298.I will kick you out of the city

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Everyone was shocked to see the ruthless side of Lalisa and her indifferent expressions were making her look more dangerous and unapproachable.

She was looking like a different person and her attitude and aura were strange and unforgiving.

When Eunbi heard Lalisa's words, she was stunned to see the ruthless side of Lalisa.

In the past, Lalisa was not this ruthless with her punishments and was forgiving. Her heart melts easily and she was easy to fool.

That's why she got into many traps laid by Eunbi and never doubted her even once in the past.

Eunbi always pretended to be sweet and innocent in front of Zhao Minn but was planning behind her to remove her from her way.

However, it was hard to believe that Lalisa could throw someone out of the palace in a punishment, that too it's someone who came with Eunbi into marriage.

She actually kicked someone put from the palace just because she did not greet her and gossiped about her.

It was not the first time when servants were rude to her and gossiped about her in front of her.

But at that time, she pays no heed to them and pretends like nothing happened. She never bothered about it before.

Everyone took her for granted but today she took action and kicked someone out of the palace.

Eunbi glared at Lalisa because she kicked out her maid which comes with her in the marriage.

Though she doesn't care about her but she was her maid. Her pride was attached to it.

It was like a question of her pride. Lalisa kicked her maid out which shows that now Lalisa has an upper hand over Eunbi.

She can punish anyone she wants even if it is Eunbi's person.

Earlier people were not scared of Lalisa and always buttered Eunbi to gain her favor. Because they knew that if they gain her favor, then they will be safe and well in the palace.

But now Lalisa punished someone and that too in front of Eunbi. This hurt the pride of Eunbi and also her value in the palace will decrease from now onwards.

She clenched her fists and glared at Lalisa.

She can't do anything unless Sandara comes back. She can do nothing without her assistance.

Yuju was shocked when she heard Lalisa's words. She could not believe that Lalisa could actually kicked her out of the palace.

Her body shivered when her eyes met with Lalisa's sharp and dangerous eyes.

Her eyes turned red as she looked at Lalisa. Her lips were quivering as she heard her order.

Seeing her indifferent gaze, she turned to look at Jeongguk who did not have any intention to say anything.

Jeongguk did not say anything and just looked at Lalisa with his gentle gaze. He did not look at anyone else other than Lalisa.

He didn't even bother with Yuju. He was just looking at Lalisa from side-eyes.

Even Lalisa was feeling uncomfortable under his scorching gaze which was fixated on her.

Yuju gritted her teeth as she felt that she was not only demoted from her position but was actually got kicked out of the palace.

She turned to look at Eunbi in the hope of any assistance. She has thought Eunbi as her elder sister and thought that Eunbi will never abandon her.

She felt that even in this critical situation, Eunbi will help her and support her.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now