously as she spoke her mind.

Lalisa knows that she can't do everything on herself. She needs to include Jeongguk in everything or at least let him know about it, otherwise, she will be in trouble.

This place is unfamiliar to her and its rules are strange as well. That's why she needs to include Jeongguk in everything to deal with Sandara and Eunbi.

Lalisa looked at Jeongguk with solemn expressions and continued, " I am afraid that if I didn't say anything right now, something might happen to me later. If she is spying on me from the side then it can be very dangerous if I didn't inform you about it. If he didn't investigate the reason for her behaving this way and keeping a check on me then it can become a big issue in the future."

Jeongguk's eyes darkened hearing her words. It was indeed a big issue if not addressed properly.

' What if someone is trying to harm Lalisa?'

"Also, Consort Eunbi is her Master. " after saying this Lalisa turned to Eunbi.

Eunbi's face turned dark when she heard Lalisa's words. She never expected that Lalisa could find out about this.

What was she never expected was that she will tell Jeongguk everything and that too in front of Mingyu?

She has appointed Umji to keep an eye on Lalisa's movement. But she never expected her to figure it out and she didn't expect her to speak out like this.

She didn't hesitate to say her words in front of Jeongguk.

Lalisa ignored Eunbi's gaze which was trying to burn her alive and continued, " Also, I am worried about Consort Eunbi's safety. She is her maid and what if she was following her as well? What if she is sent by someone to keep a check on our activities? It could be really dangerous." Lalisa exaggerated the situation.

She knows that it's Eunbi's deed. But she needs to exaggerate a bit to make Jeongguk believe in her.

Eunbi was startled when Lalisa called her name. Her face becomes pale as her lips quivered.

Lalisa deliberately reminded Jeongguk that Umji was her maid.

Lalisa has already thrown Yuju out of the palace and now she was targeting Umji. ' Is she trying to get rid of all my people in the palace?'

Eunbi's expressions turned perplexed as she looked at Jeongguk's expressions from side-eye and could feel the air around him getting chilly. The aura around became darker and gloomy.

She could see his tightened jaw and his tightly clenched fists.

Eunbi gulped seeing his strong demeanor. Her hands trembled to see his cold and scary aura.

" Sister, what are you talking about? Why.. Why did Umji follow you? She is just one of my maids. Why would she follow you around? You must have been mistaken." Eunbi tried to laugh it off saying that it must be her mistake.

" Moreover, we have punished Yuju in the afternoon. I am sure no one can dare to disrespect you. She must be there to work only. We should not go into it too much." Eunbi tried to make Lalisa forget about this incident and move on.

If Umji was caught then it will become difficult for her as well. Umji was the one who used to give her information about Lalisa.

Umji knows many secrets of her. If Umji was caught it would become hard for Eunbi for her to protect herself.

Umji was the one who helped Eunbi setting Lalisa up with her bodyguard Ah Leng. If she was caught and opened her mouth then Eunbi's all plans will be ruined.

She wanted to remind everyone that Lalisa was mistaken and this topic will end here.

She was wiping her sweaty hands with her dress under the table. She was too nervous at this moment, especially when she could feel Jeongguk's gaze on her.

She was too afraid to face Jeongguk at this moment. She licked her dry lips to moisturize them as she felt her throat and lips dry from nervousness.

Lalisa looked at Eunbi with her blank expressions and said seriously, " Eunbi, I am not someone who experiences hallucinations. I am perfectly alright and do not see anything wrong. I clearly saw Umji at that time and also saw her running away after she noticed that I saw her." Lalisa firmly said without blinking her eyes.

" I know it must be hard for you to believe that your ' dear' maid can do this and keep you in the dark, but I think we should not take this issue lightly. There are many consorts in the harem and for their safety and well being, I cannot let this incident go as the Empress of Jeong Dynasty."

Jeongguk's expressions softened when he heard her words. Her concerned words and seeing her taking things in her hands was very pleasing. magic

Lalisa didn't notice Jeongguk's gaze and continued while looking at Eunbi, " You cannot see her wrong actions because she is dear to you. But as an Empress, I just cannot ignore her behavior. It's not something a petty mistake which can be ignored."

" Why does a maid need to go to the guest pavilion when she has nothing to do. You were not there so what was she doing there? Or were you following me there as well that she came there following you? " Lalisa squinted her eyes at Eunbi and asked in questioning gaze.

Eunbi opened her mouth in shock and waved her hands hurriedly," No. I didn't follow you anywhere. I don't even know who this Master Gong is, so how can I follow you? " she cried out in fear.

She was afraid that Lalisa might pull her into this mess as well.

She looked at Lalisa with her moist eyes as her lips quivered while speaking, " Sister, why are you doing this to me? Do you hate me that much to blame me for the things that I haven't done?" Eunbi felt helpless and felt that only crying can save her at this moment.

Lalisa looked at her and 'tsk' in her heart. ' She is truly thick-skinned.'

" Eunbi, I don't have any issues with you. I was just explaining to his highness about what I felt. I found Umji many times following me around and even eavesdropping on my conversations. That's why I thought it would be better to inform before something big happens. I don't want to die again in this palace. " she said outwardly.

When Lalisa completed her word, her expressions froze as she remembered what she had said.

In the flow, she let out her true thoughts. When she found out that Lalisa knows swimming and still died after drowning in the pool, it sounded ridiculous to her.

There is no way that she can die in that pool from drowning. She knows that Lalisa was not that weak either that she would do suicide when she did nothing wrong in the first place.

She believes that there must be something wrong with her death. There might be something that she doesn't know.

When she spotted Umji at Mater Gong's chamber, she asked Minnie to find out about her.

Because she has seen this girl many times around the lotus pavilion. But she never thought too much at that moment.

But when she got to know that Umji is Eunbi's servant, she understood everything. Eunbi is keeping an eye on her.

She must have sent Umji to look at her and spy on her.

That's how Eunbi must have figured out that she and Jeongguk slept together that day when they didn't even tell anyone.

That must be how Eunbi was able to get internal information about her activities.

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