311.Her hand became sore

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After sucking her n.i.p.p.l.es he went down to her abdomen while brushing his soft lips across her skin which made her tickle from the sensation.

When he reached her abdomen, he could feel her extremely soft and white skin. He felt like this was heaven for him.

He was kissing her smooth skin while going down and in that process, he was leaving some marks on her body.

Whereas he was enjoying his heart content, he felt that something was amiss. He stopped in the middle and looked up.

He saw that Lisa's face had become scarlet red and she was biting her lips uncontrollably.

She was trying to stop the noises that she was making while enjoying this feeling.

He immediately reached up to her and put his lips against her and said against her lips, "Don't control yourself. I want to hear my name from your lips." he sensually said against her lips.

Lisa gasped because he started massaging her b.r.e.a.s.ts while kissing her.

"But... What if someone hears us? We.. should not do this today." she worriedly said between his kisses.

Jungkook stops and looks at her. He knows what she was thinking.

She was worried that they are not alone here. She came into the workshop with everyone, so it will not be good.

She was worried about what if someone heard them. Their relationship is a secret and it will not be good if someone found out about them.

He pursed his lips as he stared into her dark orbit eyes. He was desperate at this moment that he forgot that they were just about to do their first time at the hotel.

He could see that she was controlling herself and was worried as well.

Her words reminded her that they almost had their first time in this hotel and he didn't do anything special for her yet.

When they got married, they didn't hold a wedding. They just went to the civil office and got registered as a married couple.

He didn't even give her any ring yet. He glanced at her empty ring finger. Now when they are doing fine, he should at least give her a ring.

But they were almost there, does he have to stop at this moment?

It was getting hard on him but seeing the worry in her eyes, he couldn't ignore her either. He does not want her to be uncomfortable for the first time.

He sighed and looked at her and sighed. He lays beside her and scoops her in his arms, "If you're worried and don't want to do it now, then we don't do it."

Lisa was startled when he suddenly laid beside her and scooped her in his arms and pulled her towards him.

She was half-n.a.k.e.d with her upper body fully n.a.k.e.d. As he scooped her this way, her n.a.k.e.d upper body was touching his.

This made her face turn red. And he was looking into her eyes, which made her blush hard.

"It's not that. I ..I am trying to delay it or something. It's just... It does not feel comfortable this way. There are many people around here and what if someone heard us? I did not come here alone, that's why I am worried." she said cautiously.

She was worried that he would take her words the wrong way. But she was uncomfortable thinking that someone would come down and will hear their voices.

Especially Yeri. Her room is next door and she doesn't know when she will come back.

Even though she is staying the night at her friend's place, it still feels rather uncomfortable this way. She does not want to spend their precious first night surrounded by her colleagues.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now