337.I Also Want To Like It

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Lisa bit her lower lip because she was nervous and held Jungkook's arm tightly when the flight took off.

Jungkook looked at her from the side and saw her frowning her brows and her grip tightened as the plane took off. He didn't say anything and just patted the back of her hand.

After a while, Jungkook leaned to her and spoke in a low voice, " Ming open your eyes."

At first, she did not want to do it but when she heard Jungkook's words, " It's okay. Everything is fine now. Open your eyes." Jungkook urged her to open her eyes.

When she nervously opened her eyes she found Jungkook staring at her tenderly. His gaze was soft and it gave her assurance that everything was fine.

Before she could say anything, he gestured to her to look towards the window.

She looked at him confusingly but still did as he told her. She turned to look at the window behind Jungkook.

Her eyes widened when she saw the beauty outside the plane. She could see clouds floating around the plane and the sky from above was so blue, it felt like that this was the heaven that people talked about.

She never thought that one day she could fly in the air. Though she never thought to come to the future century as well.

She felt unexplainable happiness inside her seeing the world from above.


Jungkook who was sitting beside her gazed at her confusingly.

' Shouldn't she get used to it by now?'

Though he asked her to look out but to show that they are in the air and nothing will happen, he never expected such a shocked reaction from her.

She has been traveling in planes since her teenage years. Even though she is scared of it, people get used to it after traveling so much in planes. magic

She was behaving like she was traveling for the first time.

But he didn't say anything and was smiling seeing her looking at everything with her surprised eyes.


When they finally reached their destination and got off the plane, Lisa was tired from all the traveling but was still excited that they reached another country in just a few hours.

Though it was already night time by the time they reached however the change in the air made her feel relaxed and happy.

In her time, it takes weeks or sometimes months to reach another country. But now people can go anywhere in a few hours or days.

After exiting from the airport, they boarded the car that Jungkook has prepared for their traveling.

Lisa and Jungkook were sitting on the backseat while looking at the scenery. Jungkook was holding Lisa's hand like it was a habit.

Lisa was in awe seeing the beauty of this place. Bali is an island that is popular for its exotic natural beauty and beaches. She could see beautiful beaches and long coconut trees on the way to their resort.

Bali is most popular among the newlyweds for their honeymoon as this place is filled with romance and tranquillity.

Lisa was admiring the beauty of Bali by looking outside the window while Jungkook was admiring her beauty.

Even though it's already night time, she can see the beauty of the place under the dim moonlight.

Lisa was looking at the beach from the window which was glistening under the moonlight. But despite its beauty, she couldn't concentrate on it when she felt a stare on the back of her head, feeling uncomfortable when she turned around she saw him looking at her with his gaze fixed on her.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now