321.Come And Sleep Here

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Lalisa was confused about why Jeongguk did not want to go to his room and was adamant to stay with her?

He casually laid beside her with his legs stretched out and loosened his robe to relax. When his robe loosened, she could see his chest slightly which was peeking behind his layered clothes.

When she spotted his chest peeking out through his clothes, she couldn't help but gulp in anticipation.

He laid by her side and also forced her to lay as well. He patted her head like a baby to coax her to sleep which made her feel uncomfortable.

She felt a tingling sensation in her stomach when he patted her head. His cold hand was patting her head like she was a baby.

Just as she was about to open her mouth to say something, she heard a knock on the door.

Minho's voice came from outside saying, " Your highness, I have brought the documents that you have asked for."

Jeongguk asked him to bring the documents a while ago when they were following Lalisa to her chamber.

This time Minho didn't come inside, instead, Jeongguk went outside to take documents from him.

Lalisa was surprised to see Jeongguk getting up from the bed and going out to take the documents from him. He could have called Minho in, there is no need for him to go out.

Lalisa: " - _-".

' We're not doing anything then why does he have to be so secretive? He could have called him instead. ' her face turned red thinking about the way he went outside the documents rather than calling him in.

It felt like they were doing something. She couldn't help but cool down her boiling face with her cold hands.

Jeongguk went out to take documents because Lalisa was laying on the bed and was rather comfortable with her appearance. Her hair was slightly disheveled and her appearance was not upright.

She looks more beautiful in her laid back appearance and he does not want to let anyone see her in this way other than him.

When Jeongguk returned, he came with documents in his one hand and a tray in the other on which fruits and tea were placed.

Lalisa who was sleeplessly laying on the bed immediately sat up and asked him in surprise, " These..."

She spotted him coming with a tray full of fruits and tea which looked delicious. She was itching to eat something sweet.

She didn't complete her words when Jeongguk placed the tray in front of her and said, " I thought that you must be hungry so I asked Minho earlier to get some fruits and tea for you."

Lalisa was touched by his words. She was indeed feeling hungry.

Though she had lunch in the afternoon, however, after all the drama, she has no energy and she needs something to eat to charge her energy.

She picked up the aromatic tea and smelled it. The tea here is much more aromatic and healthy.

It does not have any artificial chemicals and only handpicked organic tea. That's why it is more healthy and delicious.

In her time, she used to drink expensive organic tea but even that failed in front of this one. It smells so nice that she can't get over it. In her last life, she isn't fond of drinking tea and only drinks expensive imported tea but after coming here she drinks tea with some fruits.

'But she still wants coffee. ' she frowned thinking that it's been days that she hasn't drunk coffee.

Though she liked tea here still she was missing her coffee as well.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now