335.Let's Go On A Trip.

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Lisa looked at Jungkook and blushed when he sat on the bed. The memories of last night started to come to her mind and she felt her whole body burning up. She pursed her lips and stood at a certain distance from him.

She remembered how passionate they were last night and how she slept in his arms naked for the whole night. The images from last night gave her goosebumps making her face flush from embarrassment.

She doesn't know what got to her and she didn't struggle much and let it happen according to the flow.

When she woke up in the morning, she didn't get to see him but now when they met, he kissed her again. Thankfully he was not passionate like the last time bus she could see the playful gaze in his eyes.

She was standing at her place and was fidgeting to figure out what she should do.

Jungkook saw her face getting red from embarrassment and smiled slyly as he said, " Feeling embarrassed? Hm?"

Lisa glared at him and wanted to shut his mouth with tape. He was deliberately teasing her seeing her embarrassed.

" Haha", his laughter ranged in her ears when she saw him laughing at her being all shy.

Seeing her glare, Jungkook shut up and gestured her to come near. Lisa was unsure of his intentions so she stood rooted at his place and said,

" Just say. I am not coming over."

Jungkook raised his brows when he saw her behaving so stubbornly.

" Really? So can you handle the consequences if I come over?" Jungkook asked her in a dangerous tone.

Lisa squinted her eyes at him and tried to figure out the meaning behind his words. Jungkook saw that she wasn't coming and was ready to come up, at that moment, Lisa hurriedly walked over and stood in front of him.

She was scared that the consequences will be severe if he came to her, so that's why she came herself to him.

" What is it?" she asked him as her hands were clasped in her front obediently.

When she walked to him his lips curled upwards as he suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled into his embrace and made her sit on his lap.

He shifted her position and raised her legs so that she could sit on his lap properly. He wrapped his arms tightly around her which made them closer to each other.

When he suddenly grabbed his wrist and pulled her, this action left Lisa flustered as she let out a low squeal.

She felt her earlobes turned red from embarrassment because of their intimacy and she could feel his breath on her face as well. She was wearing a skirt, so her skirt raised slightly when she sat on his lap.

She tried to cover it but Jungkook placed his hand on her fair smooth legs. Lisa looked at him and glared at him shyly.

Jungkook leaned in and whispered lightly into her ears, " My dear wife, we can finally spend some time together. Now no one can disturb us. We're all alone." he said in a low voice which sent shivers to her body.

She trembled slightly and felt her legs getting weak as he was running his fingers over her milky fair legs and making her tremble from this tingling sensation.

Feeling weak in her arms, she also wrapped her arms around his neck to maintain her balance. He was placing light kisses on her neck and her ears and her cheeks.

She could feel the heat emanating from his body. She could feel the changes in his lower body but before they could move forward, he stopped in the middle and rested his head on her shoulder with a light grunt.

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