284.You guys sure know to target someone weak.

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The atmosphere became strange due to Yeri's accusing words.

Everyone was looking at Yeri with disapproving expressions. The atmosphere was great before Yeri came but now it has become uncomfortable.

They were all enjoying the dinner with great spirits yet she had to poke her nose and ruin the mood.

Jaebeom's expression turned ugly when Yeri spoke to him in such a crude manner.

He slammed the table with his hand and wanted to shout at her when Tzuyu interrupted him.

"Ms Kim, we're here to know each other, so that everyone can be comfortable with each other before shooting starts."

"But you're showing such behavior even before shooting could start, then I don't know what will happen later." she looked at Yeri with displeased expressions and shrugged her shoulders.

Jaebeom didn't get to say anything but he knew that Tzuyu was doing this to protect him.

If he said anything appropriate at this moment, then this argument can abrupt into a big scandal.

It is much better for Tzuyu to speak rather than him.

Whereas Yeri glared at Tzuyu with frustrated expression and asked in a cold tone, "What do you mean? You're saying that it's my fault? Tzuyu, don't you think you're being too much?"

Tzuyu raised her brows when she heard Yeri's words.

Her face stiffened and she said in a serious tone, "Ms. Kim, let me warn you for the first and last time. I don't like people who talk to me this way. "

"And you're saying I am being too much? Like really? Ms. Kim do you know that if I tell Director Han about you being violent towards your assistant, then what do you think he will do? "

"You know what kind of people he detests the most? If you don't then let me tell you," she said while holding her hands and placing them on the table.

"He hates those people the most, who does not have an ounce of talent and just goes around being arrogant because of their so-called connections. "

"Moreover, violence is something that he loathed the most. If this news went to his ears, what do you think will happen?" she said with her face straight void of any expressions.

Suddenly, Yeri's face went pale hearing her words. She never thought that she would use this against her like this.

'This bi*ch. She is just a mere assistant and behaving like she is some bigshot.'

"What.. What are you saying? I never used violence on her. She quit her job because she was lazy and incompetent. She just wanted money without doing anything. She quit on her own, it was not my fault." she got perplexed hearing her words and retaliated against them.

Lisa furrowed her brows when she heard her words.

But she did not say anything because she wanted to see how Tzuyu will handle this situation.

Tzuyu scoffed hearing her words. She looked at Yeri like she was looking at a fool.

"Oh really? Ms Kim, do you think I am a fool? If you didn't hit her in front of me, then do you think I don't know anything?"

"Do you think I don't know the way you slapped her and spilled coffee on her hands. You even threw her luggage out of the room, forcing her to sleep outside. This kind of behavior is crude and barbarous. "

"It's not acceptable. And not only that, after happening so much, you're coming here to create trouble and picking up fights with everyone. Then you're blaming me for being too much?"

"Yeri. Don't think that if I am an assistant, I will accept your crude behavior. Mr. Han has made me responsible for this workshop, and you have to follow my instructions. If you don't like it and don't stay in your limits, then don't blame me for ruthlessness. "

"I am not Lia who will take your humiliation. I am not working under you, so keep your tone low. "

Everyone was surprised seeing Tzuyu's fierce attitude even Lisa.

This time, Tzuyu was not talking in circles and directly warned her to stay in her limits.

Everyone stared at Tzuyu in awe. She was amazing.

Whereas Yeri's face has turned red with embarrassment. Everyone was looking at her with disgust.

She never thought that Tzuyu would know about what she did to Lia.

She attempted to hit her in front of Tzuyu but technically she didn't. But she doesn't know how Tzuyu knows what she did before?

Lia couldn't tell her anything because she was not such a cunning person. Then how did she know?

At this thought, Yeri turned to look at Lisa and glared at her with her sharp eyes.

She remembered that Lisa's room was right beside her. There is only Lisa on the same floor other than herself.

Then there is only one person who has told Tzuyu about it.

Yeri's hatred towards Lisa doubled when she thought that it was her who has told Tzuyu about everything.

While Lisa was wondering herself how she got to know about everything.

"You.. It was nothing like that. I didn't do anything. Whoever has told you this, is lying. They are trying to frame me. People are scared of me because I am the female lead and they cannot reach where I am."

Lisa raised her brows as she realized that Yeri was hinting towards her.

'Did I tell Tzuyu about this? When? Why I don't know about this?' she rolled her eyes at Yeri.

When Tzuyu heard Yeri's words, she scoffed at her foolishness and said," Nobody told me anything. It was Lia herself who told me everything. And do you think that I am blind that I could not see the handprint on her cheeks and burned hands?"

"Hmm? "

"Yeri I am warning you. Don't go overboard otherwise, I will not hesitate to tell Mr. Han everything and he will not wait to throw you out of this film. Do you get it? " Tzuyu did not sugar-coat her words and spoke directly this time.

Hearing this, Yeri's eyes widened in shock. Her face became pale as she looked at Tzuyu in shock.

She clenched her fists tightly digging her nails into her skin.

She took a deep breath and said, "Okay, stop it. You guys sure know to target someone weak. I am going upstairs. You guys 'enjoy' your dinner and barbecue. But Tzuyu, let me tell you, the people you're supporting at the moment are not worth it."

"You're making a big mistake by believing them," she warned her for the last time as she stood up and went to her room.

Tzuyu looked at Yeri running away like a scared chicken as she scoffed lightly, " Someone weak? She is really weak...her brain is weak." she mumbled lightly.

Yeri hurriedly walked over to go to her room as she was so embarrassed to stay there for another minute. If she stayed there for long, she would definitely could not control herself and would do something stupid.

The shooting of Eternal Love has not started yet and if she keeps getting involved in trouble with Tzuyu then it will be hard for her to maintain this position.

Even though she came with connections but she has to consider Mr. Han's temper as well.

She realized that this Lisa is too cunning. She always does things behind other people's back and has such a sweet tongue.

She has wrapped everyone around her fingers. They all think that she is such an angel but she will reveal her true face to everyone. 

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now